I have $50 on steam from a giftcard. I'm considering:

I have $50 on steam from a giftcard. I'm considering:

>Marvel vs Capcom 3 Ultimate
>Mortal Kombat X

what get?

go outside and find something. maybe go to a nice restaurant with someone. better than buying FGC shit.

Anything but Mortal Kombat.

Which narrows it down to anything but SFV.

So, UMvC3.

>no gf

Should I wait for Dawn of War 3? Never played any of em

wait for MvC:I and/or tekken 7 my man

SF V is probably the only one you'll find games in, but the second season has been pretty shitty.

blazblue in a few days
tekken 7 when it comes

All those games are ded outside of SFV, so I say go with that.

Guilty gear
Never mortal kombat

Wait for the sales to come

Then make the thread

Wait until Tekken 7 comes out or Guilty Gear Revelator 2 comes out. MKX is dead and UMVC3 will be dead by the end of the year

At least wait for the sale, Steam is not the most economical way to buy games anymore. Sale price is normal used price.

Well do you like Capcom or NetherRealm?

If you like NetherRealm get MKX

If you like Capcom : Do you like flashy, crazy, team based combo driven games?

Get UMvC3

Do you like slow paced games that revolve around reads, mind games, spacing, and footsies?


Or you could save your money for something else

wait for tekken 7. it is gonna be on steam with god tier nude mods. if you want to play good games go on fightcade. if you want to play casual online, stop being bad

Tekken 7

I'd say Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator but Rev.2 soon so its a shit investment.

Blazblue Central Fiction is coming out on the 26th, includes character DLCs and balance patches, will probably include the upcoming bugfixes patch planned for consoles as well. Go with that.

If you're a casual, buy MKX
If you want to play against an active online scene RIGHT AWAY, buy SFV
Buy Guilty Gear if you're ok with having nobody to play against

Otherwise, Pre-Order Tekken 7.

Don't buy DOA5 or Blazblue. If you have to ask yourself "Should I buy Marvel?" the answer is no.

get disc jam

All 3 are shit. save your money for Tekken 7.

Literally what makes Tekken so good? Is it more hardcore?

superior limb based combat

More movement options. More defensive options. Much less emphasis on jumping around constantly. Main complaint against the series is the juggles, but SF and MK are just as bad.

>It's the only 3D fighter that has hold back to block.
>The moves look better and have more impact to them than any other fighting game
>Best character designs in Fighting Games

Of course, it's not perfect
>Movesets aren't creative enough
>Still need to do advanced tech just to back up correctly
>Grab system is shallow compared to DOA and Virtua Fighter
>Side step is fucking useless compared to all other 3D fighters

BBCF is coming to Steam in a couple of days

Get BBCP and then get CF discounted. I hear its gonna be 40 bucks.

It's 40 dollars with a 10% discount at launch, and another 10% off if you own another game in the series. There's no point in getting CPE when CF is coming on the 26th.

Buying Blazblue on PC is a waste of money.

avoid dow3 like the plague

CPE had a consistently bigger playerbase on PC than even Xrd, hovering at around 200 players all the time before CF came out on console.

Because the other options are better right?

Why is Rachel wearing a hard-hat?

>fighting games on pc


Neither bro. Rev 2 and Central Fiction are coming soon at the same price of sfv, and Tekken and (probably) KoF after that. SFV is 40 bucks for 16 characters and like 20 for the season 1 and then season 2 characters on top of being not that great. If you really want sfv at least for a sale or sfv: the version with all the shit unlocked.

Also mvci is supposed to release by the end of this year.

Fast erections in the area.
Always wear protection in a construction zone.

Don't be a faggot

Considering the shitty attitude that Netherrealm had with MKX towards PC and the bad decisions that Capcom took with SFV (And the whole rootkit or w/e was called ordeal), I'd go for UMvC3 desu.

Season 2 pass costs 30 bucks lol.

Yeah you can grind a few of them with in game currency but 6 bucks for a character is way too much. That's more than doa and killer instinct and they have f2p versions.

well for one the casual experience of sf5 is a fucking joke. 2. tekken casual content have always been goat tier.

some issues with sfv core gameplay; input lag make whiff punishing and antiairs difficult. this along with chara design make rushdown very strong and easy, tho pressure is p gud. v-trigger is getting rewarded for getting your ass beat, just not as bad as crouch tech into ultra.

mk is trash, casual content is a fully fledge story mode and unlockables.

mvc3 is old. so its an small, experienced community.

Balrog's v-trigger damage and stun is dumber than headbutt into ultra 1 desu senpai

UMVC3 without a doubt

one of my personal favorite fighters
