Name 1 video game character stronger then cutscene Dante

Name 1 video game character stronger then cutscene Dante

Cutscene Bayonetta

Cutscene Asura

Cutscene Vergil


Ryu from Ninja Gaiden
Gene from God Hand

Gameplay Dante.

Uchiha Madara

Cutscene Maxwell.
>time stops when he opens his notebook
>all he has to do is write "nonexistant" on any enemy

Literally unbeatable.

Maxwell from Scribblenauts

dante can timestop too, so its safe to assume they could both operate in stopped time.

The hand from B&W

Gatsu, end of thread.




what does it mean. any droogs from the soviet here to help

New Scribblenauts when? Holy shit.

Use Google translate you lazy shit

Smokin' Sick Style in russian, nothing special but sounds stupid.

asura exists out of cutscenes?
