Why do you hate it so much

Why do you hate it so much

No games

I heard it bends in it's own apparatus and shit so I'm sure as shit not buying one until I know that's fixed

Oh, a bait :3

No games and no stock. What's there to like?

Shit hardware.
Shit developer

Its a technological nightmare.

Because I have a PS4 and I'm not spending $400 to play Zelda when Mario doesn't even come out till Christmas.

I'm just gonna wait till I can fire them up on my PS4 in 6 years.

because the wifi never works and the left joystick have random failures

that was a rumor that was debunked almost immediately. The plastic doesn't get anywhere near hot enough to warp. The guy who reported it had a system that was bent (it wasn't even much, like a few mm) during manufacturing.

>fire them up on my PS4 in 6 years.
You don't think Sony will be around long enough to have made a PS5 by then?

There is one title and it will be playable in the PC this year for free.

not paying 500 bucks to play one zelda game

I like it. Needs more games but that will come eventually like it does for most consoles. I think people are just tired of paying for Nintendo consoles which have been shitty hardware wise just to play Nintendo games. I can forgive the hardware for the switch because it is a legit handheld, would like to see the price go down though.

It stole my family from me

and to have to get them back

Enough said.

>I heard it bends in it's own apparatus
You heard wrong. One (1) guy got a bent one (damaged in shipping) and the sonyfags on neogaf and Sup Forums went nuts. Similar issue with the screens getting scratched - the docks were bent in shipping. Nintendo has beefed up their packaging to mitigate this.

it's an nvidia shield 2

Except this has happened to more than a few people, or "One (1)", as you put it. Let's see a source for your claim.

Everything Nintendo makes is shit

Because I didn't preorder it and now I can't find one.

Except it didn't. While the front of the switch is flat, the back is slightly arched. There was only one guy with a bent switch, the others were either poor photoshops of it (mostly changing the color of the tablet cover behind it) or people just then noticing the arch and jumping to conclusions.

Delet this.

Wierd. I tried to play Zelda on my nvidia shield and couldn't. Stop spreading shit.

Who is that?

Zelda is several hundred hours of your time. The Switch has a good game.

>>several hundred hours of your time

>takes up literally days of my valuable life doing pointless busy quests
>that's why it's good

As a cockroach, it doesn't attract me.

It's an exploration game not a JRPG

because i hate nintendo.

no games

>in it is own apparatus

Slap in the face Tbh. Another gimmick

>cant crawl inside and lay your eggs in it when the console is warm and toasty after a long game of persona

What's the point of even having one?

Shittier than my 8 yo laptop

>I want a good video game
Okay. Here's a video game
>Why would I waste my time playing a game?

Get that mariokart bundle on gamestop before it sells out.

Unless your laptop is some crazy Alienware thing that cost $3,000 back in 2009, I'm not sure how that's even possible

Because they opted for a gimmick instead of better graphics/framerate

I dont care about handhelds and going mobile. If I want to play games on the go I pull out my phone like a normal human being.

We could've had 60fps 1080p Breath of the Wild. Instead we got 20fps 720p. Thanks Nintendo. You really know whats best for us.

At least sell a dock with an external GPU inside so when we connect it to our 1080p or 4K televisions the games can look nice.

>I don't like Nintendo making underpowered hardware focusing on games despite their last 4 (FOUR) systems being underpowered hardware

We don't want to buy a console for one game, numbnuts. Especially when it's available on another console that we may or may not already have.

I'm confident the Switch will be a good system, but buying it for full release price without many games is always a dumb idea. Give it until the christmas season, with a price drop.

The ps4 pro can barely do 1080p 60fps and you want the switch to? Lol

Another WiiU and more gimmicks. People just want a normal nintendo home console for once.

'cuz it's new and popular

Yeah with an external GPU I'd like to play Zelda, and Metroid, and Star Fox, and Mario @1080p running at 60fps. Cause I don't need yet another mobile platform to carry around.

because fuck nintendo, there is a fag on ebay right now with 10 nes classics charging $300 for each one when people never even had a chance to get them and robots bought them over the internet from wallmart and nintendo couldn;;t care so i dont care about any of hier shoddy horse shit consoles that dont even have a virtual console at all. The wii u was their last good console, BotW was the swan song.

>wii u
>switch (assumingly)

what's the fourth?

I don't hate it. I intend to get it a bit later down the line.

Because I can't accept that Nintendo has made a good system the aims to fix all their core flaws and gives me the functionality and libraries I would get from buying 2 different system, so I shitpost about it being a tablet which it isn't, and then call shitty on it for having the audacity to play only games and have a very simple and easy to use interface, also I'd rather play games at a higher framerate/resolution but I'm a sonygoy so I will settle for high fps through frame interpolation and upscaled 4k, I will also scoff at Switch's year one library while touting the superiority of the PS4's year 4 library, even though the first 3 years of my systems life combined don't match the first year of the Switch's life. I will then savour the eventual emulation of the Switch because I legitimately want to play it's library of games but my own consumer loyalties stop me from buying Nintendo.

I don't hate it I'm just waiting for the updated version.


That's probably a smart move, the Switch will probably have a very good library by March 2020.

You want some cream for that anal bleeding?

its not made by sony

I don't and can't hate a piece of plastic and I don't care for their kiddy software but their fans are simply intolerable.

I don't hate the switch or Nintendo... but the fanboys are easily the worst on Sup Forums and that's saying something when the competition is soulfags and sonyfags

The bitch from the Brady Bunch who OD'd and chocked on her own vomit. Everyone's miffed that the new Link looks so much like her...

No Games

You have to be 18 to post here

This. I would have a switch right now if I didn't drop $650 on a PS4 and games 6 months ago. Of my half dozen games so far all 6 are multiplats. I'm really feeling buyers remorse right now.

real subtle there OP

Because everyone wants one and I fucking HATE that

Sure thing buddy

And pic

So quantity over quality then? 300$ is not a lot for consoles. Plus splatoon and Mario and arms odyssey are all coming out this year, that's a lot of good games for the first 6 months

1. It's way too expensive for what is is
2. Currently is just a Zelda BOTW player, there is nothing else
3. I hate gimmicks, either make a portable console or a tv-only box.

Were you that idiot that's in the screencap boasting about how Sony won't and can't make a PS4?

>Zelda, the Switch exclusive
>also on Wii U(for free)
>also on PC(for free)

>Mario Kart
>also on Wii U(for free)
>also on PC(for free)

Last 3 posts are poor fags

Shitty graphics, shitty performance, Nintendo

3ds I assume

It's an Nvidia Shield except worse and $100 more expensive, in part thanks to the needless tech in the joycons of Nintendo wanting the waggle wii audience, but mostly just because Nintendo are shitty jews.

It ain't worth the money for the tech.

Cause its sold out everywhere and I CAN'T FUCKING BUY ONE.

fuck up thing is the consoels not even $300. Next to impossible to find it not bundled with a bunch of useless shit and zelda

Repackaged WiiU, underpowered and incapable of any modern game, can't charge and play at same time because of how much power it eats, poor battery life, no games, and Nintendo shits on everything I used to like from them. I have no reason to buy anything the produce anymore.

>Repackaged WiiU
There isn't a more accurate term to describe the Shitch, because it's looking to have the same amount of success in the market.

And it's already been proven as one of the most hated and broken pieces of hardware to ever come out.

If this doesn't smack of VB 2.0 then I don't know what does.

>when you make one post shilling your 'tendo and nobody agrees with you or buys into your shit so you run away crying

It has no games.

I played botw and returned the system and game before my 30 day return expired.

I MIGHT rebuy the system at the end of the year with a black friday deal but I dunno.

And it'll have no games even at the end of the year
>Splatoon port
>Wii Boxing port
>Mario 06
>a bunch of weebshit

>rumors of a "Switch Mini"
>"thanks for R&Ding out console morons!"
>Coming soon this christmas, another Virtual Machine player you wont be able to to get! The SNES Mini!

When Iwata died, nintendo did too.

>Repackaged WiiU

I WISH! No netflix app, no internet, no FUCKING VC, NO FUCKING STYLUS FUNCTIONALITY! Did you like Mario Maker? EAT SHIT IT'S GONE FOREVER NOW!

Switch owner here. Its a piece of shit. My left joycon quits on me all the time, the pro controller is nice but i shouldnt have HAD to buy it. It has no games. NO MOTHERFUCKING GAMES coming besides shit i've played. The marketing is completely driven to kids. Its last gen hardware. Its just a fucking dud system. vidya is dead to me. The magic is gone, its all a money grab now. The sjw's and normies can have it.

What? You can use a stylus,there is touch screen

I don't. I love mine

>gaming tablet that can't go on the internet

What were they fucking thinking?

Is the Shitch the greatest blunder in gaming? I mean holy fuck it's literally worse than WiiU

Shitendo died after the PSX rekted it.

Send it back to Nintendo for a free repair

It took me like 2 days

But then again I'm quite sure you don't have it if not you would have done so already

Wii U for 60$ or switch for 360$ plus 70$ for a controller that works (the left joycon doesnt work for shit.)
Not a hard choice.

can't get one.

>tfw you're right
>tfw the switch is actually successful despite being objectively one of the worst consoles to exist and having one of the most disastrous launches in gaming history
We're fucked.

It does work, if it doesn't you can DIY repair with static foam.

>implying the most disastrous launch isn't the PS3

Oh man what about the Xbox360 with 30% of units not working?

>one of the most disastrous launches in gaming history
You must have a short memory

i need to see that then, if so, i will deduct 1 point from the current negative score of -80

ALSO they gimped the Wii U version for the switch, originally the Pad would have the display show the map at all times and shit.

Wait do you even have it? It has a touch screen, just fire it up. World of goo uses it

Because it still does nothing but push Nintendo's shitty weak hardware.

I already have a Wiiu with BOTW and MK8, I will never pay for online so that automatically excludes me, because there's literally no way Nintendo can justify a walled garden with the little traffic and server stress I guarantee you they do not get. The platform itself because it's so weak automatically limits the library it can receive, and contrary to what the drooling modern fanbase thinks because they've been stuck in 1st party land so long, there are good multiplats out there that arent cinematic shit or codwigger shit. And Nintendo themselves can only crank out so many titles.

And don't even go and think it's the same situation as the Wii either, the power gap is different here. Where you had Wii and 360/ps3 sharing some titles, you have the Switch which makes virtually no improvements over the WiiU which was already a gen and a half behind, vying for attention in a situation where the Xbone and PS4 are STRUGGLING to run the current multiplats as they are. This is the very reason why PS4 pro exists and why Scorpio is coming.

Knowing this now, do you still suffer the delusion that switch will get multiplats when it wouldn't even be able to load even dumbed down versions of the games? Like jesus christ man, it's like Nintendo literally does NO market research and makes NO ATTEMPT to understand even minimal hardware requirements. This is the very reason why I'm starting to think the Sonychildren and mustard ricers who want Nintendo to go 3rd party are right, as they clearly have no understand that they cant cheese the industry with cheap hardware anymore.

Like initial sales hype be damned, every platform has its launch and near launch purchasers. If it succeeds so be it, I'll have to eat my words, but I still wont be touching it for so many reasons.

I do think it will get tons of jap support from both 3DS and Vita devs

Am I wrong? Nah.

You can keep your western AAA trash though

>makes assumption that I want triple A western shit despite saying different in the actual shit I wrote.
>immediately skips to slinging out a baseless damage control

And this is how I know you're a marketer, you saw keywords and went right to a damage control without second thought. You did nothing to prove me wrong.

have $0.25 cents in your account tho punjab.

This. Bite the hand of the consumer, even fanboys (like me) can only take so much. Done w them. Thanks for Zelda, Bayo 2, and Xenoblade but fuck you for everything else.

So what do you want? Jap handheld devs will come, and they are the only games that matter

How is it worse than the shield when the hardware is the same?

Also are you forgetting the shield does not have a screen?

>legitimately want to play its library of games
U wot?