>It may not be tomorow, darlin', it may not even happen with an army at my back. But rest assured; I'm the man who's gonna kill you one day. I'll be seeing you.
What did he mean by this?
>It may not be tomorow, darlin', it may not even happen with an army at my back. But rest assured; I'm the man who's gonna kill you one day. I'll be seeing you.
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
stop, it still hurts.
He meant that Blizzard writers are stupid left wingers who probably think that killing a strong independent womyn would be vicious rape and also needed a romance plot instead of a campy faction political space opera that everyone really wanted, and also needed a BIG BAD EVIL DEMON to be the motivator instead so everyone can beat the big bad and live TOGETHER HAPPY EVER AFTER
Fuck Blizzard.
What is he thinking in his grave?
>called it
Shut up, It was cute
>I should have gone full mechanical to not get broodlinged.
>Not giving him an honorable warrior's death
I think about this line at least once a day and then cry to myself slightly how Metzen retconned everything and took anything slightly badass out of the entire series.
>reads your well written poginant post
>absorbs it yet again
>Real SC2 never ever
He was glad he died in SC1 because had he glimpsed into the future of SC2 he would have an hero'd anyways.
Metzen (and blizz as a whole to a lesser degree) have a corruption fetish.
And a hard on for prophecy.
Why are all modern big developers such fucking cucks? The politically correct LGBTQ+ cuckdom fetish sickens me to all hell. They're literally scared to death to offend anyone for any reason. Someone needs to release a modern POSTAL type meme game it would make billions of dollars as people bought it to just say "fuck the system".
Hey now Tassadar killed himself so he wouldn't have to deal with what Blizzard wanted to do in the future, and look how that turned out
SC2 had possibly the worst storyline of any big-budget game in history.
it was unbelievable how fucking stupid that plot was.
>The politically correct LGBTQ+ cuckdom fetish
I think you've spent too much time on Sup Forums user
Why did she turn into this and not a giant squid person?
If you don't know, me neither
It's like they abandoned the entire concept that Starcraft is a science fiction game. Instead of the zerg overruning the entire korpulu sector being the biggest threat they turned it into a fucking Cthulu WoWesque "baddest evil" behind everything.
>She didn't turn into a massive thing that latched onto a planet and drove its tendrils into its crust
forget that, how the fuck did she even transform without merging with artanis? the entire plot was that she had to be of perfect form and mind or w/e the fuck, meaning a zerg + protoss were required. but she transformed anyway. and she's not even an actual fucking zerg, she's just a mutated terran.
It means he wants to go balls deep
Tag team her with a team of marines
As usual, humanity is the truly successful species and rightful chosen ones
In game, when Jim looks at this, is it supposed to be a photo or a drawing?
>Dfw watching all SC2 cutscenes
Why the fuck dont the protoss just incinerate entire planets anymore
lad who didnt play the games detected.
That's incensitive
To be fair they don't have much reason to incinerate terran world much but Zergs should be 100% fair game
Lets look at Tychus Findlay.
>Is imprisoned in cryo stasis
>One day is unfrozen, sealed inside a marine armor with Mengsk offering him total freedom after he kills Kerrigan
>As far as anyone knew Raynor hated Kerrigan and wants to kill her (never mentioned in SC2 btw)
>Findlay and Raynor go way back to Mar Sara
>Why would Mengsk hire Tychus?
>What guarantees did Mengsk have Tychus would do what he wanted?
>Once safely aboard Raynors ship, why didn't Tychus, unfamiliar with what was going on in the entire Koprulu sector, just join up with his old outlaw buddy and say fuck Mengsk? Mengsk had no leverage over him.
>Nobody bothers to ask Tychus how or why he was released (his sentence wasn't over)
>Nobody bothers to ask or investigate how he got a hold of the latest model marine armor
>Nobody gets suspicious when he literally never takes his armor off and never asks him about it
>If his mission was to kill Kerrigan why the fuck does he aim right at her head while Jimmy is 2ft from him? He could wait till a more opportune time.
>Mengsk is heard saying "You have your orders" and he complies. What reason does he have to be loyal to Mengsk?
Didn't he have a fucking bomb in his suit and couldnt take it off until he killed Kerrigan
it looks like it's unused overwatch concept art. why didn't they just use a kerrigan model for the photo
>>Nobody bothers to ask Tychus how or why he was released (his sentence wasn't over)
>>Nobody bothers to ask or investigate how he got a hold of the latest model marine armor
>>Nobody gets suspicious when he literally never takes his armor off and never asks him about it
Raynor asks him that after they the 3rd mission. He says it's his prison and the mobius boys are keeping him in there and if he goes rogue it'll shut down his organs.
They don't bother him about it but there were suspicions from various people, especially since he never took the armor off. Also if he were to go against his mission or take off his armor it would result in organ failure. He was encased in a death trap.
>Someone needs to release a modern POSTAL type meme game it would make billions of dollars as people bought it to just say "fuck the system".
HATRED sure made billions, right, user?
suicide chip
>tychus is a gag character the entire campaign, see his retarded thor mission
>at the very end we're supposed to think it's an epic heel turn
why the fuck did they characterize him like that if they were going to use him as a villain
I have always been fuck the system and just received ebin "edgy" and "shut up faggot" "muh socialism" "muh communism" shitposting
Fuck all of you that follow the stupid government rules out of fear
Enjoy the dick in your fucking butt.
He isn't a villain though.
You know what IS retarded?
blowing up Shakuras
because why not
He tried to cock block Jimmy from his waifu.
right, that's the fucking problem. 99% of the game he's comic relief. he's only a villain for 1 cinematic at the ass end of the game.
because they did such a shit job characterizing him as ANYTHING, you feel absolutely nothing when he betrays you in the end. no sympathy for his situation (because they never built him up as sympathetic), no hate (because they never built him up as an asshole), not a thing other than being a complete ass pull.
pretty sure he just said he can't take it off or it'll kill him. why would they even let him on their ship if they knew the enemy had him by the balls
you know what is retardeder?
Aiur being invaded, but protoss STILL not using colossus to defend even though they were losing their mother planet. or refusing to use purifiers even though they were made specifically for battle and being ready to have their race go extinct and holding back
He didn't do a single thing. He just aimed his gun. He was never planning on killing her. He was planning on his old comrade Jim to kill him rather than go through organ failure. It probably wasn't even his choice to be released.
muh conclave, or at least i'm blaming the Judicators on that decision, they were always with sticks on their asses so they might have found collosi to be heretical or some shit
Purifiers feel like an asspull desu, they don't even mesh with the normal protoss look
SC2's story, as a whole, was a mistake. Modern Blizzard is a mistake. Didn't the old developers leave Blizzard to do their own thing?
I didn't mind the retcon in Wings of Liberty, and Heart of the Swarm still had a really fun campaign even if the story was buttfuck retarded and I constantly went "wut?" in my head.
Legacy of the Void, however. Oh man. Protoss is my favorite race and I even pre ordered the game but I ended up uninstalling it halfway through the campaign because it was so bad.
Like, the first thing they do is remove one of the coolest things about the Protoss, which was the shared consciousness thing as if trying to deliver some hamfisted message about standing up for yourself and being independent.
not really. that's a Sup Forums meme.
Some guys did, but mostly those are people that get fired.
He meant that he would eventually be the one to revert her zerg hybridization, leading to her shedding her physical form (i.e. dying).
See? It all worked out in the end.
The old devs left and ended up becoming utter failures.
He shot and Jim blocked it with his body.
yet they never made him sound remorseful, never built up that type of personality in him. never developed him in any way throughout the game. for all intents and purposes he wasn't even a character.
usually when you want to do a scene like that, you create sympathy for the character throughout the course of the game. SC2 did fuck all with it's plot and characters and as a result you feel absolutely nothing the entire game.
even when they have good characters to possibly do something with, they do nothing with them. like that librarian bitch in legacy of the void being used exclusively so amon can deliver cartoony one liners to you between missions.
Yeah, and Tychus did it in the most long and drawn out way possible. Even Tosh said before that Tychus didn't want to do what he was doing which eluded to the ending. He knew he was a dead man regardless of his actions.
which one had the worse story, Sup Forums?
Blizzard just keeps on killing their franchises.
Starcraft... killed.
Diablo... killed.
Warcraft 4... tbd.
WTF happened.
why would they even let him on their ship if they knew mengsk was in control of him
Starcraft, became too much space magic. Though I never went into Heart of the Swarm or Legacy of the Void or even played Diablo 3.
On the other hand Diablo 3 built up the character too much. I liked it in Diablo 1 in which you were a traveler that was going to attempt to dredge through the labyrinth.
I think they handled it ok, with Rohanna being there to remind Artanis that the Khala is worth fighting for, and hell, for all the "unity" the Khala brings that didn't stop Aldaris and the conclave from turning against Tassadar and wasting god knows how many protoss warriors to "imprison" him.
What i am mad about is the reason WHY, Amon mindcontrolling all the protoss felt so stupid.
The story was just bad. Seems like they spent too much time making it as 'cinematic' as possible with all those cut scenes and lacked the budget to actually check if the characters' motivations actually make sense.
It felt like maybe one or two people max edited the final draft of the story.
Probably Diablo 3. I couldn't even sit through a video of the cutscenes because it was boring and stupid, but I played WoL and watched playthroughs of the other two.
most modern games have a problem with hero fetishism. games don't focus on the rags to riches rise, they want you to "feel like a hero" all the time, while most people just want to have fun in a believable world which usually means giving the mc a more humble plot.
look at how most modern mmo's focus on making you "feel like a hero" by adding a bunch of stupid bullshit story quests when in reality they should be focusing on the unique gameplay that comes from mass player interaction (aka what older mmo's focused on).
i can't even tell this game is diablo anymore. we went from a relatively tame gothic cathedral dungeon crawler to fucking anime angels and shit swinging laser weapons everywhere.
mobius wasnt the enemy though
At least StarCraft had a story. Diablo 3s was so bad and inconsequential that you could have removed it and nothing in the game would've changed.
Like, who the fuck gives a shit about Leah? Oh woop dee doo she turned into a demon that I can kill for some mediocre loot.
Arts and writing is filled with poz faggots. The ones that aren't and arent raging dicks themselves tend to be quiet and don't want conflict which means when the faggots say jump they'll do it. Tech is notorious for being spineless despite the fact it makes more than big oil. Business and Politicians would rather it stays that way so you see bullshit roles like "tech evangelist" being made so fem lit shitters can be dropped in to fuck the place up.
Raynor has an STD that's only harmful to Xel'Naga, so he wanted to turn Kerrigan into one and then fuck her
>Soldier 76 and Reaper will reunite in order to fight the Even Bigger Badder Omnic Crisis
How long until it happens boys?
I won't be surprised if that turns out to be the case. Blizzard writing is a mistake.
it was before blizzard found out that waifushit sells
Diablo 3 was a real kick to the teeth.
>Oh hey cool I get to play as an anonymous wanderer aga-
>lol nope i have a whole backstory of gay kung-fu magic bullshit that i couldn't care less about and a horrible voice actor
>oh hey there's Deckard Cain from the old games, aweso-aaand he's dead
>Man, these bosses sure do look menacing. Being demons of course, they probably think I'm a pretty insignificant little bastar-
>nigger i ain't even 5 miles away from you why you goading me all the fuckin' way there
>dude you were a teleporting child you weren't fooling shit
>oh noooo now the girl nobody gave a fuck about is turning into diablo oh noooo it's a sexy diablo too
>At least maybe the expansion will be goo-Aaaand the boss is the Shadow The Hedgehog of Diablo bosses
At least the gameplay was somewhat decent.
Why I don't get is why the fuck couldn't they have come up with some way to disable his suit if they knew something fishy was going on?
Reminds me of the whole "mgs v was supposed to be about big boss' downfall and transformation to villain" woes that are in many if not all mgs threads.
how is that related to raynor or starcraft
>hero fetishism
Couldn't have said it better.
We live in a culture of participation trophies. I fucking hate this timeline.
>Not fucking asian women
It's like you want to have half your shit taken after she hits 400lbs.
SC2 by a country fucking mile, fuck everything about it
>dindu nuffin zerg
>zerg are from zerus now instead of their original backstory
>space ghost tassadar not really
>jimmy "mai waifu" raynor
yeah it was cute but he hated her with a fire that burned so brightly that you could see it from earth, SC1 ended with him vowing to kill her on the graves of his dead comrades
>kerrigan is a blushing damsel all of a sudden
>the entire zerg campaign except for abathur, he was okay
>mengsk is a cartoonish dictator
>no duke
>no duran
>rehash of WC3's story
>fenix is back lol
>stukov is back lol
>everything about the protoss campaign
and if that wasn't bad enough, they simplified the gameplay to such an extent that a retarded child could grasp it, I get it, they are obviously pandering to a broader audience now than they were then, pretty much everything blizzard does now is geared towards a wide audience, but it made SC2 an incredibly boring multiplayer game, and the dullest esport that's ever existed
Within a year
>imagined azmodan as some wirey demon with phalic symbols, piercing, chains and shit
>lol nope he's just a fat Baal
>Imagine Belial not even having a tangible form, myst of some sort and being really difficult to pin down
>lol nope just a floating blue torso and FIANL FORM HUGE GREEN TORSE
>also Emperor kid, wtf you doing in the sewer?
>Hey a necromancer! Maybe he will help us out
>Nah, he is just going to fuck around in the desert after one minor quest
>The crusader? Chargadins, hammerdins, smiters, avengers, templars maybe? Fuck yeah!
>nah, heres a few shit sets that pigeon-hole you into specific builds
>also same with all of the other classes now
>PvP? whats that? Trading? Lol no.
God dammit blizzard.....
Let's not forget to mention the travesty that was the Arcade system.
A LOT of casual players, myself included, were huge fans of custom gamemodes in SC1.
So what did Blizzard do? Make a bullshit matchmaking system. You couldn't (originally) pick from a list of available custom games, you just had to click on that obscure custom map and PRAY TO FUCKING GOD that someone else wanted to play it too.
Even better, the only games anyone ever played in Arcade were the ones on the frontpage, which were ALL GODDAMN DOTA CLONES
I thought the zerg were from zerus originally, but it was some sort of burning hellhole kinda like char and not a tropical jungle paradise.
They did change it. When it was too late.
>Started playing SC1 the oother night when it was free
>oh hey this is a lot of fun
>music was fantastic
>zerg micro fucks me up
How did they fuck up that feeling with SC2 so badly. Did these people not keep their series bibles?
>rehash of WC3's story
maybe it's because i haven't played it in a decade but i remember ROC's story not being anywhere near as bad as SC2's.
>protoss campaign starts with zeratul trying to teach artanis to move on and forget about auir, creating a message of new hope for their race
>immediately following zeratul's death artanis completely ignores him and spends the entire campaign dicking around trying to save auir
that jarring messaging immediately made the entire campaign feel like filler for the epilogue.
Yeaaah i'm not about to reinstall SC2 anyways
At this point, most mappers have probably vanished.
He did want to kill her at the start of Starcraft 2. He just didn't know abut muh Xel'naga artifact yet.
okay i need some details. who is the guy with the red shit
please fucking god don't tell me they went "good vs bad colors" with the goddamn protoss
And yes, good and bad colors.
>he hasn't seen the Tal'darim
C'mon user, go take a look
it's the fucking leader of the protoss, artanis, being corrupted and mind-controlled by amon.
zertul tells them not to go back to auir, and to go fight amon instead.
artanis tells him to fuck off and goes to auir anyway.
then everyone gets mind controlled by amon.
then zeratul dies saving artanis by cutting off his psychic hair dick
then artanis spends 20 fucking missions trying to save auir after zeratul told him not to.
God what a fucking disgrace, what are the chances they retcon or redeem this mess in a future Starcraft sequelr/emake?
>please fucking god don't tell me they went "good vs bad colors"
Yes, they wear red, are evil and do drugs. Totally not 'Dark Eldar ™', goy.
>Literally Jedi vs Sith
Blizzard will never return to simple stories like SC1 and WC2
>>oh hey there's Deckard Cain from the old games, aweso-aaand he's dead
I'd bought the game a few months before the expansion came out and out of all the bullshit that was Diablo 3, this is the one thing that fucking pissed me right the fuck off. It was like a big fuck you to the people that played Diablo and Diablo 2. Fuck Blizzard.
>Overmind was good all along, even though Zeratul linked minds with it and never mentioned this
>Kerrigan wasn't evil, she was just possessed by Zerg-bits, even though she specifically confirms she is in full control of her actions in Brood War
>Kerrigan is a good guy who compromises her own plans to save innocent lives, even though uninfested Kerrigan helped Mengsk murder billions using psi-amplifiers
>Kerrigan is no longer a manipulative villain, just a mean bitch with no stake in anything
>Raynor and Kerrigan's love story is the most important thing in the whole universe, even though it was literally like three flirty banter lines in the first game
>Zerg aren't parasitic worms from a volcanic planet, they're spiky things from a jungle planet
>UED never returns despite still having interests in the Koprulu sector
>Nova is squeezed in everywhere because fans sure loved her in that game that never came out
>Tassadar comes back as a Force ghost
>Fenix comes back as a robot because fuck meaningful deaths
>nobody is the bad guy, they're all being manipulated by Amon
>Duran has a Dragonball Z laser fight with Star Kerrigan
Lower than a bigger disgrace in "World of Starcraft: Rise of the voidfags" (pre order now and get some epic pets and some epic Overwatch skin!).
>it features the REAL evil that was behind Amon
>sees a nude kerrigan and immediately reconsiders
Blizzard writers suck