Why Haven't anyone made a better second life as yet

Why Haven't anyone made a better second life as yet

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furrys keep ruining life sims

They've tried especially with the new VR stuff. But you can't beat SL's community. It still turns a profit and the game works pretty good for being a virtual community. The problem is people go to old sims that look like shit and not the newer sims. Place is horrible to navigate if you don't give it some thought, like looking for places you'd be interested in. Plus people see a price tag on the decent mesh avatars and think nope. Not realizing getting lindens is easy as fuck and often people will help you.

Why hasn't anyone made a better Minecraft or a better Skyrim yet?

Its in development

Because any place new will try to stamp out the degeneracy whereas for a time SL embraced it. LL cracked down more recently but that just pushed it into corners where it stays alive and well. And whether they want to admit it or not, SL at this point exists for degeneracy.

Project Sansar is releasing this year.
High Fidelity is already out and still in development.

I guess it's hard

closest thing is GMOD and even that isn't anywhere near SL level

Even linden labs wont try, Sansar isn't going to be secondlife 2 which is a real shame.

That market is aready cornered. Why would anyone choose a new one over SL when SL has so much user made content already?

Why would anyone move from SL to a new one with no users to buy the shit you make?

Pretty much this the creators being allowed to do anything is what saved SL. All the furries, bronies, sex sims, gor sims, bdsm, etc.
Look at the VR games they create with cartoony avis.

They have but no one pla-
Clever user, very clever

One day I will own this store

>LL cracked down more recently
Did they try and go after furries finally?

no only borderline illegal stuff, bestiality and ageplay

People have invested way too much time and money into it to transition to something else.

No, they went after age players and people who didn't put up warnings about the content allowed on sims.
You can still walk into furry orgies no problem as long as you have the right avatar otherwise the players will kick you.

>more recently
I remember a lot of anti-porn stuff happening about 7-8 years ago, what did they do now?

They should have embraced the porn angle from the start and not have tried to be a legitimate virtual business or whatever bullshit they were pushing. Shot themselves in the foot so fucking hard.


But that isnt new, it was never allowed and it never stopped anyone.

beastiality - they basically made it a rule that it has to be behind a paywall

ageplay was always banned and they usually enforced that

>not using Worlds

Bento > Mesh

>game where you can literally make and do anything
>"just let the sexual deviants have it"

Cracked down, it's always been against the rules but loosely enforced

Sims like giggles beach existed which were pretty blatant ageplay sims

Even now sims like golden sun exist which are also pretty blatant

basically you can't walk around in a toddler av with a dildo in your ass on mainland sims anymore.

You could never do that.
Ageplay is really boring anyways

>fucking over a huge portion of your user base because you thought actual companies would want to have virtual representations of their stores
Did I say make it a full on porn game? No. I said embrace it, which doesn't need to be done openly, just don't fuck with your customers and their dicks.

>tfw no first life, second life, or third life

A bit of hyperbole, my point it was much more brazen before

Now I actually know people getting banned for it

I miss when worlds threads would pop up and a number of people would go explore it. The first time is fun because you're learning the game. The times after that are fun because you get to fuck with the other people.

You actually have to be reported to get banned. Meaning either you piss off someone who knows you. Or you're a dumbass who goes walking around in public as a toddler with a cock.

It is fun to mess with family roleplayers, esp. the ones who take it too serious. Liek the one who flipped out on the SL troll for wanting to discipline their child.

I can never commit to this, I play once a month or so after telling people I met that Ill try to be online more often now. Its probably for the best.

You have to want to socialize to get into the game. Despite all the "its an experience" bs, it's just a virtual chatroom. Yeah there are some cool things in like games and shit. But the most popular games are actually those tabletop games like CaH, Uno, Monopoly, etc.

If I get bored enough to play I check the events on the SL page to decide if I wanna bother getting on or not.

Join the /vg/ group

Oh I know, is just that I feel bad of the people Ive neglected, I met some interesting folk in there, and when I do get in I kinda wish I could commit more time to ie
I guess I really dont want to socialize, Ive been getting my fix from this site for 10 years now after all.

>play SL when it was still new
>everyone makes a big deal about it
>real life schools and companies build SL counterparts to have a presence in SL
>everyone is filled with a sense of wonderment and excitement
>devolved into degeneracy where only degeneracy can exist
>companies shut down their SL presence one by one because they don't want to be associate with furries and flying dicks
>the people who haven't fucked off yet are extremely jaded and bitter
>sense of wonderment and adventure is dead
>watch a video of people playing VR Chat
>everyone is excited as fuck
>everyone has that same sense of wonder and excitement as the early days of SL
>know that it's only a matter of time until VC Chat turns into an all the virtual Migus you can fug orgy
The human race was a mistake.

do they hold orgies

holy fuck kill yourself

Says the frogposter.

The furries do in private but don't go into it thinking they are for the lulz. These are SL players who happen to be Sup Forums users also. For orgies you are better off with the /d/ group.

>beastiality - they basically made it a rule that it has to be behind a paywall
What. I hang out at a bestiality sim and they have fucking mesh horses and doges you can fuck out in the open.

maybe it slipped under the radar? all the major ones went to group-only membership and those groups charge. Anything that didn't got deleted by LL.

Second Life degenerate for 10 years here.

Excited but apprehensive for Sansar. I've got this thing figured out and setup just how I like it. And I've made so many avatars that wouldnt necessarily port over.

ask me anything about SL as it is

SL in a nutshell.


You don't understand user, most all of them were "in it for the lulz" at one point

SL corrupts.

I've watched this cycle at least 3 times now, the truth is SL is just boring

Le epic trolls have a good time trolling for a month and get bored

The only reason for anyone to stick around is to build shit or play dress up

I will own this board someday

No I understand that because I've witnessed it a number of times myself. Which is why I kind of miss Poop.

it really truly does

"haha I made an outfit for trolling, im going to crash parties as a 50ft tall penis"
>6 mo later
"i made a guy char, ill just wander around and see"
>1 year later
"Ill wander into the sex sims, i mean I know its a guy on the other end of the keyboard but some of the girl characters are kinda hot and they RP well"
>2 years later
"yeah I made a girl avatar but that's just for RP"
>3 years later
"everyone, come and join my blueberry vore sim!"

I'm reporting this thread and everyone in here to Linden Labs and I'm making sure I get your IPs so you can never log in or create an account again.

That got to be bait

Who do you fucking think you're talking to? I AM A LINDEN! Your ass is in trouble now! GET OUT OF MY THREAD!

reminder that esteban quit because furfags started harassing him irl for making fun of their safe space.

Furries are terrorists and ruin everything.

My cousin's friend's brother works at Linden! Let's see who laughs when I will ban you first!