Tier Thread

This about right? Any changes? Also tier list thread.

The Mass Effect series were never that good to begin tbqh

Yeah, I tried replaying 1 just last week but couldn't push myself past the citadel. Still the scene with Sovereign I think justifies its position, if barely.

Good list if you replace "God Tier" and "Excellent Tier" with other names.

ME3 and MEA should be switched.

MEA, while bad, isn't half as bad as ME3 was.

Fresh OC


yeah im pissed i bought into the Dishonored 2 hype

What's wrong then?

Don't tell me you're one of those elder scrolls online cucks.

no wolfenstein the new order in god tier. also fallout 3 should be in meh/shit tier

put in like 3-4 hours and gave up on it , might try it again tonight

>Arena on good tier and not on meh
>Elder Scrolls Online on shit and not on meh or good.
>Fallout 3 on excellent and not on shit or meh.
>Doom not on simply excellent

What the actual fuck, this list is shit.


Why all the hate on Fallout 3?

OP here, anyone got any lists of their own?

>DA:O God tier

Bethesda didn't develop half those games you mongoloid. Also even if they did you have atrocious taste

>Barebones RPG elements
>Bad graphics
>Bad shooting
>Generic boring Bethesda quests

I'd swap Inquisition and DA2 but apart from that it's perfect.

DA2 had some redeeming qualities, there were some interesting characters and the Qunari had a good arc.

Inquisition was just 4/10 bad the entire game. Not a single character was interesting apart from Varric and he was from a previous game anyway.

I know that, but I only include the games I've played. I haven't played Redguard or Battlespire. Plus even with them the list would still be short without listing some of the games they've published.

fixed it

Fair enough. Wasn't the biggest Dishonored fan myself but that's probably just personal taste.

>tranny above shitlars of eternishit
>shitlars of eternishit on good tier


fallout 4 > 3

We aren't including mods

>People actually like Baldur's Gate and Mass Effect

Dishonered is so underrated around here.

Patrician list

good because mods help out fo3 much more than fo4.

fo4 dont need gameplay mods or graphic mods to be enjoyable and im pretty sure those are the main reason you'd be using mods (of course you can always install them anyway its a plus but its not even close to be as crucial)

Have you ever played Arena? That game belongs in shit tier