What is the best visual novel of all time and why is it Ever17?
What is the best visual novel of all time and why is it Ever17?
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Fate/stay night
Sup Forums cucks are too busy jerking off to shitsona 5
Remember 11 is better.
>not Tsukihime or Kagaysu Tohya
Fuck off.
House in Fata Morgana is the best in terms of overall quality
Umineko is the best in bringing out the potential the medium has
This man knows what's up.
>why is it Ever17?
Because it contains the greatest plot twist in the history of writing.
Which one?
Literally there are hundreds of twist in that game
t. pretentious artsci fag
I'm not either pretentions or an artsci fag, and you have to be pretty retarded to not realize that VNs have the most potential out of all mediums
They do
And Ever17 and Muv-Luv A realized it
The one that uses your computer screen as the medium for the twist is the biggest one.
Ever17 didn't
It was heavily held back by the dating sim elements and the point system used to get routes
The music was decent, but to bring out the potential of VNs it needs a really good soundtrack and sound design to make it more immersive, a thing that both Umineko and Fata Morgana did perfectly
I haven't gotten around to reading Muv-Luv but I heard it also suffers from the same problems
>VNs have the most potential out of all mediums
Kek. Is this where all you fucking "Vidjagaems R art!" fags disappeared of to? to fanwank a bunch of computerized cheap romance novels for hikikomoris and japanese geeks?
But it is true
Movies are held back due to how much money the cost to produce and the short lenght
Books are very good for storytelling, but VNs are books with things like music, sound effects or simple animations, making them even better than books for storytelling
The fact that many of them is shit doesn't mean it is a bad medium, all mediums have shitty works:
>books suck because shitty YA novels exist
>movies suck because shitty action movis exist
>videogames suck because shitty videogames exist
>Visual novels suck because many of them are just porn material with shitty romance
There are some things with books that VNs cant replicate, and vice versa.
For example you wouldn't be able to pull off a story like Book of the New sun in VN form, or else it'd be extremely difficult.
Not to mention VNs also have their budget constraints too, that art and music aint free if you want it to look good.
>Books are very good for storytelling, but VNs are books with things like music, sound effects or simple animations, making them even better than books for storytelling
No you moron, that makes them more limited than books.
How many visual novels will look dated 10 years from now? their music becoming repetitive crap and their simple animations looking like shit. Pic related is one of the best translated visual novels and it looks and sounds like shit because it's 15 years old.
Contrast that with a book, which can be read by any person no mater when it was written and if it's good it'll be enjoyed by people regardless of age. Look at stuff like The Lord of the Rings which was written in the 50's and can still be enjoyed by people in this day and age. Hell, we can read and enjoy books written hundreds of years ago and still enjoy them precisely because they are not limited by what their "Creators" thought they should look/sound like, it can all happen in our heads and it'll be cool as shit because WE will imagine it to be cool as shit.
I like visual novels, but people like you seriously make me not even wanna tell a single person about them, they're not some great form of art, they're a simple form of entertainment.
Ever17 takes place on the first of may, 2017, or in about a weeks time.
Is anyone else giving it another read? It seems like a missed opportunity to not.
>their music becoming repetitive crap and their simple animations looking like shit
What? If the music was good when it was created it will still be good years later, and the same goes to the art, a good drawing will be good no matter how much time it passes
You might dislike the artstyle of the old PC98 games, but some of the pixel art was 10/10
A valid point regarding the art, but music always adds to the experience
Try reading any book and listening to music that fits whatever is going on, it really makes things better
I don't think VNs are art or some retarded shit like that, VNs are just a way to tell stories in a slighty better way than books if done properly
The fact that such a small amount of people know about VNs compared to other forms of media is the reason why there are so few good ones compared to books or movies
Yeah a lot of people are
Also reposting proper BRAIN RANK
Is there a general or some shit? I need to get in on this.
No, I am simply omnipresent for visual novel threads
/vn/ exists on /vg/ but it's mostly full of retards and shitposters
>VNs are just a way to tell stories in a slighty better way than books if done properly
And I'm telling you you're wrong.
>The fact that such a small amount of people know about VNs compared to other forms of media is the reason why there are so few good ones compared to books or movies
No, such a "small amount of people" don't know about visual novels simply because it is an incredibly niche hobby for weeaboos. Even in Japan it is niche.
Remember, until the last 4 or 5 years there was absolutely no visual novel industry in our side of the pacific. The stuff we got was thanks to fan translations and importing (or pirating) the visual novel in question, most of the "companies" that tried to bring visual novels to the west in the past like JAST and their like were nothing more than a single weeaboo or two trying to make it a business and failing at it completely. Nowadays there's people making their own visual novels right here in the west and kickstarter that help them achieve their goals of bringing stuff to the west more easily
>have a physical copy I bought 11 years ago
>only played through one ending
I'll get to it eventually.
How'd you end up with that? That shit goes for hundreds now.
Not him, but how exactly can VNs not be considered on at LEAST equal footing with regular literature when they have the ability to offer both visuals and audio that books cannot?
>500 bucks new
Whoa baby.
I got it at a store called Fry's Electronics. There was only one copy of the game and I didn't buy it until six months later. It was 40 bucks. Guess I'm lucky no one ended up buying it. They also had Ai Yori Aoshi but I didn't buy that game. I ended up buying that one two years ago for cheap.
Fry's is a nice place to find weird stuff and out of print things sometimes. Or used to be anyway.
I see no reason for VNs being inferior to books other than the imagination aspect, and I still think a proper soundtrack outweights the limits on imagination VNs have
All you are missing out is character descriptions and location descriptions, which isn't honestly such a big deal in my opinion
And VNs are currently niche, but give it a few years and they will be more popular thanks to steam and ironic weebs
In a few years that increased popularity may lead to good stuff being created
But anyways, your opinion is your opinion and my opinion is my opinion, and we both aren't going to change them
Post rare bestgirls.
Ho dam you didn't know? I'll give you fifty for it now.
In all seriousness, you'd better hold on to that shit.
You should check the fourth disc too, earlier copies of it have a faulty disc that if I remember right fuck up the audio.
Because they're not literature. Someday we may see a visual novel that is indeed worth to be placed alongside stuff like Jules Verne works or at least something of that caliber, but until then it'll remain nothing more than cheap romance/chuuni novels for hikkis.
>they have the ability to offer both visuals and audio that books cannot?
See, this is the thing I tried to explain to that other pretentious faggot in this thread, books require you to use your imagination. A book requires you to immerse yourself on it, a visual novel does the job for you, which would be no problem, except that the visual novel can then become dated.
And just like there's people who weren't born with a Comodore64 or something like it they'll never go back and play some of the great games in that system precisely because it's nothing more than a bunch of lines with "Beep Boop" sound effetcs, there are people who cannot get into a visual novel because the art and the music have become dated. This is not a problem for a book, You can go a pick up a copy of the original Sherlock Holmes books right now and enjoy them without a single problem despite the fact they're 100+ years old. And that is what I mean when I say the music and graphics hold them back. they're a minus, not a plus.
What kind of audio problems? Would it only be noticeable in the end of the game? I think I did have some problems but when I tried it on a different computer it ran fine.
What about people who only enjoy audio books?
Sounds to me like you're a big fucking hipster. If your "imagination" is so narrow that having more stimuli for it actually negatively impacts its function, that's a sign of a serious personal problem on your end.
>there are people who cannot get into a visual novel because the art and the music have become dated. This is not a problem for a book,
Except language can become dated too. There are a shit ton of people who can't get into Shakespeare because of the way he wrote.
Voice errors, here's the official statement on it. There is a patch they released to fix it, but it's easier to pirate the whole title than find the patch.
There is a pretty big difference between pixels and beep boops and dated graphics and music, and music can't really date anymore since audio technology won't improve that much
Good music will still be good music a hundred years into the future, and good art will still be good art a hundred years into the future
>I see no reason for VNs being inferior to books other than the imagination aspect
Can I take a visual novel on the bus/train to read on my way to/from work?
Unless you're carrying a laptop with you you can't. Being fair, visual novels have been portable for ages in japan, but that is IN JAPAN. Not here in our western US where going out with a laptop can get you mugged in some places.
Fell free to keep believing whatever you want to, just don't complain when people call you out on your delusional crap because you love something.
How is portability in any way relevant to the quality of a medium?
>Can I take a visual novel on the bus/train to read on my way to/from work?
You don't have a clue what you're talking about
Music often gets in the way if I'm trying to focus on a book
And if the prose is any good its almost musical in itself.
>Someday we may see a visual novel that is indeed worth to be placed alongside stuff like Jules Verne works or at least something of that caliber, but until then it'll remain nothing more than cheap romance/chuuni novels for hikkis.
But that is literally what I have been saying
VNs have potential to be very good, it's just that the medium is still too young and niche for it
Its not the medium, its the writers.
I really like the concept behind the novel, but goddamned be the execution. The four routes are so incredibly boring that by the time I reached the parts that were supposed to blow me away I had lost any investment I had into it.
But the only boring parts are the first half of Tsugumi, the entirety of Sora (first half shared with Tsugumi), and the first half of Sara/You (which are shared)
The medium is young so no amazing writers have worked on a VN yet
The medium itself has potential, it just needs better writers
Recommend me a good VN
World End Economica
be more specific
Can anyone recommend that I finish Root Double?
I read Root After and it was pretty boring. I started Root Before and it was better at keeping my interest but wasn't enough to motivate me to continue reading much longer.
How the fuck was After boring for you when Before kept you engaged? How does that make any sense? It should be the opposite.
Either way, finish it, because it's actually very well done. If you want a nice mystery, you're in an Infinity thread and Nakazawa had a hand in all these, so check out Remember11 and I/O.
redoing the same scenes over and over, even from a different perspective, gets really grating.
I managed to enjoy it all, but it treads some of the same ground in all but one route
yeah that definitely does happen, I just felt that each character route except for sora's managed to actually have enough going on to maintain interest once yo got past the bullshit chicken sandwich phase
What kind of VN do you want? Action? Romance? Something with gameplay? Something with Shyamalan-esque twist? Explain more.
>It is May 1, 2017, 12:51 p.m.
>Seven people find themselves trapped without warning in the theme park LeMU, 167 feet underwater. Water, air, and food are in short supply, and worse yet, a mysterious virus lurks deep in the ocean. The park is relentlessly assaulted by water pressure, and the protective bulkhead will collapse in the next 119 hours.
Tief Blau next week. I wonder how much ridiculous sci-fi stuff that was in the game actually became real in the time since it was released.
Is the last route of Tsukihime worth reading? I read the rest of it and just got sick of it by the end.
Really what I want to know is if anything interesting actually happens. I pretty much understand Kohaku's backstory from reading Hisui's, so I just never felt driven to read it.
terabyte discs aren't even real
Really it just needed to branch the routes a bit earlier, and have a bit more distinction between them.
After day 2 I felt happy with it, and I liked piecing together what's going on with all the seperate interpretations of the same events in different routes, but they could just be a bit more distinct from each other.
yeah, it was just rooted in trying to be long and having appealing girls for its readers, so it made a lot of errors that really shouldn't have been made
Is 999 any better?
I hear it treads a lot of the same grounds conceptually, but if they've learnt anything from eve17 it might be worthwhile.
A couple of years ago, there were apparently plans to put Ever17 on steam, but it looks like nothing happened with them, pretty disappointing. along with the halo trilogy, i think it ended up being one of the only games that got leaked onto Steamdb but never actually made it to the store.
999 is very concise and solid as a standalone work, but it has several small flaws. While not as bad as the flaws in Ever17, it also doesn't shoot nearly as high. The best thing in 999 is the pacing and atmosphere. VLR is pretty comparable to Ever17 in terms of its laundry list of silly shit and what it shoots for in the end. ZTD is a fucking dumpster fire and should be ignored.
I really can't recommend Remember11 enough, because it takes everything interesting about the mystery side of things and tosses away 99% of the pointless padding while not having any flaws at all besides one slight suspension of disbelief that's totally within reason.
that's a damn shame, might have something to do with this though, it fits the timeframe.
I really doubt they'd want to put ever17 on steam at this point
5pb and mages don't play well with pc, let alone steam, so at most they would try to port over the 360 version with its inferior music, bad 3d models, and weirdly altered plot
plus if they wanted to put the other two on steam they'd need to get the translations for those finished or purchase the existing translations, both of which are fan works, so you can basically assume the series is dead for good
also 12riven never
You shound like you know some good shit, you have 10 seconds to tell me the best VN ever.
I finished reading Yu-No, and thoroughly enjoyed it, if that's a good frame of reference.
Fate/Stay Night
I think the Switch could be a nice VN machine. I mean it is getting Fate/Extella so it's possible it could also get F/SN Realta Nua
I don't know good shit senpai, I've really not played a lot of VNs. I think Steins;Gate is really good, Steins;Gate 0 is not that good but is okay, and I've done the stuff that Uchikoshi and Nakazawa made (see )
Fata Morgana is actually very good, and a lot of people enjoy Umineko and G-Senjou no Maou for mystery plots, though I haven't played those two because I already know heavy spoilers for them and don't really see much of a point. There just aren't a ton of solid serious plot VNs out there, but Chaos;Head Noah should be done by next year and Chaos;Child should get officially brought over by the end of this year.
I really doubt Infinity's gonna make a comeback, but it does seem like Japanese devs are interested in bringing a large variety of stuff to the Switch.
The Silver Case
Only hope would be if JAST or a company like that picked it up. I doubt any JAST, MG, or even Sekai would be willing to sell a translation as low quality as Ever17's official one though.
Also on a pointless sidenote, I was on gamefaqs the other day and noticed it was on the top 10 PC message boards somehow.
That one VN that hasn't been translated to English. Time to learn Japanese
no way, the infinity IP is solidly in the clutches of mages/5pb, and they do in-house
they actually sell the japanese versions on their site magino-drive still
ever17's gamefaqs board is still so active because people discuss things about all kinds of visual novels there, which is kind of annoying because i wish it was somewhere more accessible
Yes. It's also a really short route.
Didn't JAST and mages/5pb work together on S;G though? Although even in that case it'd probably be more because of their connection to nitroplus.
it was only for distribution and jast has a fucking awful history of taking forever to do anything, plus they eventually decided to just release it on steam anyway
not a chance they'd partner up with jast again when they can just release on steam, which they seem to hate doing anyway
That's not Yume Miru Kusuri.
Aeka is my waifu.
Do I need to play any other games to understand Root Double? I never heard of it, but a friend and I wanna try it.
it's entirely standalone
play After before Before, despite them being named that way
also check a guide to get epilogue flags once you're ready to do that, there's a good one on the steam forums made by one of the translators
>incomplete game is better
i would almost agree with you up until that blueballs "ending." it was definitely better paced at least.
>he hasn't gone down the rabbit hole
So you didn't finish it?
is this a fresh new meme? i read the thing from the psp game that outlined what they planned to do with it, something about the guy who swapped with satoru trying to save his sister, but that shit is straight up not in the game. at least it's not in the PC version. please explain what you mean if you're not just having a laugh at my expense.
>tfw EOP
Actually I know 2 languages but japanese is too hard for me.
It is in the game, you should try finishing it.
Root Double is pretty fun and entertaining. It has some flaws but I think the story really interweaves and comes together at the end. I'd recommend it.
Holy damn dude. It's true that there were things left out due to disagreements and time constraints, but the information is present in the tips and timeline that you read. You should have been able to piece it together from those.
The basic gestalt goes something like this:
Sayaka, Satoru's twin sister, got DID at the age of 8 and killed their parents. Her mind eventually faded out and died, and her body became "Inubushi Keiko". Satoru knew there was something wrong with his sister getting DID like that, so he came up with a plan that would simultaneously trap the thing he hated (Self), rescue his previous girlfriend who died in a plane crash, and give him a shot at saving his sister.
oh right, i seem to remember there's extra tips or something if you collect every last bit of alternate dialog and bad ending? that's just about the worst way you could present the story and highly indicates the game being unfinished. i'm pretty sure i read the tips on some wiki and i wasn't impressed.
No, there are a few crucial bad endings that explain a lot about the plot. Literally everything you've read on that blog (if that was what you were referring to) is shit taken straight from the game
Whoaaaa now
You got root double and I/o mixed up
leave her alone
Its good but holy shit it probably has the most convoluted plot I ever seen.
Cant remember much about it anymore but I enjoyed it.
play i/o
maybe it's a matter of personal taste, but i prefer ever17's way of actually addressing the story at the end so you have some closure on it. having to piece things together by going over the story with a fine toothed comb isn't satisfying to me.
>tfw only played Clannad and Katawa Shoujo
I feel like VNs are too long for me to play right now ;_;
If you're going to complain about a VN requiring you to play through it multiple times to get the endings you probably should stop playing VNs
Might as well say E17 was shit because you had to sit through every normal route before doing the true route.