Why havent you started following karen on your normiegram account?

Why havent you started following karen on your normiegram account?


what a cute guy

What the FUCK did you say to Karen-chan, nygger?

Sure, why not? I never check it anyways. It's just boring pictures of cats and dumb shit.

Five facts about Karen!
1. She's a girl!
2. She's cute!
3. I love her!
4. KAREN!!!!

Looks like a dude, especially those shoulders.


You sure that's not just a dude doing a spot on cosplay of Karen?

>H-hey guys remember that time I was in a commercial for that video game system?!?

What a fucking sad excuse for a woman

i'd like to think she's doing this for fun and not because she's desperate for attention or a career in show business

why did Nintendo hire a tranny?

I want to suck on Karen's little tits!

a cute

I find it funny that Instagram is one of the most normie sites in the world and yet it's really fucking pathetic.

You're just looking at these SFW images of cute girls. I mean at least I'm honest with myself and browse /s/ and Pornhub.

God, I'd love to give a surprise enema whilst sniffing her feet.

wanna see some real cancer? search #Sup Forums in there.


>You're just looking at these SFW images of cute girls.

Do you know where you are? Did you forget that /c/ and /soc/ exist?

A little late, isn't she?

Little late don't you think?
Did she just now realize she was an Internet waifu? Or was she debating whether or not she wanted to risk courting the autism that this would entail.

/soc/ is full of nudes.

mustache dimple

Looks a lot like


>finally acknowledges her Nintendo Switch fame

It's too late, her time has passed.

Yeah Chad and Tyrone don't go on /c/, maybe /soc/.

That's NOT karen

guessing she couldn't get another ad gig



>tfw this is my name

oh no


That's why

>Chad and Tyrone
>Making up scapegoats to blame for your problems.

That cuck shit doesn't even happen in real life unless it's the couple's fetish or you're a terrible person and partner.

You're overanalysing there Freud.

>Chad and Tyrone - Normie Males, the guys who browse Tinder and Instagram for free time.

What's even the difference between Instagram and Twitter?

I see that you are also a connoisseur of the absolutely-not-normie-at-all-I-swear underground art of japanse animation. Cheers!

Instagram is twitter for illiterates. Twitter is IM for ignoramuses.

Irony aside, I don't have any of these apps on my phone including facebook and I don't have any friends and I don't go out and drink or any of the shit true normies do.

absolutely blown the FUCK out.

>She's always wanted to be an actress since
>She always gets low tier jobs for fried chicken chains and lube commercials
>Suddenly she scores a gig for a Nintendo commercial
>Some people recognize her on the streets but it doesn't necessarily improve her curriculum
>Have to resort to whore the Karen character in hopes senpai would notice her

What a tragic outcome

Good she's cute, I'll follow that. can't be more destructive then who I'm currently following.

That's a man

Don't you guys dare.
Don't you guys say anything to her. I want her to stay.

Does this left wing nintendo slut have a snapchat I can send dick pics too? that's the only social media that matters.

is that legal

when you follow someone on instagram it familiarizes them to you after a while, in most people's minds it's like they actually know each other

it's more pathetic than you realize

someone post that picture

you know the one

I'm pretty sure there's nothing illegal about making an Instagram account.

You can do this on Instagram