>best girl is hated because she killed the fan favorite
It's not fair...
Best girl is hated because she killed the fan favorite
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What, how was that fat guy the fan favorite?
Celes is not the best girl. And Hifumi is not a fan favourite
This is best girl
rosemary add me back on steam
She should have had sex with him
>Ultimate gambler
I'll post the real best girl OP.
I guess trusting Hifumi not to fuck up was too much of a gamble for the Ultimate Gambler.
We posting favourites?
Well yeah, she killed best boy for literally no reason other than "muh castle".
All she had to was kill Hifumi and no one could give less of a shit.
why is posting anime allowed on v
I bet you Celesfags would instantly start waifuing pic related once you discovered her and forget about Celes
She was literal shit, people only like her for her design
But Danganronpa is video games
The best girl didn't die in either game. Cant say the same about the anime though.
>Best girl is only hated because of memes
>Lol despair WTFXD
>best girls from DR and SDR2 are brown girls
>both brown girls alive and present at the end of DR3
not sure what you're getting at
Hifumi is the fan favorite?
Could've been a hat trick.
who did she kill? I forgot
She killed Hifumi after he had killed Ishimaru
rest in peace anime she-hulk
>Ywn experience a friendship that lights a fire in your heart
Boy, did I feel bad for Seiko
Hifumi was a fan favorite? Don't you mean Ishimaru
>your best friend will never murder another one of your friends and get executed, and you will never get beaten to death with a mallet by a fat dork because he didn't want to share a laptop with you
idk feels pretty good desu
Best girl. Behead all those who make Tetris jokes.
No, OP is retarded. Hifumi isn't a fan favourite and he killed Ishimaru. Celes killed Hifumi afterwards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fan favorite
___ __ ___ ____
Tell me more
Yumeko from Kakegurui
She is literally a better Celes but without the drills and the gothic lolita look
>top tier gambler
>elite school
>red eyes
>black hair
Anime soon if you are too much of a pussy to read the manga
Have some Chiaki lewds
I'm not him, but the no goth lolita is kind of a deal breaker for me.
Do you even know what you're saying, OP?
I only have 1 other of these, where people asked them questions. Do you have any more?
>killed the fan favorite
people actually liked the class rep guy? i liked him at the beginning, but after his gay lover died he became annoying
This being the other one. I know I've seen others, but I havn't saved them
Shes not the ultimate winner user, she took a risk and failed
>ultimate detective
>swimmer detects the culprit before her
>all this talk about best girl
>no sakura
What are you, faggots?
of course
Dangan Ronpa went to shit really fast.
please post more images of danron girls as doggos or nukos
What's going on in this thread?
Nothing much.
she dindu nuffin
I wanna fug this cat.
Here's your poison antidote, ma'am. That'll be $39.99 plus tip
She didn't kill Chihiro though...
Would Chihiro even be popular if he didn't have a dick?
Why was DRV3 so shit?
Komaru didn't kill anyone though.
Kodaka has to one-up the stupidity of the overarching plot with every game.
This is why DR3 is so shit. It lacked the one thing that makes the franchise engaging and that's the cases. Remove them and you're left with shit.
green satan was the best
Because they killed best boy.
Her hair is stupid but she was kinda hot...
yeah. no crazy bad ending Komaru
>mad that she's a normie
>decides to roleplay as a grand noble
>is completely and utterly obvious in her case
>goes complete autist when she gets found out
>denied being burned as a witch and instead hit by a truck like a normal person
Do not sexualize the green satan.
>do not sexualize
I dont know about that user.
That part in the anime where she farts made it pretty hard for me
He just gave her a good hoping, I'm sure it was nothing lewd.
Keep telling yourself that.
a few more monakas
HPPD. Both of you drop your weapons this instant.
The fuck you just call me?
Yes. Baka
You heard me.
Posting actual best girl with decent boy
she thought she was the main character but they left her hanging
a whale in denial
Can't hear you.
You need to chill out. I'm sorry for calling you nasty things. Would you like to hang out sometime?
Give me a game with Danganronpa-style gameplay but an actual good plot.
I lost interest after the first one but the couple was cute.
Did Naegi and Kyoko fuck?
This is true, I only want to fuck one of those people.
So how do you think they'll continue the series?
Ignore V3 and continue on with the "fiction" world?
>not wanting to make Komaru your omaru.
>best girl kills EVERYONE, including the game itself