>Less than 0.02% of people here have beaten FFI on the NES
I wasn't made for this timeline, when does the ride end?
>Less than 0.02% of people here have beaten FFI on the NES
I wasn't made for this timeline, when does the ride end?
For RPGs with NES level grinding, a long time ago.
FFI was shit. Quit deluding yourself
Its a shit game, get over it. You could have at least brought up Mother or DQ1.
t. faggots who weren't alive in the golden age of gaming
I beat every classic FF game except 5 (shit game) and 7 which I never played.
imo ff1 holds up very well compared to dq1 and mother. i only played the gba version though but i know how the mp system works from playing ff3
I really wanted to play this on NES classic
I saw someone speedrun this game and it looks so fun
Golden age was 4th - 6th gen, though.
4/10 made me respond
Personally prefer the PS1 version.
The original game is a buggy mess in which the most basic of functions such as running away dont work properly. It is so broken that most spells dont do anything at all when you cast them.
I beat it on the ps1
I did beat it on GBA. NES version has too many bugs
Get an emulator friendo, it took me about 2 minutes to get it and the ROM.
Make sure you're prepared to do lots of grinding and combat that takes a decade though, it's about 30x slower than most games today
it doesn't hold up at all
doesn't stop me from liking it but still
So? They've never beat Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, or Contra either. Video games are for normies and girls now.
>6th gen
This is why we should not allow posters under age 31
I cleared on the emulator since there is no way i'm going to buy a overpriced nes today, and it was expensive as fuck when I was a child.
Very good game, with a lot of charm. Second one was pretty cool too, they were trying a lot of new things and that's something that always made those games work.
I beat the GBA version. Red Mage best class, Monks are cool too.
Simply wrong
I've been playing the original on an emulator and spells work just fine. It takes a bit more luck to land though
t. faggot that proves people had shit taste even when the NES came out. FF1 is garbage, period, and if the sequels hadnt come out nobody would even know what it is.
while I prefer the gba version for replays it makes the game a hell of a lot easier
Sure but the original version has a lot of non working stuff and who cares if you have to kill goblins longer to kill Garland it's the same basic game.
I beat Castlevania I and III, but it was when I was younger so I used savestates. I'll get around to beat them legit someday
>Waaah, a game is bad because I don't like it!!
Not an argument, check yourself kid
Stop thinking you are special because you experienced something the newer generation didn't. You are just repeating the same shit your parents did with you. The world is not the same as the one you grew up and your morals are not necessarily the right ones anymore. Buckle up because it's only going to get harder.
The Dawn of Souls version was better
There are plenty of arguments in this thread, but have fun playing a broken barebones game that consists of nothing but grinding while having to look up weapon's index number to know their crit rate. Make sure you have a white mage in your party, too, to make use of their high int stat :^)
>broken, unplayable mess requiring eternal grinding made better in a version that makes it easier
You don't say
I got up to the tail end of the game, and found you had to fight the fiends again. That's kinda when I bowed out.
Find one time I said anything about being special
Exactly, you're just venting because you're alienated from either liking the games at the time or too young to be apart of it
I'm not telling you what you should like or shaming you for having fond memories, so what in the fuck makes you think you can tell me otherwise?
>ohh woe is an oldfag. for he can only relate to which those around him hold no worth. a most tragic chance that time move on without him
6th gen was literally the best time for gaming
Right of the bat I won't bother with an RPG that regularly has you choose all the commands for a party before anyone moves. If a fucking Mario RPG is more real time than you then we have a problem.
Thanks I did all of those and this is my first playthrough
Without instructions, fucking tryhard
That's the last thing before the last boss and it's one after he other how can you just stop there?
It was the moment gaming went to shit and introduced many cancers.
It isn't very good. Even back when I first played it in the late 80s. It's grindy as fuck, barebones story and characters, okayish music and a shit combat system even for its time.
The series found footing with 3 but didn't become anything special until 4 aside from the grind. Which fucked the entire genre right up to today.
It also had a lot of the best games of all time.
>His parents bought him a bad game
>He was forced to play it because he had nothing better to do
>Stockholm syndrome kicked in so fucking hard it still affects him and leads him to make shitposting threads on Sup Forums
Saying it is only good because you say so is not an argument, kid.
>pic related recently finished his video series of a NES FF1 playthrough
>there's a thread about the game on Sup Forums now
really makes you think about dyucks
DQ1 is basically FF1 but instead of making you click attack four times it only has you click it once.
I was burnt out at that point and just couldn't push through. I still have the cartridge I could probably go back to it.
Mother and ESPECIALLY DQ1 are grindfests.
I think i beat NES FF1? I know i played that version, but GBA may have been the one i finished
I'll do a new run this summer just for you, OP. It isn't my fav NES RPG but its a goodie
I take it you're just referring to an auto attack option?
>Red Mage
Shit offense compared to warrior or Monk. Shit at magic compared to black mage. Shit at healing compared to white mage. Yeah sure it's pretty strong early on but it's shit in the long run. Red mages were only good in the tactics games.
My preferred party was the vanilla warrior, thief, black mage, white mage. Thief/Ninja kinda sucks but I used it so I could actually put some of the weapons I looted to use. Also having the extra bit of black magic late game was sometimes helpful for buffs and stuff, mostly haste. Monk is a perfectly acceptable substitute though.
>I wasn't made for this timeline
>Video games are for normies and girls now.
Because in you time it was different, and they are all in the wrong now. You guys were different, you were special.
>Exactly, you're just venting because you're alienated from either liking the games at the time or too young to be apart of it
No, I'm just getting freaking tired of hearing faggots like you putting value on shit that don't have value just because they had value when you were growing up and continuing to be vanglorious over and over again.
>I'm not telling you what you should like or shaming you for having fond memories, so what in the fuck makes you think you can tell me otherwise?
Because you aren't living in the freaking 80's, times have changed and now we can cut all this bullshit instead of looking at everything with those gigantic fucking nostalgia googles. It's fucking ridiculous to act like you don't know better in this fucking current year.
>on the NES
why bother, when the Anniversary remake is objectively better in all aspects.
FF2 in the other hand is still shit for the sole reason of keeping that retarded stat building system intact.
Is Thief worth it at all? Always seemed like a redundant class to me.
based progeria man
I can't actually remember if I ever beat the original NES version, but I definitely played it a lot when I first got into emulators. I did beat both the PS1 and GBA versions a few times, though.
I wouldn't call the game a necessity for people interested in the hobby, but it is nice for fans of the series to see its roots, and kind of surprising how much of a blatant D&D ripoff it was now that the series is almost unrecognizable as such.
This is easy to answer. The game is shit.
he is one cheap crit fuck, also you can get all sorts of early strong gear midgame-onwards
It's shit early on but becomes decent when it's upgraded to a Ninja.
I was. My first console was the Atari 2600. I played FFI for the first time when I was 7 years old.
It was shit then, and it is shit now. The first three FF games are shit in fact. FF didn't get good until FFII/4j.
You're right, that wasn't an argument at all lol
Stop getting mad over people having their own opinions and get a life, no one is forcing it on you so you have no excuse to be here troll
Thief is absolutely terrible and will be a complete hindrance to your party. But the Ninja is actually quite good, and capable of using the buff spells that are the only thing Black Mage is good for.
I may have to try a playthrough with it someday. Always stuck with Black Belt as my secondary attacker.
>he think he's hot shit because he played a meme game from a meme franchise that's still around
Come back once you play Lufia, you fucking scrub. How's that?
Does reading the entirety of 8-bit theater count? I found it really funny 15 years ago.
I don't know about the NES version but in GBA version damage spells did fuckall damage and Red Mage had access to all the buffs that mattered so the Monk could do work and he could heal while also doing damage with his basic attack in random encounters.
>game mentions 4 Warriors of Light
>make 4 warriors for my party
>inadvertently set game on Easy Mode all the way through
what did they mean by this?
nigga it's still funny now, reread the whole thing a month ago
It was the first video game I played, beat it at 8. Still one of my favorites of the series but for sentimental reasons, I can see that it has problems.
9 is my favorite though.
Just go Fighter, Monk, Thief, White Mage. You don't need a Black or Red Mage for anything, especially in the original NES version where the INT stat did absolutely nothing and a lot of the high-level black magic was broken and did absolutely nothing.
I did, but the game is broken and unfair in many unintentional ways.
But it features the penultimate truth of the franchise:
Red Mage is Best Mage.
I hope you enjoyed having to chug fifty potions after every battle after having to buy them all one at a time with the lack of healing magic.
>Simply wrong
No, many functions in the game outright no not work. Programming bugs.
Several spells do nothing and IIRC one does the opposite of what it says.
Nasir Gebelli made a herculean effort in putting out the game but he wasn't perfect.
>read it a couple years back
>tfw emulating the GBA version right after with fighter, black mage, red mage and thief and beating it in a day
Good times. I really oughta replay it again soon.
I've never played any FF game, not even one second, and I never will.
with all the cash flowing easily I could stack 99 of them pretty fast
Before FF1 came out Squaresoft was literally on the verge of bankruptcy. It was their final chance to make it and was hugely popular back then. If it hadn't there wouldn't have even been any sequels.
Helps to have some context if you're under 18
>why bother, when the Anniversary remake is objectively better in all aspects.
Except for the fact that they changed the Orbs to Crystals.
Everything else was better, but that was a bad change.
I was more of a Dragon Warrior kid when I was growing up. FF was too grindy.
Old fags are becoming really edgy these days
What's going on
>mfw every Victory theme is shit compared to 1's
Feels bad, friends.
The only thing irrelevant about your post is the post itself, if you have no interest in playing it then you're just here to be a faggot to people that do
You at least should try Tactics, that one is legitimately really good.
Because the NES Final Fantasy games were just bad clones of Dragon Quest.
not him but should I seek out the PSP version or is emulating the ps1 verrsion 1 fine?
I've the psp remake has a much better translation
You'll understand in 10 years, the cycle of blinding nostalgia never ends. It's human nature to be sentimental for things we have enjoyed when we were younger because it was also at that time when the world seemed innocent.
I played FF1 on the NES as a kid, but I never beat it. It was my cousin's cartridge and he wouldn't let me save my game, so I would just make a party, walk around for awhile and turn it off.
I beat it on my GBA, but it just wasn't the same. I prefer the old graphics.
I don't remember the black magic being shit and doing nothing. Maybe I got lucky, because I blasted fuckers left and right.
It's not our fault you were playing a shittier DQ.
Even fewer people here have beaten the NES version of FFII.
Mostly because it's shit.
Do you not know all the issues FF1 on NES has? There's literally a spell that does the opposite of what it should do. If you ever going to play FF1 there's really only two choices. PSX version which is pretty much the NES version just with bug fixes, looking better and with QoL stuff like buying in bulk. The other is a rom hack of FF1 NES to fix all the issues plus adding some of the QoL the PSX had. The NES version could have been fine to play nowadays but it was a game beyond what the developers could do and so it's too annoying to play.
The PSP release has some slowdown issues and longer load times between actions though, so that's an issue. I haven't played it myself, but I think that the mobile version is probably the best one.
IIRC, the broken spells were the high-level instant-death ones. At least one had a 0% success rate.
>Simply wrong
He's right though, the game legitimately has a lot of bugs. Don't be biased to the point that you're blind.
But without it, we wouldn't have the SaGa series which is FF but with more focus on gameplay than story
>DQ faggot acting elitist
Wizardry dumbed down for retarded children. Easily the most damage a single franchise has done to a genre. It sells so well in Japan because it is the most casual game available and is still relevant because they can play it on mobile phones. The normie game of its time.
I beat NES 1, 2, and 3. Easy games, nothing worth bragging about really.
Why does anyone care?
Still better than FF.
FF1 got boring as fuck after you save that town from the pirates at the start of the game
You then have next to no idea of where to go next in terms of which direction to go and while I like exploring it's fucking annoying when every second you travel you get taken to a battle scene.