How do you find a casual gamer girl that is attractive and not a land whale
How do you find a casual gamer girl that is attractive and not a land whale
You don't.
Just find a GF and have her play games with you when not out on dates.
Are you fucking stupid? There are THOUSANDS of girls that match that description.
It's morbid cunts like you who're the most male gamers out there, not the other way around.
I have a qt gamer gf and it's great. We play CoD and Madden together all the time, shit's comfy.
It's this . Gaming is a fucking hobby, not a lifestyle. Just get some dumb ho and ask if she wants to play some easy Nintendo game together.
the same way you find male gamers that are atractive and not landwhales, almost imposible.
Just enjoy a great relationship with someone that doesnt look that great. You will be very happy
My wife never played until we started dating and I made her try some stuff with me.
First we did Telltale and she watched me play some horror games just to introduce her to the whole thing.
5 years later we are playing Divinity: OS together and shit and she asks to play even more than I do.
TL:DR go after any girl to begin with and then slowly get them into it
i like em big and fat.
You just described a normal looking girl who plays games on her phone occasionally.
who mgtow here?
Yea play Telltale games and let them choose the dialogue.
If she's into it you have a chance.
be attractive and not a landwhale yourself
and not an aspie
>I'm too ugly and too much of a sperg to get a gf
I always was without knowing it, after interacting with them I decided to never call myself that
Im just a 2D lover
be good looking and funny, she'll adopt whatever interests you have.
>says OP is stupid
>Self esteem issues: The Post
>Out of the billions of people on the planet
>thousands out of 7 billion+
Youd be surprised.
I just dont find 3D attractive anymore.
pretty much in the same boat
I use the term just here
Yes, that's exactly what I was implying you have.
he typed between sobs
Who's taking the picture?
Its called a trap son
>5 years later we are playing Divinity: OS together
Tried that. She started collecting every seashell on the beach because she's an OCD completionist with every RPG she plays. I just dropped the whole idea before we even left the first area and played through the game on my own.
Besides, when I started playing on my own, I realized the whole idea of playing that game with someone is a bit off in my opinion. I mean, trigger bugs aside, when it comes to combat, there's no benefit to playing with someone else, you just agree what to do and do it. Otherwise you make mistakes.
>become an alpha male
>find literally any attractive girl
>be cool for awhile
>now that she has feelings for you slowly become a degenerate
Why are gamers so fat and gross? I'm a straight up loser who doesn't do much but work and play games, and even I can manage 45 minutes at the gym 5-6 days a week. It's kind of relaxing and makes you feel pretty good
i just play with my adopted blonde-haired, blue-eyed sister. she's cute too
>alpha male
>become a degenerate
OP, I promise you every couple I know that is actually tolerable and good together have many different hobbies and they sure as shit don't need to do everything together.
Worry about finding a girl you like whose lifestyle fits well with yours, and then worry about whether she is willing to play a bunch of BING BING WAHOO! games with you.
>45 minutes 5-6 days a week
You couldn't be wasting your time any harder.
Can this meme stop
>casual gamer girl
Why not a normal girl?
I prefer to read books with my gf, video games are too much for her, although she used to play Crash, Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest in the 90s.
weird she seems to be a lot of people's sister
You can do plenty of good for your body in 45 minutes, user. Lift smarter, not harder.
I sometime come across them, them seem fine enough, wonder why everyone said they're suck?
They hang out with chupacabras and wendigos and other mythological creatures.
>You couldn't be wasting your time any harder.
explain yourself
They're only "good together" because the woman is out relieving stress by fucking tyrone instead of spending time with her man.
>not jacking off to a tv screen playing post-modern fashion show in the bathroom of a gormet chinese restaurant in DC
The fuck is wrong with these americans?
what planet you livin on senpai? there are not 7 billion women, there's only like 2 billion
>go outside
>go to nerd club in college
>or nerd gathering in city
>find qt 3.14
>be fit
it's that easy
You're either not doing enough each day or doing so much that you're getting diminishing returns or even reversing your gains.
You should be going all out 3 days a week to a point that you wouldn't be able to do it the other 4.
sorry, i just like talking about her. i'll stop
you don't want a cute gamer gf because they don't enjoy games the way you enjoy games and will 100% get on your nerves eventually when that honeymoon period wears off
on top of that bitches only want to play MMOs and who the fuck wants to play MMOs
>women are the only women on the planet
More or less this.
Personal hygiene always goes a long way towards not repelling potential mates. Shave, shower, don't live off of garbage.
Its just a circlejerk over nothing
If you really are going your way you dont need to do so in a group, I realized it was a bunch of people unable to just move on.
If they really dont care about women they wouldnt devote so much energy to not caring you know. I really dont care and have never cared so I left them behind after acquiring the info, which is also always the same and keeps being regurgitated over and over
>I let 4chins memes dictate my outlook on life
Actually pathetic.
>I let jewish tricks dictate my outlook on life
oy gevalt
>tfw the neckbeards hit on the hotties at college just because they have the same vidya hobby
they never had a chance
Really made me think
You are thinking short-term, so let me give you a full proof long-term answer to your question.
>Get decently attractive, be it from being hygienic, dressing well, or just getting more fit.
>Still having no luck, or do not feel confident enough? Fine, then aim lower.
>Get with a fat chick, be it a land whale, or just a girl that has a bit of chub on here that you can use against her to make her feel insecure.
>Once you got her, line up your common interests to a tee and then get her to not eat so much by practicing mental gymnastics on her.
>Keep yourself healthy and lead by example, all while causing her to lose weight, but not too much weight that she becomes unhealthy.
>Once she is down to a respectable weight, build her back up, make her feel special, but do not be afraid to remind her how YOU were the only one that still gave her the D, even when she was overweight.
Super easy, and if done right, with a bit of patience, not only are you getting the actual "gamer girl" you want, but you will also appear to be a gret BF, because when people see that you were there for her even when she was fat, you will look like someone who really cared about her all along, which will cause her to feel pressured not to cheat on you or leave you, as she would not only look like a cunt, but she would FEEL like one, as she knows that everyone saw you "accept" her at her "lowest", and all that.
Also, if YOU are the one that breaks things off, well, people will just assume that she did something wrong, which means your image will remain clean, which will help you when you move on to date other people in your social circle.
>tfw sexy scene girls inside gayming clubs
>tfw had a cute japanese/spanish GF for 6 years
>she was such a fucking casual and so bad at games it hurt
>she couldn't even follow instructions from the Nexus to install FO4 mods
>she broke up with me because I was a dick and didn't want to watch another hour long Fallout 4 build video and I told her that it didn't interest me at all
Oh well, it was getting to the point where if we weren't fucking her inane comments about everything were driving me nuts.
Sounds like too much work for pussy, i want love user, sex is not that important
>it was getting to the point where if we weren't fucking her inane comments about everything were driving me nuts.
Welcome to women.
Get a dog.
90% of girl gamers are mentally unstable psychos
just get a regular gf
Nice meme/bait
yeah, the only girl I've ever been able to stand was this econ major who was five years older than me and basically better than me in every way imaginable. She always had a witty comeback or something amazing to show me or tell me and I regret not being able to stay with her.
>>Once you got her, line up your common interests to a tee and then get her to not eat so much by practicing mental gymnastics on her.
She cared so little, she was fat while single. If she gets into a relationship regardless, she's only getting fatter.
The only "mental gymnastics" you can pull on her is truly psychopathic shit to force her into anorexia or something and we're really talking fantasy crap here. Fucking with people's heads is not as easy as your animes led you to believe.
And then when she gets skinnier and more attractive (assuming she's even attractive when skinny, which is not very likely), she's just going to resent you.
>Once she is down to a respectable weight, build her back up, make her feel special, but do not be afraid to remind her how YOU were the only one that still gave her the D, even when she was overweight.
Jesus christ, proofread your posts, please. What kind of fantasy world do you live in where things work this way.
>he's still 200lbs fat
>he's still autistic
>he's still neckbeard
>he still doesn't have fuccboi clothing or fuccboi haircut
>he's still a KHHV
never gonna make it
Wtf you guys chased out gookanon when he could have posted more pics of his qt sister. Does it offend you guys or something?
You don't. Find a virgin girl (this is the hardest part), fuck her and then by the magical power of dick osmosis she'll love all your interests for the rest of time and if you ever break up she'll date a string of guys very similar to you.
This is how females work, don't ask me why, I'm not exactly sure except it makes sense from an evolutionary psychology standpoint.
Those of you with gfs, any interests she has, 9 times out of 10 they were dicked into her by her first boyfriend.
>Why are gamers so fat and gross?
I've known way more skeleton gamers than fatass mcblobbicus gamers in my days.
i'm surrounded by virgins girl, not every country is as degenerate as the us
guaranteed (you)s
That picture triggers my autism
Sure you are, you're just degenerate in different ways than us. Now get your ass out there and get your parents to arrange you a marriage with one of these virgin qts, third world bro!
>look everyone ! i have a girl and shes playing video games with me!!111 take a picture quick! i dont want this moment to end!
okay faggot?
Well, I'm single. I'm not attractive but I'm also not fat.
>being so brainwashed by feminism to think that women that stay virgin don't have rights
I'm telling you man, here they have the fantasy of giving it to only a special man, the pussy is on a pedestal
>Chad and Stacy
google akaadian and pokimane
Find a girl with daddy issues
Become gay
This. I wouldn't ever want to date someone that calls themself a "gamer girl".
>go through akadian's twitter
>him and his brother
>first comment
>"wtf 2 chads?"
If you're going to be born in a third world country, pick one that still has arranged marriages, dude. You suck at picking incarnations.
What you find was created. If you can't find one, make one yourself
I don't want my GF to enjoy my video games. It's my shit to enjoy and disconnect
You life your life and keep your eyes open.
be rich and/or a chad, chicks will pretend they're a gamer gurl for you
Her boyfriend obviously. Their bull must be better at videogames.
>Just find a GF
Yeah, that's totally an option for me.
pic related
Have a good personality and a girl that enjoys partaking in your hobbies/interests
It's quite simple, really
You make her one. People are passionate about things that those they love are.
good taste
>"gamer" girl
>gamer "girl"
I just want someone to love me. To want to spend time with me. To think about me when I'm not there. To look at me and be in love for who I am. To make me feel that I am desired and wanted and important to someone. I just want to be loved.
So, like, a dog?
wtf i love traps now
Im sorry you never had a loving mother user.