Patch is out, mods aren't updated, post shipfus.
How long until I get fucked for getting away with all these easy money expeditions?
So is it possible that any derelict ship has the chance to be recovered or is there a restriction? I just found a derelict Legion Battle Cruiser and it would have been nice to have recovered it for my first large ship in my fleet.
This game has good combat, but everything else was shit.
They fixed that yet?
Is it wise to specialize in leadership and mainly use carriers?
Just found a Mora on the black market, I should buy it, right?
Buy it and run. Damper field, 2 Med Missile and 3 Fighter Bays is a great combo.
Only if you have the money for it's cost. Carriers eat a lot of supplies and crew without a good investment in leadership, not to mention the extra cost of having to buy or find the LPCs for fighters that costs up to like 30k more.
The right 3 leadership abilities all require to you personally command the carrier, which can be sort of unfun. You should definetly consider buying and equipping a carrier for any fleet since they're great support, but I don't know about relying mostly on fighters which can be sort of finicky.
I don't yet have the right skills to command it but I can afford it and do have a carrier officer so hopefully it works out.
How the fuck do I do anything in this game without being picked up by pirates immediately?
What is this game like? I'm having a hard time finding info about it aside from its vague website
This is my favorite ship, in any video game ever. It's like it was designed to appeal directly to me.
I even use the shipset in Distant Worlds because it's so damn good.
It's mount & blade in space. Raise a fleet through military or industrial guile, give the fleet orders in-battle as you pilot one of the ships, use fleet to smash shit or protect shit or be the best space trucker federation there ever way. Or you can go solo if you want.
>go solo
Do you mean doing your own thhing without joining a faction? Or literally solo, like just your ship and no other units. If the latter how does that work?
Anyone have any idea on how to get a decent start in this game? It seems like any and every fleet is stronger than me
turn your transponder off in hyperspace
sustain burn everywhere so pirates can't catch you unless you run into them head on
a hammerhead and 2 wolves is a solid fleet to fend off like 80% of pirate fleets with.
git gud at combat
Pop emergency burn often, and try to stay near non-pirate areas within a system. A good way to start out is to follow large hegemony fleets and loot the debris fields and derelicts they leave behind after they sweep around pirate fleets.
How much is the game? Worth playing without mods or should i wait a month for mods to catch up to the update before picking it up
15 bucks but it's an easy pirate. Mods don't even take a month to update, some don't even take a week. There's already a huge amount of variety in the base game, the only problem is there isn't any goal other than make money and upgrading your fleet. The mod that lets you conquer planets as a faction is good for fixing that.
Do the bonuses from Surveying equipment and similar mods stack if you have multiple vessels with them? I'm presuming they do, but wanted to be sure.
Should I use only heavy fighters on the Mora? Since I can put Sabot pods on it with Broadswords and Warthogs it could pressure ships and screen for my Drovers to go Longbow + Kopesh or Kopesh + Daggers.
How often are debris fields and derelicts left behind?
Yes, that's the primary way of making Survey's profitable since there's no correlation of hazard rating to survey value.
Okay, thanks.
I just found a Scarab (D) in a debris field in Ragnar
G-Guys does the RNG actually know?
I'll buy it if the dev is worth supporting and he seems to be.
And honestly I wouldn't know where to go these days with kickass and the bay dead
>the dev is worth supporting
Am i going to be able to pick up this game and figure it out just by playing it? Or is it one of those games where I'm gonna need to watch youtube guides and google a ton of stuff before i can start having fun?
I like plenty of games that fall into the latter category, like dwarf fortress, but if this is one of those I'll pick it up next weekend instead of tonight
is that way, faggot.
There's a Starsector shipset for Distant Worlds?
Oh noooo there are black people in it oh noooooo only white people should be in space oh nooooooooooo
Scared Sup Forumsbabby crying in the corner, afraid of getting BLACKED
time to dust off the Kite
How does this game compare to Distant Worlds? I've never played either but at least on a surface level they look really similar
I'm proud of you...the average newfag would have said
>easy pirate
Already said to be bait. Quit shitposting
i don't see the problem here, they all look pretty good, after all most people in this game are either space truckers or low grade military personel
There's a tutorial that will help you learn to play and there are missions to essentially use as practice. The campaign also has its own tutorial so you can at least know the basics. Looking up additional shit will just help you with the difficulty of starting out since you'll be constantly raped by pirates.
This game has RNG?
>I am too dumb to follow simple instructions or ask for someone elses key
someone else give me their key
What's the difference?
I could've said Sup and meant the same thing.
They're nothing alike. Distant Worlds is a 4x game where you control an empire, colonize planets, research, etc. In Starsector you only control one person, but you can recruit a fleet, buy and sell ships and cargo, etc. So Starsector is more like trying to be Mount & Blade in space, but it's not complete yet so it fails
I agree they look good, but the faggot had to go and write a blog about it like he's some sort of hero for the underrepresented minorities
can I feast in this game?
Already said to be fake, calm down bro.
You're literally getting triggered over half a paragraph.
Ooh, my bad then.
However it doesn't really matter because who the fuck doesn't play as a qt captain?
>Sitting at 2 million credits.
>Still can't find a fucking hypervelocity driver anywhere.
Why can't I just buy a damn factory.
>Someone used ship editor and made a bunch of player pilotable Combat-Wanzers that're "ACE" Classed.
> Says it turns the game into some sorta crazy ass gundam top-down during decent sized ship battles
>Fucker doesn't offer a micropatch to try it out in old 7.2 builds of Diable.
Living without the freeport in hyperspace is suffering
Rate my salvage
>Only two heavy machinery
>only 63k
where do you spend your money? i found 2 class 5 worlds now im sitting on 500,000 credits and no rep to buy ships
are those rare LPC drones? What do you need to salavge to get those?
Where's that big-ol' portrait pack that uses Front Mission portraits?
David isn't the dev, he's just the guy the dev pays to do the art for the game.
Nevermind, way easier to google than it was last time.
but he's basically saying the same shit i'm saying, space truckers will probably not be white as the white people will be on command posts and big leadership roles
>Starsector is not a clean and happy world. In game context these portraits will appear as mercenary captains in battle and patrol fleets ordering you to stand-down for inspection and the like, so their mood and expression should reflect that
Also remember that
>price for AI cores and planetary survey logs correlate with Stability of the market planet/base you sell it
>So Gamma core can be sold for 5k(0 stability) or 20k(10 stability)
>Beta core from 15k to 60k, Class V planetary survey log from 75k to 300k.
Its good. Worth it. And best it you gonna play it years later.
Talons for the win.
I just upgraded my fleet a fair bit and bought some supplies before heading out on this mission.
Claw, Flash and Longbow
This was a 30k research station mission that ended up having all this shit inside of it as well. Was only a 15LY trip too.
here's the QT portrait pack
it works with the recent update
I'm wasting all my money on restoring salavged ships instead of getting a commission and buying on the military market
how's this game? is it good?
does it play like SPAZ?
mora is best with a Broadsword and 2 Khopesh then outfit the carrier itself for frontal assault w/aggressive officer, lots of railguns/needlers and two sabot pods
i watched my mora go head to head with a gryphon and eat about 2-3 reapers with minimal damage with damper field on
why play this over eve?
someone give me the quick rub down
Is my fleet ready to ignore those warning beacons? I doubt it but I feel there's some good salvage in there to pay off getting my robot waifu and an Astral.
>no rep to buy ships
What about Independent? I throw away common AI cores their way and do their missions and I got from Neutral to Friendly pretty fast. No commission is a big plus for me. And there's always the Black Market, no need for rep there if you smuggle from big military markets.
Found a medusa in the black market for 36k. Grab? It's still the early game and I have crap ships.
They aren't even remotely similar.
>13 dollars
What did you do man?
once they go {D} class can you repair it? i always leave them, because they are MEGA crippled everytime
Don't sell your AI cores to a market, contact one of the port officers for Tri-Trachyon for 300% of it's cost every time.
>selling shit to the hebrews
Yes, there's a "Restore" option at the refit screen at a port. It costs a hell of a lot though (far more than buying a fresh version of the same vessel), but its worth it for something that's rare.
Just found a Heavy Needler in the debris field it made too.
The initial 0.8 release has a bug where you can just strip ships of their D-mods. It's glorious.
yellow becons aren't too bad in my opinion. When I entered one all the REDACTED were neutral and dormant and the fights weren't bad since there were only a few of them. I've heard that systems with red warning beacons are fucking deadly though.
Fuck off, leftist commie cuck.
it depends on the warning beacon, the yellow ones you can probably just do anytime, all there is in those is a dusting of dormant frigates and maybe 1-2 patrolling around
orange is similar but with bigger ships and more patrols
red is lots of patrols and probably a big battlestation orbiting a planet somewhere
i didnt even notice it was colour quardinated
and how much?
is there a way to a faction once you get their commission?
go to the capitol world and call up the base commander
no, joining a faction outright was added by mods so until starsector + and Nexerelin are updated you can only take commisions. You also don't need to go the capital I believe as I've talked to multiple Tri-Trachyon officials in multiple worlds and they all accepted AI cores at 300% price.
>There's more than one color
Oh fuck how did I not notice.
Ran off with 2 Black Market Moras, all the fuel I could hold and outrageously priced supplies in Askonia. This is the lowest I could get by smuggling a couple crew members. Also forgot to sell some stuff to the Tri-Tachs but I'm halfway to my mission destination.
Nothing quite so plebeian.
Lobster is the name of the game.
>destroy remnant station
>assorted heavy weapons
>12 gamma cores
>5 beta cores
>6 alpha cores
is there a way to LEAVE* a faction once you get their commission?
Piss them off by shooting them in the back.
>TFW Combat works magnitudes better when I let the AI do the fighting on my flagship.
Starsector Patch
Finally did it?
As soon as all the mods update I'm there.
How common are the systems with Remnant? I've explored maybe 30 systems and I've only seen 1 with a warning beacon and it was yellow.
Stay strong Gemini-chan
What's the right ship supposed to be?