It's time to rank the Metroid series

It's time to rank the Metroid series

Prime 1>Zero Mission>Prime 2>Super>AM2R>Fusion

Super is the only good metroid game. The rest are shit.

Super Metroid is the most boring, monotonous and clunky

For me it's
Super>Zero Mission>AM2R>Fusion (haven't played the 3d ones)

I wish there would be a metroid collection where the four 2d titles have the artstyle and mechanics of Zero Mission.

NES Metroid - 94
Super - 98
Prime - 96
Fusion - 88
Hunters - 68
Pinball - 78
Prime 2 - 97
Prime 3 - 74
Other M - 49
AM2r - 92

^ I think I'm objectively correct.

Super is my favorite game, Prime 2 is an incredible achievement in level, sound, and visual design, and was the peak of the Gamecube. It's astounding how much better it looks than Prime 1, running on the same hardware, which was already fucking incredible for this gimped piece of shit.

It legitimately has better graphics and sound than the Wii versions.

Super>AM2R>Fusion>Zero Mission

AM2R might be better than Super but I haven't really given it enough time yet.

Forgot the steaming pile of shit that is Zero Mission, completely ruining NES' atmosphere and sound and music and level design.

I'd give it a 66, would still play it 10 times before i put the disc in for other M.

the level design is fine until chozodia, desu

Not him, but
>randomly adding the speed booster from Kraid for no fucking reason at all

Super Metroid > Metroid > Metroid 2 > Metroid Fusion

Don't care about the rest.

Prime 1 > Zero Mission > Prime 2 > Fusion > Super

Super is the most overrated game of all times after Zelda: OoT and any of the "Sony Cinematic Experience" "games".

Super > Prime > ZM > Fusion > everything else

The speed booster was added because the speed booster is cool

Although they went overboard with the amount of speed booster puzzles

>Fusion last
You don't deserve a new Metroid game

prime 2 > super > prime 1 > rest > fedora force > other meme

I still haven't got around to fedora force. Is it even worth playing the single player? Or is the online somehow not dead yet?

Super>Zero>Other M>Prime>fusion>Prime2>Prime3>hunters>M2

Anyone who ranks a rom hack is an idiot.

Fusion > Prime 1 > Prime 2 > Hunters > Prime 3 > Super Metroid > Metroid 2 > Metroid 1 > Zero Mission > Other M > Fed Force

it's not horrific like other M, it's just a meh game surrounded by spectacular games in its series baring other M. It's just meh, if you don't have any other game to play I'd say go for it. It at the very least sets up the next metroid game and explains prime 3's secret ending

While I agree that anything fan-made didn't be included, AM2R isn't a romhack.

My rank is generic and subjected to change. So I won't bother listing mine.

But if you held a gun to my head and told me to put AM2R somewhere It'll be between ZM and Fusion.

Super is the best classic style game.'

Feds is the best Prime game.

Super is unplayable without romhacks, so you may as well rank AM2R too.

Prime >= Super > Fusion > Prime 2 > Prime 3 > 2 > 1

Am I the only person who actually enjoyed Hunters?


But really? I never played it. Seems like it'd be a mess to play on the DS back then.

I never got into it because playing it for more than 25 minutes made my wrist hurt like a bitch. Also hackers

The rival system was cool. I don't think Nintendo ever used it again, did they?

I liked Other M

I found, and still find, the controls very workable.

Weird. I never came across hackers.

Sadly not. I thought it tapped into what Fusion did well. I hope they do something similar in the future.

every single DS game that had multiplayer was infested with hackers, no exceptions

Fusion is too linear. It's just going from sector to sector with intrusive handholding. Shit level design desu