What did Sup Forums think of inFAMOUS?
What did Sup Forums think of inFAMOUS?
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I liked Second Son better than Infamous 1 and 2. Fight me.
Plot: Infamous 1
Gameplay: Infamous 2
A good series that became a meh series.
Definitely play 1 and 2.
I'd say avoid Second Sun it's pretty boring.
Something gravity rush would never be as fun as
>tfw you can suck the electricity out of a generator and then recharge it yourself while being able to suck more from it and repeat
Remember how we got the first inFAMOUS for free after that PSN fuck up and they apologized by giving us some games including inFAMOUS?
I still didtn finish the game.
One of my favorite game series of all time. So fucking fun. Shame Second Son's story fell so flat though, 1 and 2's stories had huge emotional impact and weight. I really hope they announce another at E3.
The city in 1 is also infinitely better than the one in 2. It's like they barely even bothered to use the place in 2.
>that massive cathedral or whatever it is
>there's like 1 mission aside from the final one where you even have to go there
What the fuck?
They made you choose games. I remember because I already had it and picked the zombie game.
I made six accounts and got all the games. They didn't limit it to accounts that were active during the fuck up.
So did I kek
They just basically turned Infamous into knock off Xmen.
Also does anyone find it hypocritical as fuck they wanted to arrest all conduits yet the military had its own branch of super powered conduits at its disposal?
I actually didnt mind Delsin I just wish they stuck him with the smoke powers and just that.
Anyone that didn't pick inFAMOUS unless you already had it must have been braindead.
I got it and the bird's eye zombie game. Completed two playthroughs of inFAMOUS, but dropped the other after two missions.
I think I picked inFamous and LBP? At leats thats what i have in my library but i honetsly dont remember much from back then
I was just mad that Cole's death didn't stop conduits from coming back.
I never played any of them but the character design wearing a beanie immensely triggers me for being so stupidly edgy. It sums of Sony exclusives in general. I fucking hate horizon for example and start threads pretending to like it just so I can shitpost about it
Didn't they change Coles look or voice actor in 2. it was something weird. 1 was ok never played 2
I loved inFamous 1. Haven't played it since it originally came out, but i have fond memories. Remember it being oddly comfy? I love movement mechanics in games, and all the grinding and gliding about the place was so much fun.
I remember getting the 2nd one for my birthday for some reason. Vague memories, but it just didn't click that well with me. Maybe it was the step up in the production quality, remember it being .Ire colourful, but not as characteristic as the first. I think I have up on the game because you reached a part where you had to choose between ice and fire or some shit. I kinda hate when games do that. Like I said earlier, I love movement mechanics-- I wanted them ALL at my disposal, not having to choose.
Maybe I should.pick it up again sometime.
Use to have unanimous praise years ago with minimal shit posting.
*more colourful, *I gave up
I loved it. The second one was also good but I liked it less than the original one, changing Cole's appearance and VA was weird.
Never played Second Son or that expansion.
Really liked inFamous 1 & 2. Should I get Second Son? I heard it's not as good.
Yes. Sucker Punch didn't like how Cole's voice turned out in 1.
You know how InFamous 2 was a massive step up from InFamous 1 in nearly every area?
Second Son was a massive step back in every area but graphics. Everything was dumbed down or simplified and any advances that were made from 1 to 2 were gone. It felt like they started the series from scratch again, mechanics and all but didn't bothered to bring any of the good stuff with them.
1 was good 2 was alright the rest were shit
also the alternate powers were shit
Atleast voodoo fire bitch and Asian ice queen were cool and Zeke turning from a piece of shit to a cool guy.
>voodoo fire bitch
My god she was my number 1 waifu. She was wild as fuck.
1 had better voices, better plot, better character development.
how can anyone say 2 is better is beyond me.
They completely changed Cole's design and gave him hair. I think they had a new VA too but people rightfully bitched and they changed it all back
That scene where you kill Zeke in the ending was pure feels too
god-like games
This thread reminded me that I own Infamous Second Son and haven't touched it yet.. thanks OP!
Infamous 2 > Infamous 1 > Festival of Blood > Second Son > First Light.
>mfw being able to have infinite electricity by shooting enemy corpses and then reabsorbing more energy than you gave off from them
makes sense they removed that bug in 2 but fuck it made my life so much easier
Played the first 3 times over...
Played 2 for a little bit but they made his regular lightning fire a projectile instead of instantaneous. Fucked the whole aesthetic for me
I already had it and little big planet so the only other games left were indie trash that I played for like 5 minutes
>and they changed it all back
they didn't tho.
I unironically want more in this universe,
Maybe about a black kid with Shock powers,
>voodoo fire bitch winds up doing the right thing in both endings
>both end with her sacrificing herself and dying
meanwhile that cunt Kuo gets to live in the evil ending
I really enjoyed the 1st one and was honestly surprised at the plot twist. I liked it so much I preordered Infamous 2 collectors edition.
I didn't get my preorder until a day after release, forgot never to check Sup Forums when a new game is coming out, and was immediately spoiled on the ending. I was really pissed at myself.
I used the Magnum regular shot the majority of the game because it aesthetically looks the most like how it did in the first game, but you can't rapid fire it so its just not the same
She was cute too
>Do evil route
>Expect her to join me at the end
>She sides with humanity while law abiding Kuo joins my side
I didn't want to kill her
And then they made me kill Zeke too
It was fun at first but goddamn did the gameplay loop and enemies really frustrated/piss me off. The most heinous of this was having to defend the trains. Just onslaughts of annoying enemies to deal with. Climbing was also annoyingly simple. Spam x to scale almost everything. Gameplay variety was non existent.
one of my favorite ps3 series
10/10 will play again
Same here.
It's been on my gaming backlog for about 5 years. Right behind RE5.
>a black kid with shock powers
Static Shocks VA voiced John White in both Infamous games
>In the concept are Second Sun character was supposed to have wires
How the fuck would wires even work
I gotta try...
inFAMOUS is a great series and I honestly can't tell if I prefer 1 or 2 more.
Second Son, while still fun, kinda feels like they spent all there time on visuals. It's pretty as hell, but the story is lacklustre and the gameplay is kinda all over the place.
If they make more, Which i'm assuming they will, I would prefer they do a multiple protagonist route where they all have different powers, over one dude with different flavors of the same brand.
>How the fuck would wires even work
And that's why they decided not to do them.
No seriously, the reasons are in the actual game's audio logs
They should have expanded more on his Indian heritage with his powers. Fucking Wendigos and ghost falcons
Lets say Cole came back.
How do you improve his design?
Anyone read this minseries?
I thought it was alright
I'd just use that design that pissed off everyone
You give him hair and he's suddenly Nathan Drake
>MC lives in a pretty bad neighborhood
>Gets caught in gang turf gunfire
>Powers activate
>He either becomes a crime lord or a vigilante
Also sound powers would be better.
I'm surprised sound powers wasn't a thing
Literally just copy Static Shocks cartoon premises where the MC and other gang bangers get super powers but you either take control of the gangs and rule the city or keep order and eliminate the super gangsters
Half as long
Smoke and neon in my opinion. The other ones just felt like they where there for diversity of powers you coud use.
>Sound powers
>The more evil you get the more gangster rap it gets
>The more good you become the more conscious it becomes
Also I could see the MC wearing beats. Also wouldn't sound be the most broken skill
I understood Rock
I didnt like the video game one
1 >>>>> SS >>> trash > 2
>Distract enemies using noises
>Completely silence yourself for self
>Vibrations to heal others (bullshit but look at Second Son)
>Silent but lethal frequency waves
>Fast travel using radio waves
I would probably have liked rock if I didn't get it literally after exploring the whole map doing all side quests and beating the game.
>Static Shocks VA
And Samurai Jack
And that black in MGR
Hey Sup Forums
Half as long...
>infamous 2 evil ending
i cri everytim
SS had the best combat, worst story and enemy variety. Definitely an enjoyable game, and absolutely beautiful, esp considering it's a good 2-3 years old now.
I feel like inFamous is one of the few Sony properties that can actually have good threads on Sup Forums along with Parappa, Ratchet and Clank, Twisted Metal, and Gravity Rush
I'd unironically make her my side hoe.
>buy infamous thinking it'll be a fun grimdark superhero game
>turns out it's basically a third person shooter
The one on the left was his original redesign for 2 but fans didn't like it so they went for the one on the right
Buy Prototype 1 and 2. You'll get what you're looking for.
I really liked one and two. Some of the songs in the second game were pretty great.
>if you're evil you can use sound to shatter rival gang member ear drums
>use sound to literally be a walking stereo and to be a nuisance
>Different genre of music have different effects
I just want a static shock infamous game
Prototype is cliche as fuck, but the combat and gore is cool as shit.
Infamous did everything better than Prototype except visceral combat.
I dont even remember any blood in Infamous 1-3.
I still don't understand how they made SS feel so... flat? All the powers feel practically the same, the plot really doesn't go anywhere as it has only one twist (a character death that EVERYONE guessed beforehand) and it never really deviates from the "gotta get Augustine" objective. 2 was so much more satisfying to play that it's not even fun.
Really, the only thing I found memorable in SS was that Augustine looks 99% like my aunt. At least many laughs out of that.
>Implement music and audio you've downloaded in your attacks
Funny, I believe the exact opposite.
Half as long...
Because it was a rushed launch title, I imagine. I hope SP is working on something else, or is at least ready for a proper sequel.
rly tho wtf hve they been doin'
How the fuck did Cole take showers
Wait, isn't Static Shock Phil Lamarr?
>check his IMDB
Holy fuck this dude is everywhere
Is this the story between the ending of 1 and beginning of 2?
Twice the life
I liked it. I called the twist about ten minutes in. But the climbing was absolute garbage because it was slow and boring. I heard the sequel fixed that, but I only got to play Second Son, which did it alright but had a much worse story.
He didn't. He actually mentioned that in one of the first missions in 1. He also couldn't drive cars, his electricity wrecked the ignition and I think made the car explode.
>>Implement music and audio you've downloaded in your attacks
You have no idea how abusive that is
In 2015, Yoshida said he saw Sucker Punch's upcoming project and got excited by it
There were layoffs in 2014 and they began hiring for people who can handle lightning and color
They've also been hiring people for open world design
I believe he mentioned somewhere (maybe in the comic?) that he had to take sponge baths.
so much second son hate. it's actually my favorite in the series.
Isn't SP working on that Spidey game?
Scrubbed his skin off with dry sponges, it's what I would do
SP does God of War right? If so that's where peobably.
sponges IIRC
Infamous (the first one at least) has some awful platforming. So dang magnetic.
people always assume that because of infamous but it's actually insomniac on the spidey game.
>Dog enemies
>later in the game ability that lets you use a frequency to make dogs go insane