Post things that were done poorly in this game, other anons reply with ways they could have been done better. I'll start with a few obvious ones.
Post things that were done poorly in this game, other anons reply with ways they could have been done better...
I don't really get this.
I was constantly throwing weapons away to pick up better ones, I never had enough room.
In late game when you get a sword that has like 70 power you wanna hold onto it. Also I feel bad for using Fire Rods and stuff because I feel like I'm wasting it.
awful, terrible, combat lock on camera angles.
Dodongo bombing
Rain and durability are fine, you guys are whining faggots.
Dungeons are the only legitimate flaw of this game.
>Get awesome weapon
>Never use it because it's gonna break
>In late game when you get a sword that has like 70 power you wanna hold onto it
For lynels, maybe. For most encounters it's actually more enjoyable to go with a more tactical approach.
I don't see the dungeons as an issue either. It's obvious that they weren't the focus of the game to begin with.
That's your fault, not the game's. Weapons are made to be broken.
Zelda is supposed to be about them
Fuck off OoT babby
Weapons are made to deal damage and be used, not to be broken, you fucking idiot.
> No Tingle
> Link not masculine enough
> including Kass for furries
Every Zelda game has been about 40/60 overworld and dungeons though, even the very first one and especially ALttP
>use weapon
>damage enemy
>weapon breaks
>use different weapon
I really don't see the problem here. Early game weapons are so plentiful that breaking them is hardly a problem, and late game weapons are a lot more durable, hell once I got the Master Sword I barely even used the other weapons except for white Moblins and Lynels. Are you sure you don't suck at video games?
only thing i really hate is rain. if there was a way to get around slipping it would be fine
its more of an annoyance than anything else though.
the dungeons were fine, i just wish there were more of them. they could easily take 5-10 shrines, and strung them together to make a dungeon. couldve had one in almost every zone
You're acting like there aren't over 100 shrines that are basically mini dungeons, the only difference is they're spread out on the overworld instead of being connected. Considering BoTW focused on the overworld this really isn't a fair criticism.
>Dark Beast Ganon
>calls others bad at the game
>upgraded health to pull drake sword out his ass.
>Needing casual sword
git gud.
The advantage of shrines is that they make the overworld more accessible, the dungeona may not be very large but the way they interact with the overworld is very interesting, and the puzzles are novel in that you move the dungeon itself kind of like the Stone Temple except less shitty.
not that guy but it seems we have a level 5 fan boy response here. Durability has NEVER been in a zelda game, and it feels awkward. It was a mistake, that will leave this game as more of a Fad than a entry in the series.
Poor reading comprehension, the post.
I prefer the overworld/adventuring to the actual dungeons, so that's good for me.
The biggest problem is that this shouldnt have been called Zelda, they missed a nice opportunity to create a new franchise or even revive an older one (Star Tropics maybe).
But they had to rely on brand name and as a result we got babbies crying about 4 dungeons.
How is this an argument?
it is not, its my opinion. the game added elements that were not fun.
Do you type this from the asylum?
Or are you this mentally disabled and somehow still allowed to be online at home?
Then again, trash that needs the casual sword doesn't have an opinion of any worth.
you clearly havent played every zelda game then
You were just complaining that weapon durability made the game too hard, the irony is clearly lost on you.
Weapon durability adds challenge, if you don't enjoy challenge then stick to mobile games.
I like the rain mechanic, personally. It feels good when a game stops the power fantasy and just tells you to fuck off at times. Granted, it rains more often in Hyrule than the Amazon it seems.
If you want new zelda to play exactly the same as old zelda then why bother even getting a new zelda? Just play the old ones. they're still the same I promise. All the tired out mechanics that have been exactly the same in every single game will still be there no matter what a new game does.
OoT was 3D. Before that zelda had NEVER been 3D. And yet it was good. I honestly can't believe that I can come to Sup Forums and see people bitching and moaning that a 30 year old franchise is doing NEW things. Like holy fuck if you legitimately never want anything new in a zelda game; there are enough zelda games for you to just cyclically play through all of them over and over again.
Durability isn't a problem, it's just new. It means you can't play like old zelda where you just go full Egoraptor and mash a single attack button the entire game and never think about anything at all. And yet weapons and other ways of killing shit are so fucking plentiful that there is literally never a point in the game where durability is a legitimate problem. The absolute worst case scenario is you spend maybe 5 minutes TOPS to go and get like a dozen good weapons which is more than you need for literally any challenge in the game.
Like seriously how bad at videogames do you have to be that you can't handle the durability in BotW?
>babbies crying about 4 dungeons
This is literally my favorite Zelda but it could be way better. You'd be praising the dungeons if they were good.
>too hard
Too hard? Where did I say that? Quote the exact part in my comment that I said it was too hard .
I don't see it. Or is that your meds talking to you?
I just called you out for being a retard that thinks weapons are meant to be broken.
I bet that's what you inherited from your dyslectic parents as they went and bought condoms that were made to be broken before use and by mistake shat you out.
What does rain do?
Fall from the sky, makes you wet, makes rain sound effects, looks like water falling, contains water.
Performance optimization is the biggest issue. The rest are just things which could have been better but aren't that bad. The performance is legitimately a problem.
move traps to this thread.
early game:
>defeat enemies by throwing boulders/crates/etc into them
>drop shit on their head
>push them off cliffs
>drown them in rivers
>everything physics does only 1% of the HP of a silver bokoblin
>water still instantly drowns them (?)
enemies should be able to swim like lizalfos
physics should deal scaling % max HP damage
dropping a boulder on a silver bokoblin should deal like 300 damage
makes climbing, your primary and absolutely critical method of travel in this game, a fucking unecessary hassle
Seriously do they have some kind of magical aura that makes raw force not hurt them or something?
tell me more, you wordsmith you
Name an element or object in BotW and I'll try to reply in a similar way.
Durability as it is now is trash. high quality weapons shouldn't be snapping in two after a couple of fights, and having to pause in the
middle of combat in an action game to get a new weapon is absolutely garbage game design. Give us more to do with the weapons. Let us upgrade, customize, repair, etc.
It wouldn't work with the current loot system in the game but the current loot system is trash anyway.
>halfway up a mountain
>starts to rain
>either have to clamber down and start a fire to wait it out or sit crotch to rock for two minutes doing literally nothing while you wait for it to pass, and that's assuming it only lasts one phase
if there were a way around the slipping it'd be fine but as it is it's shit
Silver enemies have too much HP in general.
I find no point in wasting most of a late-game weapons durability in killing a single bokoblin
makes surfaces slippery to climb
muffles footsteps
limits visibility
makes electric damage hit an AoE
makes electric lizalfos surrounded by a lightning AoE
extinguishes fires
fizzles bomb arrows
makes NPCs run for shelter
makes certain flowers and bugs appear
makes fish appear in larger numbers
>No one outside of Gerudo city mistakes Link for a girl
Wind, of course
>Post things that were done poorly in this game, other anons reply with saying you're wrong and arguing
ftfy op
>makes electric lizalfos surrounded by a lightning AoE
That's neat as fuck
Carries particles and molecules in a direction where it came from.
Smells like shit and faggotry if you stand head-wind of OP.
Unlike blowjobs it doesn't suck but pushes air either towards you or away from you.
Smelly wind erected from the nether twin mountain carries a strong aroma, use this to make people disgusted.
no, you can ragdoll and harm silver bokoblins with physics just the same as other bokoblins, they just have higher HP and the damage on physics doesn't scale at all
so swinging a metal crate into a red bokoblin can send him flying and die instantly taking 13 -> 0 hp. But against a silver bokoblin you send him flying and he goes from 720 -> 707 hp
instead of just being linear damage scaling like:
>damage = physics force
it should be something like:
>damage = physics force + % max HP that scales with physics force and uses a different coefficient for different monster classes/sizes (ie a bokoblin might take 30 + 40% of his HP in damage, a lynel might take 30 + 8% of his HP in damage from the same hit)
>Boss Design
>Enemy Design
>Enemy Variety
>World Design
$80 + tip, hop u rike it
Daily reminder that the only interesting piece of architecture in the game was stolen from the conceptual artists and miniature designers who worked on The Lord of the Rings film trilogy
it makes them the most dangerous enemies in the entire game if you don't cheese them from range or use upgraded rubber set
all they have to do is get close to you and you get shocked and take damage and drop your weapon and stunned for their melee hits
and they run like 5x faster than you
you can still kill silver bokos / moblins with 1 hit from a cold weapon or ice rod by just pushing them into a nearby pool of water
enemies on satori mountain:
>bokoblins, lizalfos, moblins
enemies in gerudo desert:
>bokoblins, lizalfos, moblins
enemies in death mountain:
>bokoblins, lizalfos, moblins
enemies in hyrule castle:
>bokoblins, lizalfos, moblins
>throwing a literal temper tantrum over a video game mechanic
Is it past user's bedtime or something?
It is, so go to bed.
But it's already broken so you're gonna have to sleep on the broken floor.
This food during combat completely trivializes every fight.
Just give Link a stomach-ache after eating more than 4 things that's ALL THEY HAD TO DO.
>get awesome ammo
>never shoot gun because you are going to run out
The combat being unsatisfying and unrewarding doesn't already do that?
There is literally no reason to fight anything other than the Blights + Ganon. Nothing blocks you, everything is easily dodged, parry2win, and the combat as far as Action gameplay goes is 20 years old.
Also you can shield surf infinitely
Some of the dungeons are too confusing, I've been on the "Keo Ruug" star shrine for 30 minutes now. Can I get a tip without spoilers please?
didnt really like the bosses too much, way too easy save for thunderblight
the same 3 enemies and 2 mini bosses gets old after a while
i despise impa's voice acting
as far as things i actively disliked/annoyed me thats pretty much it
count the number of the same constellations
yeah, I overthought it too.
Durabilit was in OoT with certain items and in MM.
Personally, I liked the durability system. Would have liked an HPbar for items, but it gets you to try all sorts of new items, make decisions on if fights are worth it, use weapons efficiently and, really, is user-issue if you don't blow.
Once I started getting good weapons, it was never a problem.
Dungeons though... fuck, I want a real dungeon
You have a forecast in the bottom right of your screen, if it honestly takes you that long to climb a mountain when there's no rain coming up then you are the slowest motherfucker ever.
What was there wasn't bad, the overworld itself is more of a dungeon than the dungeons though. Could have been bigger and better, some non-story related ones to find and explore would be nice.
Nothing wrong with it, you have tons of weapon slots and if you're killing shit you're going to be getting more weapons than you're breaking. What do you need a dozen good weapons for? You're not fighting an army of Lynels at any point, stop being too much of a pussy to wipe out some bokoblins and moblins with it, you'll pick up something else good before you even see the next Lynel.
>tactical approach
this only applied for the early game when you had very few weapons with shit durability and you had to think of ways to dispatch enemies. It doesn't take long before you realize that fighting enemies is a waste of time though and thats when you start to get the majority of your weapons from chests and going through the annoying of dropping a shit weapon for a better one, which could have been much more intuitive and worse case is breaking good weapons to get a chest just to find out the chest has a shit weapon inside(the stasis shrine).
I think they would need to rework a bunch to make durability better though, might be done better in the next game or completely removed. either option is better than what we got.
There's no reason yellow hearts should insta-fill the entire health bar. There's no reason to making my famous gourmet meaty rice balls when plopping a hearty radish into the pan yields better results.
The fact you can eat wherever could be fixed in just a few steps.
>Add a slider to the down button on the d-pad for dishes
>You can equip 4 at a time from there but you can only eat from there during a fight or something
>Make the animations that go in the menu when Link eats something play in real time so it makes Link a sitting duck/slow movement to a walking speed
Its that simple.
This is a split issue
People who are used to durability don't have a problem with this
Also there are ways to make your weapons permanent
Grow a brain
the 4 divine beasts combine to make a giant mech that has you fight ganon in a bullfight style
Yeah eating could use some tweaking.
>2 mini bosses
You'd be hard pressed to find things that weren't done poorly.
I liked the durability system and thought it worked great for this kind of game.
I do think dungeons needed work though, and rain makes for an interesting roadblock mechanic but as a random weather effect I fucking hate dealing with it.
These threads always bring out you saltyfucks
think only 3 of those count as mini bosses. still baffles me why lynels dont get boss bars
Your ego is more fragile than any weapon in BoTW
Personally, I'd switch the Dark Beast and Calamity phases of the fight, and then add a third, extra phase if you manage to get all the memories and free all the Divine Beasts and get the Master Sword.
Have all of Ganon's malice coalesce into a huge humanoid form for a one-on-one showdown where he uses dark versions of the Champion abilities and ridiculous versions of the main slate abilities against you along with twin swords ala Hyrule Warriors.
Well yeah, that's a given. I mean I bought it hoping it would be good, and it sucks that it isn't. I'm not mad at it, it's just disappointing.
There's always the next time, assuming it sells enough.
i mean two mini bosses that you see constantly through out the world
hinox and talus
guardians and molgora are fine because you only find them in specific areas and while you see lynels randomly their fights are always exciting
>if there were a way around the slipping it'd be fine but as it is it's shit
You literally hop on the 4th step, you fucking retard.
Soulsfag pls go
Enemy variety, or lack thereof. Definitely needed more overworld bosses as well, I was hyped for the Talks fight that I saw in the gameplay trailers but then I got the game and found out the only bosses are Talos and Hinox with a single exception in Gerudo desert.
Heck they could've just given Lynels a boss hp bar and I would like it better.
>there's no reason to fight stuff
Whenever I hear this I just have to assume that person doesn't even like video games to begin with, or at least need to stick to a different genre.
Dungeons are a weird thing to debate about in botw
the main focus during development was to make a landscape that was super vast and you could explore it all.
Im sure that was the focus with the new hardware. dungeons and caves are something that can be loaded easily and arent as impressive. i think they went with the shrine approach because zelda is with puzzles from its roots and they needed to put their puzzles somewhere
>exploring snowy area in southwest
>hundred foot long sword sticking out of the ground with a silver moblin looking at it
>kill moblin
>sword does nothing
>remains unexplained
It's part of a quest
take a picture of it
At least From Software overhauled their combat from King's Field to Demon's Souls.
The combat being fun is a reason, albeit not one that applies.
the game directors stated that with the new hardware, they wanted the focus to be on open world. the kept the puzzles and made them optional shrines. i like it the way it is and i believe they did gud
Thanks, now I won't have to trek back there later.
>In late game when you get a sword that has like 70 power you wanna hold onto it
The fuck kind of retarded are you? The game throws 50-70 dmg elemental and nonelemental swords at you as soon as you glide off the plateau, respawning every blood moon. There's no reason to carry any sub-50 dmg melee weapon except maybe some spears if you like for jousting with bokos. Especially not once you get stasis+ or frost or lightning arrows.
>that feeling when its just not worth taking that edge of duality in the shrine chest.
>doesnt like rain
I take it you're not familiar with what the sheika+2 armor and shock arrows do in the rain.
>No one outside of Gerudo city mistakes Link for a girl
tbq it doesn't seem to fool anybody in gerudo either, except maybe even the guards and nobody hires guards for their sparkling intelligence. There are at least gerudo 4 npcs I've met that have mentioned knowing vai-Link is a guy. The others are probably just being polite/raping him in their minds.
>Shoehorn stealth into the game because Skyrim
>Can't sneak into the Gerudo encampment
>"Cities" are incrediby small and feature nothing but 1-2 fetch quests, a Shrine and sometimes a Shrine quest
>Skyrim invented stealth
Holy shit kill yourself.
Also even if you get in somehow you must go to Riju and her guards will spot you and throw you out either way
>Can sneak into loli queens bedroom...
>...and she's down with that...