Rate the last game you played.
Rate the last game you played
Persona 5
Is she fat? She looks fat.
Game looks ugly. Soundtrack is annoying and insta pitfalls are shit design.
Camera is also an annoyance.
>Is she fat? She looks fat.
would still bang.
Weight: 95 pounds
Height: 57 inches
Titanfall 2
Amazing campaign and multiplayer, but goddamn the melee plays like shit sometimes
Is it really that good?
First game burned me bad.
To preface, titanfall 2 improved on everything to an unfathomable degree. It is honestly one of he most fun and complex shooters I've played.
The melee system is ultimately hit or miss (pun intended). Sometimes you feel like you hit first, but still die. Sometimes they'll be right in front of you and miss, but they lunge and kill you from 20 feet away. Overall the game is phenomenal, buy evey now and then melee is shitty. Which isn't remotely close to a reason not to get it.
>Brothers : A Tale of Two Sons
8/10. Short but sweet game. Very immersive. Original controls/idea. I enjoyed it and encourage anyone with a spare afternoon to spend 2-3 hours playing it in one go.
Wind Waker on Dolphin.
0/10 because I couldn't get the fucking widescreen to work properly without stretching it to hell.
Non emu: Game Dev Tycoon. I give it 3/10 for a novel concept but it's also really bad at conveying information and statistics so unless you want to look up everything on a wiki prepare to restart the game over and over again. This might appeal to some players but I can't be arsed.
Why not the HD one on CEMU?
Because CEMU is a meme and probably not very accurate in its emulation. I'm looking forward for it to work in like a year or two though.
8/10. Needed less cutscenes (or at least a better story), better boss fights, and less qte. Good game regardless though, and I don't play all too much cuhrazy.
op dat girl is sexxxahy
dem eyes dat smile
would anytime
The melee is just a small part of the bigger problem which is the horrible lag compensation. Try using a projectile weapon like the Cold War and enjoy your strokes that you get from the pure anger and frustration you'll feel after watching your projectiles disappear mid air after dying.
Still a fun game though. But after 60 hours the netcode became too much for me and I stopped playing.
Okay. Fuck it, you've convinced me. Gonna get it about a week once work shit is straightened out and i got some time on my hands again.
Diana Blake. You want Alfie IRL with bigger tits? There ya go
Yooka Laylee: 7/10
Bosses are pretty bad, flight controls are bad and break the difficulty, some of the mini games suck and there are one too many breaking the 4th wall jokes but overall I still had a great time with the exploring, puzzles and challenges.
just finished ds2 with dlc, first half of the game was pretty bad but around drangleic castle it started to pick itself up and the dlcs were quite nice too
guild wars 2
5/10 and I'm being generous
only good thing about the game are the landscapes
how can anyone fuck up so bad a game
Zelda: BotW
9/10 dungeons are way too short and simple, too little enemy variety and way too many korok seeds (like fuck why would I want to collect all of those?). Otherwise it's a fantastic game that avoids almost all of the pitfalls of the open world -genre by respecting the player.
Could have been the greatest game ever made if it had grinding, manuals, flips, grabs and a score meter.
Short obese.
Happy to help. If you ever want to play you can add me on origin (G00dshow)
The thing about titanfall 2 is that it did what hardly any sequels do. It kept literally everything good the first titanfall did, and removed/fixed all the shitty stuff. Every titan, weapon, and ability feels unique and are incredibly fun to play.
>Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
I don't thinks it's possible to quantify the quality of a game with a simple number score.
Holy fuck I'm addicted to combat surf and I've blown 49 cents on skins so far.
and perfect
Camwhores have no value.
>shitty 480p videos with shoddy lighting and trash angles
First 20 hours are good, the World of Ruin and especially any dungeon where you have to bring multiple parties are just excruciating.
>Nintendo shakes up the FPS world with Splatoon
>Nintendo shakes up the Open-world RPG with Zelda
>Nintendo just might shake up the fighting game world with Arms
>Nintendo releases "The Legend of Zelda: Quest for the Golden Surf-Shield", resurrecting the long dead skateboard genre
>Link! Ganon has like, taken over as king of the Royal Skatepark, and Princess Zelda is like, WAY in trouble, you gotta help her
>Link is voiced by the same dude that did the animated series back in the day.