The final piece of Dark Souls content has been released.
Let's have a thread where we recall our favorite experiences throughout the series. Regardless of installment.
I'm sad that it's over.
But I'm glad that it happened.
Rest In Peace
The final piece of Dark Souls content has been released.
Let's have a thread where we recall our favorite experiences throughout the series. Regardless of installment.
I'm sad that it's over.
But I'm glad that it happened.
Rest In Peace
Other urls found in this thread:
I liked the part where I circle strafed the enemy and killed it
The fight itself was underwhelming, but one of the most amazing reveals I've ever experienced in a video game was the Gaping Dragon.
It's design is something straight out of hell and will stick with me for life.
I thought I was the only one with access to this glorious image.
About to start DS3 after TFF edition arrives next week. I've only played BB (on Orphan of Kos and I'll be done after that). What's a good build to start with?
I still haven't played a second of DaS3 because my computer can't run it properly, and I'm currently too broke for an upgrade.
Its been an emotional rollercoaster
>fucking better
>the huge dissappointment
>I was super skeptical at first but pleasantly surprised
>Not as disappointing as DS2 but I had a couple playthroughs and went back to bloodborne soon after
Overall it was dope
Most likely my favorite moment was beating twin gargoyled by myself since I had no idea how to summon at the time.
Yeah but should I do like Str/Dex? 2H or shield?
Tarkus was cool as fuck and his greatsword is the best weapon in the game. It's a shame they ruined it in the sequels.
Going into DS1 completely blind was magical. Everything else was nice, but that first journey was something else.
Demon's and Dark Souls are two of few games whose first playthrough I still remember pretty well, they were just really memorable games. Subsequent playthroughs were just as fun because new content would appear depending on certain conditions. These two games are genuinely good despite a lot of people saying they're overrated.
Also please don't waste your keystrokes on the tired meme that the second half of Dark Souls is bad. Sure its obvious some parts were rushed/cut but the second half also includes:
>Tomb of Giants/Nito
>New Londo
Honestly the people who say the second half of Dark Souls is bad only think so because there's a large difficulty spike and you can't sprint through every area
The entirety of the Painted World.
Knight if you don't want any luck is ideal for melee. Pyromancer is ideal for magic.
This, she is too cute, I never killed her, just cut the tail and bone out.
How does Sup Forums feel about the chaos demons being retconned into being sentient creatures with a history and culture?
use both then you can basically be dark souls batman and use whatever you like as you come across it.
I thought warrior was the optimal melee class
going straightswords/real heavy weapons makes PvE easy mode and so does shield
find out what you want when you are playing it, since preferences always differ
Tried playing DS1 Prepare to die Edition for the first time yesterday and it acts like I should have a gamepad when I'm using KB+M. Plus, the camera movement was awfully nauseating.
It made me physically ill just getting to that first asylum demon guy
>Honestly the people who say the second half of Dark Souls is bad only think so because there's a large difficulty spike and you can't sprint through every area
I always thought it was because Snorlax and Pikachu pushed your shit in until you got good, and then afterwards you're good enough to blow through everything with minimal effort.
i still haven't played 2
Are you talking about 3? Warrior is best for a pure strength build then.
The music that plays when I die, knowing that all the pain has ended.
that + lost izalith felt unfinished with it's ridiculously easy to handle enemies + tomb of the giants was a short area + seath forced you to die and possibly cursed you
Sure bosses become pushovers but an area like the Archives or Tomb of the Giants could easily frustrate people accustomed to how easy previous areas are. Especially if you don't know about light sources, or that crystal enemies are extremely resistant to slash. Those areas require a little more thought
Nothing will beat making it to a new, cool looking area, or finally beating a boss and wondering what cool weapons I can make out of their soul.
I don't know why it does this either
Dark souls > dark souls 2 >> power gap >>>> dark souls 3
My dude just get a gamepad. Reality is simply that different games will be best with one of the other it's worth the investment.
>Going through DS1 blind for the first time
>Get stuck on Izalith.
>fuckit lets look on the internet
>learn about the Sunlight Maggot
>putting solaire down like an old feable dog thats gone rabbid
College student with 150 dollars to my name famalamadingdong. I wish I could
> Playing 1 for the first time.
> Eventually end up finding the Fair Lady and dedicate myself to her.
> Farm humanity all day 'erry day.
> Eventually find her pyromancy teaching sister.
> Joins the bro circle with Solaire and Onion.
> Travel through the swamp just to see her every time I give my waifu humanity.
> Ascend my flame by merging ours together.
> Literal max friendship.
> One day aggro the stone throwers.
> Walk over to her because I don't want to fight. They also lose aggro when I reach her.
> They don't.
> One hits her and triggers her aggro.
> When NPCs aggro is triggered they become hostile to you no matter what caused it.
> She attacks me.
> I try to avoid killing her but I can't just leave her.
> I don't know about the pardoner fixing NPC aggro.
> I realize she's truly lost it and I need to put her down.
> Because I'm not the one that attacked her the lines for that weren't said.
> She doesn't know why I'm attacking her.
> Her last words are asking "What have you done?"
The only thing that went right in that playthrough is that Solaire glitched and left Lordran. He just fucked off, no sign and no insanity. Then comes DS3 and I find my waifu's corpse. I killed her sisters and didn't link the fire so it stands to reason that, at least in my little self contained timeline, that the body next to her is me. At least I died alongside my waifu.
Nothing will ever top the first time I put Demon's Souls in and this played.
I thank you all for keeping the shitposting to an absolute minimum.
Here's hoping we'll experience a franchise of this caliber once again some day.
It warms my heart to see this many people, however small the number may be, have the same level of appreciation for the series I do.
See you, space cowboy.