Melee, or should I say gaylee, is the most broken garbage piece of shit game ever made and even daddy Sakurai himself called it a garbage ass piece of shit of a mistake. Why do gaylee faggots refuse to recognize this? Why do gaylee faggots continue to run tournaments for their shitty outdated game, hurting Smash 4 numbers? If gaylee faggots stopped fucking stealing potential Smash 4 players, then Smash 4 viewership and entrant numbers would be higher. Instead, the selfish gaylee fags throw shitty smelly tournaments while clinging to their shitty game like the dumbfuck autists that they are. How the fuck do we get these smelly autistic faggot niggers to move onto the best and most up to date Smash game?
Why don't Meleefags move on?
>Sakurai himself called it a garbage ass piece of shit of a mistake.
I thought sakurai said it was the "sharpest" of the series?
anyway, sage
no, he said it was a piece of shit mistake, I can smell your denial gaylee faggot
I don't even play melee I just wanted to reply to this thread because it's hilarious
still saging
anyway, this was a really good thread
I hope you enjoyed my sages
Consider the perspective of your typical melee player. If there is only one thing in life that you're good at, why would you abandon it?
to try and get good at things that matter
Hijacking this cuz I read an archived thread and I'm baffled.
Because he has to deal with acquiring and configuring hundreds of CRTs and weird broadcasting/capturing setups.
Why on earth would placing matter regarding someone's opinion of a theoretical port in the first place? (Again, assuming the gameplay isn't messed with)
Even assuming placing did matter, Mang0's said it'd be good if it wasn't changed, Hungry box said his greatest regret was not asking Reggie to push Melee HD when he had the chance.
It's a huge deal for the long term viability of competitive and spectator Melee that CRTs aren't a requirement. Especially in multi-game tournaments like EVO where accommodations have to be made for Melee broadcasting setups and it's a huge inconvenience.
That- plus widely accessible, decent quality online play would be the dream scenario.
Again, all probably a pipe dream
But saying Melee HD wouldn't be super important to tournament logistics, and acting like no top players or elements of the community have ever gotten excited at the prospect is ridiculous.
Also, acting like only top players matter in the Melee community is ridiculous. Both the players and the organizers are necessary for this shit to work.
like what? you mean things that aren't videogames? this is a videogame board and you're complaining about people caring about videogames?
Enjoy your ban faggot
I will, thanks
Sakurai called me the sharpest version of smash and the most competitive.
The reason melee fags wont move on is because theres nothing to move to.
SF2 fags got pandered to with later installments. melee fags were told to fuck off with later installments.
>melee is the best fighting game
Became a meme, regardless if its true or not
Since the hardware limitations of the 3DS won't be a problem, you think these guys and maybe wolf, squirtle, and ivysaur are gonna come back for smash switch?
The real question is why they always go on about the "competitive" scene when it's not a real fighting game.
>smash switch
is that even happening?
I don't see it not happening. If Mario kart 8 and splatoon get installments on the switch, it would be a poor decision to not have Smash on it as well. Plus, the joycon setup matches that of the 3DS exactly.
Damn you got defensive real fast. Someone's insecure.
no, I'm just asking legit questions in a troll thread.
>Someone's insecure.
You made a thread complaining about a videogame.
It's amazing how fast they post this when you mention that you are only talking about video games in a video game board
There's nowhere to move to. Rivals of Aether? LMAO
FGC guy here.
I don't play either game competitively, because lolsmash. But here's my take:
>Smash 64
Nobody plays this because it's old. That's a shame, as this is IMO the best Smash game hands down, sorta like Super Turbo is the best SF game.
Melee's glitches, speed, and physics make it unique from the other smash games, and is the least like traditional fighting games. This gives it a niche that the other titles don't fill. On top of that, it's a fun game in general, and it's easy to see why people play it.
Brawl is a joke. It's boring as fuck to watch, and play. Some of that shit on Meta Knight is hilarious, as no developer that cared about balance would have let that shit through. Tripping is totally retarded. Stages are terrible.
>Smash 4
Smash 4 is the most like a traditional fighting game... But then why wouldn't you just play an actual fighting game? Maybe it's because Smash 4 players are not only too shit to play melee, but also too shit to play actual fighting games? Food for thought. Also, the balance had Mortal Kombat Patch syndrome, which is never a good thing.
>daddy Sakurai
Besides broken things are fun. Why do you think people loved MvC2?
I played Brawl for the Subspace Emissary. Really good story.
But yeah, it's basically the opposite of a good fighting game.
Also, you forgot Project M.
I love how these threads stay alive longer than actual Melee threads.
Because Melee is a fucking old game, what's there to discuss if the meta never changes.
Fuck Drumpf
Fuck Gaylee
and FUCK white people
>Melee hurting sales of smash 4
The thing that is hurting Smash 4's sales is being on the Wii U
>Implying people give a shit that they are banned from this shit hole for 3 days
Find a better use of your time if you care that badly faggot.