Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread:
>Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
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Requesting Ryuji Yamazaki (Fatal Fury/King of Fighters) on the right being father like by having his arm around Ryuji Sakamoto's (Persona 5) shoulders.

Requesting Hifumi Tongou from Persona 5 having Star Platinum (or its chibi form) as a stand.

And before you ask, yes, it is.


Requesting Sae and Joker dressed as Batman and Joker in the interrogation room

>he doesn't know about the neck bending technique

look at this beastly idiot

Requesting Chie with stylish black shades doing the pose below.

Requesting a cute pic of Estelle (from Trails in the Sky) but with the haircut of the girl on the right.

Requesting MASSIVE cowtits May in a bunnygirl outfit similar to Mega Lopunny complete with it's weird ears

Please draw a simple nude pic of Peatrice

Requesting Raquna dressed as a mounty riding a Furyhorn/Ragelope.

Ky and Dizzy, consensual sex for the purposes of procreation. Because that's canon.

I kinda need someone to edit the eyes into the color of blue.

I tried but paint bucket isn't that good.

Requesting Protagonists from gun-lord and turrican having an arm-wrestling contest please.

Requesting smug Pyribbit gijinka.

>Want to draw something, maybe lewd
>The same shit literal who character requests all the time




Requesting Yukiko successfully being cast as Alex, a new character in the remake of the game "Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey"

Requesting Kirby in this set turning other Nintendo characters into magical girls.

Requesting Vanessa in the "fuck me" shirt swirling a small fireball on her finger.

Requesting the images in the middle (from the movie "The Thing (1982)") with Chihiro from Danganronpa (role as the guy/victim) and Mondo from Danganronpa (role as the mutant thing).
Here the video scene at 1:48-1:54:
Make the mutant thing same like the original but with Mondo's clothing and haircut.

Drawing Nintendo sluts/FoTMs is boring though

Sounds easy enough.

>swirling a small fireball on her finger.

I see all of these requests and think that it's the same anime face with different hair and lots of belts. I think that you could just have a template of sorts and swap hairs and paste the desired dialogue/situation and 80% of the requests would be pleased.

requesting Gladion in a bunnygirl outfit with a white/light blue color scheme like Lillie's dress

bonus points if he's also wearing makeup

Requesting a version of the top image with BJ, Doomguy, and Ranger.

Requesting vert as a giantess goddess in a similar pose to the pics on the right

Nier Automata/Zelda/Persona have the same issues.

Thick Blair Dame.

REQUEST: Breath of the Wild Link in the Lynel mask, two actual Lynels standing nearby looking confused, whispering among each other "What's with the new guy?"

For the random cool factor

>requesting Pic related with any vidya character of your choice
I recommend Olivia from Pokemon Sun and moon
and if you do this with Aigis don't give her feet and do it with her actual hooves things

Requesting Tharja (top, mother) holding Noire (bottom, daughter) in the "The weak should fear the strong" pose.

Requesting Smogmella from Yo-kai Watch 2 having her ghost butt slapped, reacting with surprise

Your waifu loves you! 'til death do you part, the bonds are unbreakable!

Requesting an 18th century of the MC from Persona 3. Basically, have him wearing typical 18th century fashion - like a highwayman or a musketeer - and using a flintlock version of the evoker

Idea based off this -

Requesting these character fusions. The top on is Mion from htoL#NiQ, the right one is Rose and the left one is the nameless playable girl from Yomawari.

Requesting Yuyuko Saigyouji giving away a present like this other girl is doing.
With a c: face and the present must be a bomb. The more cartoony the bomb, the better. The bomb would look alright with only a blue/light blue bow, fuse must not be lit.

Requesting Rock/Mega Man and Roll, both of them in their underwear and with their backs turned to the viewer, doing a little dance.

And before you accuse me of paedophilia, just look up the "mega_man" and "roll" tags on the Vidyart booru and you'll see far more explicit drawings. So really, them being in their underwear is quite tame compared to those. And besides, Roll got pantyshots in the Marvel vs Capcom games, and it wasn't intended to be sexual.

Requesting Junko clothed paizuri.

Requesting Max Payne with P5's battle HUD, but every option is "GUN".
You could also make him fucking up P5's enemies while the rest of the cast looks at him astonished by how he doesn't need Personas nor magical shit to get the work done.

>BTW I'm a pedophile

Nobody cares, but why request that boring slut Roll when Tron is infinitely better?

Requesting cute and sexy Red from Hyperdimension Neptunia.

Remove only the clothing on her body but keep the clothing parts on her arms, feets, head accessories and the golden dragon. With red and white haired bush down there.

Requesting Rock Howard (from Garou) dressed like Urien from Street Fighter

Alternatively, (and more in line with what I have in mind), Rock Howard dressed up like a rule 63 version of Cassandra from Rage of the Dragons. Rock in a design thats a mix of Urien and Cassandra would also be interesting.

Requesting a parody of a depression-era pulp novel featuring the main cast of Rockin' Kats, with Willy (the blue cat) infiltrating Mugsy's (the dog mobster) hideout, who is keeping Jill (his girlfriend) bound and gagged on a chair.

Oh, Really? Why?

Miriam moon walking up stairs like classic castlevania please

Yeah it would be more interesting to have something besides generic anime or FOTM but I don't know anymore.

>sfw Miriam request

Nigga what the fuck are you doing

I've been in these threads for ages mane, and trust me, it never changes.
if that's not what you want it's best to just leave these threads behind and do whatever you want for yourself, on your blog, or wherever else I don't know.

These threads will never change.

>I'm not a pedo because there is stuff far worse

You know, if you just didn't say anything, no one would say anything.

Requesting an outfit swap between two girls who wear leotards instead of panties and have 2 B's in their names.

Did you not see your Crash delivery?

How do you know it's moonwalking in a still picture nigga

It's the same as walking down nigga

I would have to draw an arrow explaining the situation and some fast lines man

Doesn't make any sense

Requesting art of Ershin from BoFIV.

Requesting Ann in this pose, preferably in her bikini, waving the Finnish flag

Requesting Mika posing or flexing without realising the cups are missing from her costume and her boobs are hanging out.

Elphelt doing the one-finger selfie challenge and feel free to make her slightly thicker.

Lol i know I lurk other threads in the meantime

Sometimes something caughts my attention but most of the time they're literal truly whos, so generic and obscure it might not even be vidya but straight up anime

And nobody discuss nothing, sometimes not even deliveries from drawnons

Requesting big Alice tits, oiled up or soapy and wet would be best

What Crash delivery?

Sorry I just want to see a classic Castlevania thing done with her.
I think most good lewd ideas have already been drawn, anyways.

Say I want to draw a lewd Miriam

What would it be?

If you can, provide a reference pic of pose/situation

Requesting Peach fused with her castle, making huer a giant castle golem of herself.

Oh, that. Well, I forgot to mention that my Mega Man request doesn't have to be animated like that one.

Requesting some lesbian sexytimes with Iro and Bonnibel from Crush Crush. It can be kissing or even something lewd


How do you like poledancing?
If not, well I'd have to say along the lines of or aftersex cumdrip.


Do you just request the same 5 things over and over?

Can I get Shatte in some nonlewd scenarios like wearing one of those Playboy Bunny costume, also like a bridal gown or playing video games or doing chores like cleaning and cooking? Maid outfit optional.

Well well well

Imma sketch something

desu I want to get some comissions soon so I want to show what can be done, also drawing is fun

So first things first

Requesting Morgana screaming, "GO TO BED!" at Joker in the same position and expressions as pic related.

May with tits twice the size of her head

who are you and how much do you charge because I might be interested.

Requesting Seaport Summer Hime wearing a formal outfit like a uniform she would wear when it's not summer or just draw her in a maid outfit please, it would be neat if her little monster pet is also wearing something related to the uniform of its owner.

Worst BoF character ever.

Don't pull out the wallet until you've seen their abilities, you fool.

It could be someone with self-esteem issues that can't draw a figure with shit and you don't wanna throw pity dollars at that.

I want some non-lewd Noire. Action-y stuff would be the best.

that's why I asked about themselves first
i've been burned by commissions twice, and I don't want a third.

OR in the house thank you so much much and stuff for drawing my beautiful baby ELPHELT . i love all you my people.

But he didn't post Katt.

Sumika from Orange_Juice and Mystia from Touhou remind me of one another, so, requesting they do something together or a fusion of the two.

Requesting Altina sitting cozy in Rean's lap.

2B and 9S kissing like that one scene from The Watchmen, infront or in the bigass explosion from the intro of the game

Could someone please draw 2B applying lipstick in a mirror, or trying to brush her teeth? Or trying on a tshirt/shopping with 9S.

Requesting Mai from BlazBlue gets brutally raped and killed by Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2.
Or the Pyramid Head cuts Mai the in two halves with the huge knife like in this video:

Requesting Syura in a watermelon print bikini

Requesting one of the Maplestory 2 bunnygirls handling a "Mushroom".

Requesting Camilla dominating Hinoka from behind with a strap-on.

Requesting more fem Joker. Draw me your best fem Joker doing whatever.

Requesting THICC Hestu art

Requesting Hibiki on one knee, proposing to Io.

Already did some deliveries here

Check it out and message me

I like that crusader girl.
I don't have a dA nor will I make one, just like tumblr.