Has he lost it?

has he lost it?

not really

stop talking about this manchild e-celeb

Maybe. His BB video was terrible.


eceleb board fucking when

his attempts at streaming are so horrible

Ok I'll stop talking about this person just for you

same reused shit. guess hes just in it for the money/views now. i like his serious reviews better

dunkey's videos make me rofl out loud

His Bloodborne video was boring, but then again, so is Bloodborne.

Why did Sup Forums like him, again?
He's always been annoying to me.

Last video was not funny

At all

Of course he's lost it. that is the entire point of his videos

He lost it a long time ago. Golden age dunk is 2012-2014. His older videos are sometimes funny but he hadn't quite developed his style. His new videos are mostly just meh and he occasionally makes something pretty good.

The contrast between his Dark Souls videos and the Bloodborne video is all the evidence you need. All he does now is shout funny epic random shit, he's exaggerated his old personality so hard that now there's no low points to emphasize the crazy shit he says.

he never had it to begin with.

He wasn't that popular when Sup Forums found him.


I want a new mario make video goddamit you fat fuck

I rather enjoyed the Yooka Laylee video, actually.

This. Dunkey's comedy was like a Pixies song, now it's thrash metal.

He never had it

He should stick to low hanging fruit that's easy to make fun of

>nu/v/eddit hating on based dunkey
You folks need to go back

woah so meta

you made this same thread yesterday and it got deleted

take a hint moron



Fuck off jason

He never had it
It was inside (You) all along
Congratulations, you have finally become the Last Jedi

Reddit loves dunkey you fucking faggot, kill yourself.


I only really thought his Skyrim and Sleeping Dogs videos were funny.

All his videos are the same really.


His Yooka Laylee video was good

It legit hurts me to see dunkey fall so far. When I was depressed as all fuck in high school his videos helped me get through.
I've been quoting his classic shit for years and he's influenced my humor a lot just because I spent so much time watching his videos to cope with shit.

Now he's just some asshole with 3 million subscribers who makes a decent video every now and again.

He was also never funny

>hello im a newfriend please rape my face
Ok bud.

I know it's pretty autismo of me, but his joke about going down the healing church joke kinda bothered me. it was obviously a scripted/fake joke because he had already opened the door and killed the mini boss at the bottom of the tower.

is that cat okay

and thats probably the only reason why you hate him

His reviews this past year seem like they're based around his agenda rather than how good the actual games are. "Oh man my best friend Jon jafari got removed from yooka laylee, time to give em hell"

I noticed that also. Pretty sloppy

It's all mainstream garbage. Even the AI character.
No wonder Sup Forums hates youtubers and streamers so much. They only know about the surface level content creators.

Yeah most definitely. I got a bit triggered by that.

I remember seeing him post about not being able to beat Cleric Beast on twitter like a year ago, so through the entire video I just kept thinking "oh he's fucking up on purpose."

You should go back >>>/reddit/

>makes a nier: automata video
>spoiler within the first sentence
I'll be honest, I enjoyed his videos around a year ago. but the pretty bad nier video, the trash BB video, and the absolutely low effort april fool's joke is the rock bottom

He was never funny.
His popularity comes from LoL videos

What's the story behind this image?

I know man. I watched a few reviews for NIER Automata and they spoiled shit for me.

Like what the actual fuck.

I called a few of them out on it and they replied saying there are "no spoilers" and I referenced several points where they spoiled in the video and they blocked me from commenting.

How hard is it to not spoil a fucking game?

>muh spoilers
Why are weebs so autistic?

His videos were never funny and his reviews were never good.

Inb4 "newfag", I've been on this board longer than most people. I should probably leave, actually.

To be tbf I don't know what you mean by that but the official trailers AND the in-game intro "spoils" the game too. Original NieR's main menu "spoils" the game as well.

Where does he stand on the list?
>[_] approved?
>[_] garbage?

if I had to guess it's a slav doing his job upholding that gays are not human, but they probably started to throw random shit at him

yes please do

I enjoyed the BB video.
It wasn't amazing, but it still had funny moments.

he mentions that the robots eat "people" (androids) within the first 5 seconds of the video. it wasn't even a good joke either

Who is this ugly fat fuck?

what about belgian truck driver Isorrowproductions?

watching this dude is like i went back to 2007 when every autistic 25 year old was trying to copy either AVGN or nostalgia critic

he's completely inoffensive but why the hell would i watch this manchild discuss the story of sonic games

>The contrast between his Dark Souls videos and the Bloodborne video is all the evidence you need.
>go watch his dark souls video

Are you people serious

He's pretty alright as long as that other guy isn't in his videos.

And the introduction video that plays in-game says "you are the last two members of YoRHa".

cancerous eceleb bullshit is not video games

Only acceptable Eceleb


>nigger loving Sup Forumsedditor

Woah, you mean to say he scripts his videos to be funny? It's not like he does that every single video.

>nu-v suddenly hates /ourguy/
Were you newfags not around when we decided that Dunkey is our guy?


Really I felt he lost me when he left league, since league videos were highlight reel of stupid jokes, and his non league videos were usually the same way. It felt like after he dropped league he did a lot of serious reviews and shit as if his opinions on shit were what made his videos good.

Mega loser pre gf adult swim fueled steinfeld/hitman era dunk was indeed the best



... other guy?

He works alone for the most part, mate. Sometimes his brother is there, and there's a rare collab, but that's it

>unironically posting e-celebs
has Sup Forums- VIDEO GAMES lost it?

>underage faggot loves e-celeb cancer

oh yeah, that classic moment where every single member of Sup Forums collectively decided they liked one guy.
>anime reaction image
fuck off

You're making it incredibly obvious that you've only been here for a few months, samefag.

Why are spoilerfags even more autistic?

>caring what some fatass with a microphone thinks

How is not caring about something labelled as "autistic". Autism is all about caring way too much about shit that doesn't matter, and sperging out about said things.

Some call him Johnny

except he scripts them specifically to make them seem like actual reactions. it's pointless if you try to create a ruse that anyone who's played the game can see through

His league videos stick to the same trend, they got pretty bad after 2014, with rare exceptions. But I don't think his usual videos were any better. Him moving to serious reviews is really what marks his decline in a lot of ways.
The top 10 videos used to be him just fucking around, I still remember best gambling game of the year going to coin toss, and funniest game going to RE6.

Now he's trying to be legit or something which I really don't understand, there's no rewatch value in a straight up regular top 10 video.
I'm glad he quit doing league videos, because those were just painful and it was clear he lost interest in the game, but he needed to substitute them with more shit like stienfield instead of just nothing.

The occasional serious video is fine, but I remember Hatris. Fucking Hatris.

he's just feline a little down

>Thinks we care about a numale poorfag fatass user thinks


I watched a few of his vids even some of the older ones, this guy comes off trying to hard to be funny, seems like the shit that 12-18 year olds find funny. I guess that can be said about pretty much every gaming channel.

it's all obviously scripted

Nope, seems fine to me.

Which you're currently doing you autistic manchild?

Felt that was sorta forced

he just put out a bloodsborne video today

shit made me lol

fuck you


better than the parsons ones at least

Actually I think he's gotten way fucking better.

>instantly calling me a samefag and using another loli image

What if I already have had one?