Why are you so impressed by how high I can kick?

>Why are you so impressed by how high I can kick?

Other urls found in this thread:


i want to impregnate sakura-chan

Can you give me an example, please?

Ryu will take care of that

Friendly reminder that canon-wise Cody > Ryu, but Sakura is probably >>>>> both.

Have you tried kicking high? It's harder then it looks.

you arent Kasumi

>probably 40 years old
>will still be dressed like a schoolgirl in SFV

SF girl thread?


best theme


And don't forget probably will only look slightly order then she was before.


>le "cody > Akuma and Oni" meme
Post SFV Ryu is a solid high/top tier in the cast. Sakura has the potential to grow much stronger, but she isn't as of yet.

Hope she comes back.
I can't wait for her long range Shoryukens to be locked behind V Trigger :^).

Yeah boi

Gold is better.

More percussion.

best girl

>tfw no Flower Kick gif

I impregnated Makoto, that's why she isn't in SFV. Sorry guys.


boys don't have wombs user

How about just best SF thread?

Hello, me.


karin is best girl, also she has the best theme.

How did you react when you learned that wasn't actually her underwear?



Hey, one of my deliveries.

makoto is the last character that should look like a fucking toddler

i was a tiny bit upset. my dick doesn't care eaither way

I guess I have you to thank for it then

No problem. Anyone who loves Makoto is good in my books

Finish this right now user. RIGHT NOW.

>Christmas cake schoolgirl loli