What made the world in San Andreas feel so big, despite the fact that it was actually very small?
What made the world in San Andreas feel so big, despite the fact that it was actually very small?
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travel time?
Draw distance
you were small
I guess it's because you have kind of everything, you have 3 "big" cities, deserts, mountains, etc
It was big for its time. If you replay it now you will love it (because SA was great) but you will not get that impression about the map.
Also this was a good choice
vehicles actually moved really slow
your childish perception
Same way Morrowind feels "big", slow movement and clever world design.
The cars in SA are much slower than in 4 and 5, and all the streets and mountain passes wind around each other.
This. Your character is "small"er than the world but the world size itself is very small compared to later games that came out generations after it.
Don't be faggots
Had a lot of variety in the world without making it a chore to get from area to area.
Vehicles aren't that fast, so the map seems a lot larger when you're driving. They did well with the motion blur, really makes you feel like you're going fast.
>Driving ZR-350
>Cult of Personality on radio
>Shoot down Los Santos interstate with full NOS and motion blur as the sun sets in the horizon
slower vehicles
They aren't.
You played it when you were 12-15.
It's because it actually was very sizable for a game at that time, especially if you had only played console games.
Anyone got those pictures that show the entirety of the GTA3 and Vice City maps? Those places were actually really damn tiny.
Alaska looks pretty tiny in a 2kk:1 scale
>3 cities, 10 towns
>vehicles were slower
>low draw distance
>map was designed so you couldn't see far even with a high draw distance
But you can see there are really only something like 10 horizontal streets going up the island in Vice City.
Why GTA V isn't as memorable as San Andreas?
You got old
Find a 12 year old and let him play
I am sure he laughs like a retard and has shitton of fun
It is.
That's not really a good comparison.
Nostalgia. It was nice that they threw in some allusions to the GTA SA myths, even though they apparently couldn't be bothered to finish the epsilon mystery.
There was shit everywhere and you felt a need to explore every nook and cranny because they hid shit everywhere.
I never understoo what they were thinking with that part.
>San Andreas is out
>at middle school messing around in computer lab
Fucking all that time wasted only to find out things called Game modifications existed.
GTA V is twice as big but has the same density as SA, and there's really no reason to leave Los Santos in V.
>mfw kids in school flipping out about "secret Nissan Skylines" in GTA3 and I knew they were mods the whole time.
All these lies about input cheats, finishing the game in certain ways doing missions in certain vehicles.
Yeah I remember being a gullible idiot when I was 8-15.
My childhood imagination.
>Find video that claims CJs mom's ghost shows up in the house at certain times
>Pitch black NPC standing in living room as "evidence" that was totally not modded
>Become completely terrified of CJ's save house and refuse to save game in there during in-game nighttime
To be fair though that house always gives off desolate creepy vibes.
Oh man. I feel it
Underrated post.
This is the best car in terms of aesthetics (and arguably performance).
It has the best speed but the handling is shit
tone down the orange dude
I don't know, and I still can't explain it. The desert up north always felt giant. Maybe the diverse scenery and locations?
It was dense.
San Andreas had the best ending out of the the GTA games, fight me.
I can't believe this image is not altered
Why would I? You're right
>playing as a nigger
San Andreas always felt a little.. surreal, and desolate. I think its cause of the dark shaders they used on top of bright sunny textures and the orange California sky. Always felt a little off but maybe that's just me.
Thanks for contributing nothing to the thread, dipshit.
>tfw you used to get lost and forget where things were on this map
Agreed. I get a weird feeling in my stomach looking back the game.