Should a bonus boss be artificial difficulty as much as it wants to be because it is optional?

Should a bonus boss be artificial difficulty as much as it wants to be because it is optional?

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No but KH2 Sephiroth is easy enough to understand.
You want some BULLSHIT? KH1 is where it's at. Fuck doing that again.

You should be posting Mysterious Figure from BBS.

But I think there should be some limitation of common sense.
You know like not have a boss with an instant kill move that can bypass the dodge ability.

>I'm bad so the boss is artificial
If someone can beat this boss on level 1 without taking damage, its not a hard fight let alone artificial



Piss easy. Pic related is actual fake difficulty bonus boss and that is why he is awesome.


I remember one skill where you could throw your keyblade and not receive damage while the skill was activated

That's how I beated KH1 Sephiroth,by spamming that move

>someone can beat this boss on level 1 without taking damage
what? video or it didnt happen.

Any game worth its salt will keep artificial difficulty to a minimum. If we're going off KH2, Sephiroth was pretty stable difficulty. He clearly called his major attacks out, you had clear view and/or timing for dodging his aerials and teleports, and he was punishable. The new bosses in KH2 Final Mix spiked difficulty up and artificially in some cases. Lingering Will is a huge fucking pain because he's totally invincible at any point he's not standing still and the idea for the fight is punishing him with long combos after his combos. That would be mostly fine if not for his dozens of attacks he can chain together without voice calls, teleporting around without clear camera views, and shoving a clumsy new mechanic that seals either your melee or magic/item commands until you damage him some. Once you learn the fight it can be some fun but it's generally just a giant pain to fight him.

Or you could just exploit his AI with instant air finishers by equipping Fenrir and Negative Combo
KH runners are notorious difficulty hounds. It sounds ridiculous but Sephiroth is 100% timing and knowing when to attack.

This guy too. Lingering Will is worse personally but this guy makes him look


Bring a something that negates damage with you to the fight or take too long to fight, you're greeted with instadeath. This is pure horseshit.

I hate when I miss an optional boss, it happened to me recently with Witcher 2 and Bravely Default and I missed the whole DLC for Dark Souls

look like a mid-game boss with his ridiculous attacks*

>Lingering Will is worse
Harder maybe, but not worse. All the super bosses in KH2 are almost perfect in terms of balance and execution. BBS just pulls random garbage like randomly escaping from combos for no reason

Hey, good job getting to my 3rd form, it would be a shame if you died from trying to control a negative status effect

Dude, sephiroth is piss easy if you even remotly try to learn the pattern. All KH2 bosses come down to learning patterns and reacting to it/ making the boss do what you want
But they threw it out of the window for the shit we got in BBS and DDD

BBS has more bullshit ways to deal with bullshit though. I suppose the reason I'm better at the Unknown is because I know BBS mechanics alot better than KH2.

Can't remember, does Yunalesca have a warning for Mega Death or is it just something she roulettes?

I think it comes after every X turns (I THINK 5),

HOWEVER, once you push her into P3 she casts it at the start, which almost always wipes your party the first time you face her

I think I might go play FFX HD now

>Level 1
The 1000 Heartless battle alone makes this impossible to actually do, never mind the other parts of the game where you're forced to fight enemies to proceed.

Well you can turn off Exp gain so....

>the mirage arena bosses
What the fuck were they thinking?

>the commands recharge very quickly and are very exploitable
>how do we make challenging bosses
>let's make it so they never stagger, they never let up their attacks, they have attacks that make them invincible or not approachable
now that is some artificial bullshit

Not in the original game

She likes to turn you into a zombie and heal you to inflict damage. If you do not let her do this she will kill you.

Should one discuss boss ethics, when the world is crumbling?

You let her do it to some characters but not others to minimize risk of the healing or the Megadeath being an issue.

Honestly I'm hoping KH3 will have a harder optional boss than Lingering Will. I just want a a crazy challenge as a send off to this saga.
Also KH1 mysterious figure was the best secret boss. Top tier atmosphere and the best boss theme in KH.

Well, it's not hard to be better at the mechanics when they come down to infite dodge till you get the chance to spam surges

Both are easy as fuck, I don't understand the meme that KH1 Sephiroth is hard. Literally just learn his move patterns and it takes zero effort to kill him. If 11 year old me figured it out all those years ago, a couple of mouthbreathers on a Namibian sand-cleaning website should be able to as well.

>Both are easy as fuck, I don't understand the meme that KH1 Sephiroth is hard.
Going from memory, I believe part of Sephiroth's difficulty was equipping Sora and utilizing his end game abilities. If you didn't unlock certain ability yet for whatever lazy reason, then it just made Sephiroth harder than he needed to be.

>let's make it so they never stagger, they never let up their attacks, they have attacks that make them invincible or not approachable

KH2 used this as a crutch in lieu of any real difficulty or design. it's the main reason i'll always prefer KH1.

Because of the battle mechanics, it is literally impossible to beat kh1 seph on lvl 1 no damage.

if you're talking about speedrunners, that's not really an argument. play any game for thousands of hours and you're bound to be good at it, even the bullshit bits


What character would you want as a secret final boss in KH3? I'm hoping for pic related.

My b, I was thinking of a no equip/item run.

Data Organization was a pain in the ASS because of this.

Fucking Data Saix would be a piece of cake if his hammers didn't disappear immediately.

a Final Fantasy boss other than Sephiroth. Like Kefka or get or Gilgamesh for full memes.

I think there should atleast be one bullshit boss or a handful of them if there are multiple super bosses.
but only if they require you to play different instead of how the BBS super bosses are almost exclusively surge and shotlock spam
I beat all of them on terra first and then had a laughable time doing it on ven and even easier time as aqua

Neither Sepihiroth is hard though 1 is easier imo because of the way mp works and being able to stack gaia bangles

in final mix you can though and its been out almost as long as the original release and emulateable for 7+years

Until you actually learn how the bosses work and they become easy. Don't fucking try to spam bosses to death

yunalesca inflicts zombie and then throws heals at you to damage you and will randomly cast megadeath to make you have to balance healing and curing zombie status so you dont get wiped out

Seph is a joke when you're leveled up and have all the magics.

God help you if you don't have spells or half-decent forms.

He's only as infamous as he is because you can fight him pretty early, and it's way too easy for a fresh player to wander into fight entirely unprepared to counter him.

It should be fair whatever it is.

Drakengard 3 final boss? May be tricky to understand the very first few seconds but once you know what it wants you to do it is suddenly your own damn fault for getting a game over. Only unfair if you're deaf or something like that I guess.

Demi-Fiend in Digital Devil Saga? Fuck you Atlus, fuck you.

Actually now that I think about it, is the final boss of Drakengard 3 technically optional?

Demifiend and Satan in the DDS games were both perfectly fair though. Their entire thing is having to form a strategy to beat and going through the fight one phase at a time, it's really not any different from progressing on a raid boss in an MMO if you want to look at it in that sense. I really like fights like that in RPGs, it's a shame they barely exist.

Kh2 Sephy is impissible to beat without the abilities like glide double jump etc

Literally artificial difficulty

I don't consider it fair if I have to look at a guide to avoid reloading a shit ton but maybe that's just me being shit at video games.

>Should a bonus boss be artificial difficulty as much as it wants to be because it is optional?
yes because some players want a challenge.
Might as well make it optional.

Kind of like the chalice dungeon bosses that one shot you and have bullshit windup.

Beating the undead giant made me realize how piss easy and slow the normal game is

Looking at a guide ruins those fights completely. The entire fun is going through one step at a time and reverse engineering a way to finally beat them.

Shitter detected

All you really need is double jump if anything at all

>Shitting on objectively the Best boss in Kh series
Only flaw with Lingering Will as a bossfight is when you face off against him you are effectively facing a noname character, because the whole Terra story was established in the later instalment. If you play BigBullShit first then this encounter has much larger impact. In The terms of the mechanics this boss is pure test of skill, and you can beat him on level 1 with no abilities equipped(if you are good enough of course). Every attack of his can be avoided multiple ways, if you of course figure it out. Well thinking of it, one minor mechanical flaw of this boss is its DM and how hard it punishes you, so you have less chances to learn how to avoid it(speaking from experience).

fuck every boss in BBS and DDD with a burning stick

why even have a health bar in those games? just make you that you can only die if the boss hits you twice

theres just one.

The worst thing is that some boss concepts would be great to fight with a better combat system and balance. I will forever be mad that the Rinzler fight and young Xehanort are just the usual handheld spam command fests

By that logic, every boss and moment in every souls game is actually absolutely piss easy

No he's not, I beat him without drive abilities when I was a stupid kid who didn't even know that drive forms gave abilities.
Explain yourself.


Dullahan can eat a dick alongside Doom Dragon

Xanatos as much as that has zero percent chance of happening

>Drakengard 3 final boss? May be tricky to understand the very first few seconds but once you know what it wants you to do it is suddenly your own damn fault for getting a game over. Only unfair if you're deaf or something like that I guess.
Even with perfect timing, getting that last note after the screen goes black is absolute fucking luck.

If we had to bring something from a Taro game I can only see Emil or Papa/Bro Nier as a secret boss.

Maybe 9S.

Emerald Weapon says hi

Literally cheese the boss. Mind as well make him a literal cheese wheel.

You can't beat KH without attacking, jumping, and moving.
Literally artificial difficulty.

I actually enjoyed the fact that bosses couldn't be looped in the handhelds. I just wish they had better tells.

I hate the optional bosses in JRPGs that are like "use these EXACT characters with these EXACT items with these EXACT abilities in this EXACT order or instantly lose on the first turn".

What's even the point? You either instantly lose every time or you have the exact combo you need to win in which case it's impossible to lose. There's no interesting gameplay there.
