Build $5000 gaming pc

>Build $5000 gaming pc
>Check new (exclusive) releases
>The majority are shit looking unfinished indie games

wow.... so... this is..... the power of..... the pc.... mustard race..........

Other urls found in this thread:

This is how I know you don't actually own a good computer

>talking about PC-only games
why is this bad?

>spend retarded amount of money because I'm a moron
>can't enjoy a game if other people can enjoy it too
>can't enjoy a game if it wasn't made by a huge corporation
>go back to sucking console dick

You don't have a $5000 computer (seriously you gotta keep it realistic if you want lots of bites)

You didn't look into the new exclusive releases

You already game on PC

>I'm poor so everyone else is too

>Be a retard
>spend money like a retard
>complain about being a retard

checks out, OP.

We warned you

Honestly, even with all peripherals, and a stupidly expensive monitor, I don't get there without spending money on truly retarded things. $3500 is pretty close to the limit. You can dump more into audio, but that's about it.

currently i'm playing r6S and bf1 and titanfall, never touched any of those games and i own a pc. So nice bait....

>r6S and bf1
literally cuck tier cancer

that game looks glorious

>1 storage drive

So everyone false flags as a sonyfag? Figured as much.

Those are the games for people who can't afford shit. Absolute poorfags. Well, aside from meme citizen.

nice buzzwords man, I also own far cry and quantum break and gta 5 and many others,

That game looks fucking awesome.

It's a gaming PC, not a workstation. I don't see your point.

>quantum break
no one asked you which TV series you owned

Yeah because everybody wants to install every single game out there at once.
Also note he said "pretty close".

still, 1 storage device is retarded.

Read the filename

Care to give any actual reasons for this?

Why would a gaming pc have more?

Your first mistake was plunking down 5000 on something you didn't know what you're going to use it for.

>So everyone false flags as a sonyfag?

I do it all the time.
It's the most effective way of triggering all of Sup Forums.

Works every time.

and my favorite part

>13 posters in this thread

having your OS depend on the same drive that you're running games and other shit off of = performance bottle neck

1) Hard drives aren't a performance relevant part.
2) SSD says no.

>Buy $800 pc
>Can run everything at 1080p 60 fps
I don't know why people bait with thousands of dollars shit.
I am pretty happy with this pc. I usually have 30 tabs open in firefox and run games while I alt tab to check if anons replied to my comments.
Or watch videos and play browser games, indies.

>Hard drives aren't a performance relevant part

>SSD says no.
then you'd be having two storage devices? or are you one of those retards who installs games on his 1 SSD?

>>Can run everything at 1080p 60 fps with graphics settings, rivaling PS2

>Buy some shitty laptop for even less
>Can play all the best PC games anyway

It's good not being peecucked.

Your hard drive has literally no impact on your performance. Applications are run from RAM. All the drives influence is loading times. By the time you have a decent SSD, that's down to at most one second more or less.

> or are you one of those retards who installs games on his 1 SSD?

I have two SSDs and four hard drives because this is my "do everything" PC. I still don't see the alleged problem with having games installed on your OS drive. Why wouldn't you install games on your one SSD?

Hi OP/b8
I paid more because I assembled it in my taco country, where you have to pay 20% tax.

>Your hard drive has literally no impact on your performance. Applications are run from RAM.
where does the Data that gets put in RAM come from?

It gets loaded initially.

That is the "one second more or less" difference. Which is only the initial loading time, i.e. it has no influence on what happens while you actually play.

That depends on the game. There are games that load in the middle of the game. For sure you are gonna notice that gap.

>There are games that load in the middle of the game. For sure you are gonna notice that gap.

The only way you could possible notice that is if at the same time you performed an operation that's lasting and drive intensive enough to shut down an SSD. Those are really fucking rare. Especially in, as you noticed, a gaming pc.

>he thinks applications load only once
>he thinks the entire fucking game is in RAM

seriously, why do people think pc is just meant for gaming?

yeah! PC's are meant for facebooking and emailing!

oh wait, tablets and smartphones

Ah if talking about SSDs, yeah.
HDDs tend to make games lag for me pretty often. Sometimes the system just loads a lot of shit for no apparent reason.

idk looks more fun than tlou

hey retard, the discussion was about having 1 HDD.

it's not about retards wasting SSD's on games

>Caring about other uses in a fucking video games board
Go be normal somewhere else

>Owning a TV series
You gucked up your own joke

When the game has to load more, it treats you to a magical thing called "loading screen". This is outside of gameplay.

And unless you perform extremely drive-intensive tasks in the background, your normal OS activity will have no noticeable influence on how long they take when using an SSD.
Could actually be you're running out of RAM, and the system is swapping.
No, the discussion was about having one DRIVE. Started by a post involving a build having one SSD. Don't jump into discussions that you can't follow.

>wanting to deal with the loading times of a HDD
Yeah nah

what type of retard buys a pc for exclusives


I have 8gb of ram so I disabled virtual memory. No fucking need for literally anything, I don't use phoshop or program or code videos.

Sup Forums has this strange idea that when someone else gets to play a game you enjoy you're not allowed to enjoy it anymore.

Here's how each one of these threads goes.

>'PC has no games!'

PC people reply showing all the exclusives it has
>'those all don't count because I don't like them'
>entire genres that are basically exclusive like RTS, MOBA, MMO, 90% of tactical shooters and simulations etc all don't count for vague reasons
>metacritic summary shows PC actually has the highest rated exclusives and the most of them, if you want to look at it objectively
>whatever, none of that matters.

PC gets all of the Xbone exclusives, so you're basically getting two platforms worth of games in one.
>Quantum Break, Sea of Thieves, Halo 5, Halo Wars 2, Cuphead, Crackdown etc
>'n-no one of those count, they're all bad as well'

And this is the end point of the argument. Sonybros basically just saying that every single game in the world that is not on their system is bad.

Do you see why that is laughable?

Now we are moving onto stage 4

4. Sonybros use a definition of 'indie' that is stretched as wide as possible to try and """disqualify""" a load of high rated PC exclusives they can't argue against

>ignores the fact that their shitty exclusives mosaics are half indie if you use the same criteria

This leads into stage 5

>'n-no one cares about those games'

This is the point where sonybros use vague definitions of 'hype' to prove their games are better.
At this point the thread has nothing to do with games and is basically just an argument about marketing budgets.
>this ignores the fact that the most popular games on PS4 are all multiplats like COD and FIFA and 90% of their garbo exclusives sell 200k copies

multiplats are commonly ported like garbage to PC

>Plays PC games
>T-totally not a peacock u guys...

Unless you go full retard he's right. You could push a 1tb NVME drive and RAID0 some SSD's for some intangible r/w bonus for bragging rights but even the exquisitely rich have limits for justifying spending.

still waiting for step 2, autism-senpai

Yeah, sadly devs are used to pc players just beating bad ports into submission with high-end hardware, and not held accountable enough.

And people keep preordering like there's nothing wrong.

>And people keep preordering like there's nothing wrong.
the biggest cancer is still PC-only, and embraced by PC community: unfinished games / early-access / eternally pre-alpha

Can't consoles do that, you dumb bitch?

PCs are for power tasks like gaming, photo/video editing, multitasking, etc. you dumb bitch

I have a 1TB NVMe. I'm not even rich. I should reasses my priorities.

>Those are shit
Browser games
Old games
There I saved you some posts.

Yeah, that too. Season passes as well. Oh, and kickstarter.

People need to stop spending money on things that don't fucking exist.

>PCs are for power tasks like gaming
you are saying that in reply to "pc is not just for gaming"?
>photo/video editing
yes because the majority of the population is video editor
phones and tablets do that as well
wow great examples!

nope, Sony is getting into that Early Access shit now too. Isn't ARK one of their console's biggest sellers, too? It's amazing people don't recognize that fucking meme e-celeb fueled scam game for what it is.

>early access title
>with paid DLC
>b-but you can shoot dinosaurs with a bow and arrow

>spend 1200 on a decent pc because my rig couldn't play Shadow of Mordor at higher than 20fps.
>After doing it realize all i can do is play console ports better than a console and some indie stuff.
>Nothing really good comes to pc. Every interesting game is 3-4 years away and when that time arrives the games are shit and the next good ones are 3-4 years away.
>Continue to post on Sup Forums and leave LoL or PoE on in the backround.

ARK is probably the only one though. consoles don't really have that early-access cancer like PC does.

plus, remember for example how long it's been and Day-z standalone is still in alpha after all these years? and PC community just takes it.

A bad port on PC is only slightly better than the console version(s).


>phones and tablets do that as well
300% slower though.
Phones and tablets are optimized for power efficiency and they always sacrifice processing and memory speeds for the sake of saving energy, because the battery is a piece of shit.

Did you ever consider that maybe you're just jaded when it comes to games?

what did he mean by this?

>300% slower though.
phone browsers outperform those on the desktops lmao

Because they are single task things.
While your browser on tablet loads a bit faster, the rest of your background aplications freeze.
If you want to see this happen just open the desktop version of youtube and let it run a video on the background, then open something else.
The video will run horrible.

>Because they are single task things.
they aren't. you sound like the last smartphone you saw was the first iphone.

I have used 500 usd phones and they still can't do the background task alright.
Unless you use way more expensive shit. And good luck not having that stolen.

>plus, remember for example how long it's been and Day-z standalone is still in alpha after all these years? and PC community just takes it.
This is a retarded argument. If people are satisfied with the amount of content they're getting, they're perfectly justified spending money on it, regardless of whether or not it's arbitrarily been deemed to have "gone gold"

>I don't actually have a counteragrument because I know you're right so I'll just express how badly your post pissed me off instead

Do you have a lot of fun blasting out essays on your shitty bluetooth keyboard with your tablet while it locks up because you're running a browser to do research? How about using a touch screen or really anything other than a mouse for spreadsheets? How's that using a charger and still draining battery because that charger your friend had was only .30a? You needed photoshop to touch up some photos you took? Here's a half-assed version that takes 3 minutes to render a gaussian blur. Oh you wanted more than 3 tabs open and fluid response in the navigation? Wait until the next iteration, it's the new feature.

I'll give you this: phones do everything, but they do nothing well. They're a great compromise between carrying a laptop and a camera around but by no means do they serve anywhere near the capability of their counterparts. Tablets are a joke, they act like a laptop with a quarter of the performance and none of the flexibility with the same battery life and similar portability.


Phone browsers automatically request mobile pages, mobile pages are formatted to accept ads for mobile devices, they render at lower resolutions and behave differently to try and ensure a smooth interface. More often than not they fail. That and I'm sure that benchmark was highly flawed where ever you found it.

but user, I hate both pc and playstation.

how will you try to trigger me? :^)

> RTS, MOBA, MMO, 90% of tactical shooters and simulations

>muh unappealing, special snowflake genres just for muh keyboard and mouse, the most uncomfortable controller to ever exist

You can take all of that shit and leave. nothing of value will be lost.

phone screens are high res than most pc users use.

ads are irrelevant as even on pc without ads, the browsers suck ass in comparrison

Forgot your bloodborne in that picture.
And you proved him right.
You faggots don't even care about games, you just want to shitpost.

>You proved him right because the best game released this year is not a shitty pc meme genre game from 20 years ago.
What did he mean by this?

>buy $300 PS4
>check new (exclusive) releases
>the majority are shit looking AAA games
>they look and run better on the upgraded system, PS4 Pro

>What did he mean by this
>It is games I don't like or just disregard to pretend I have the high ground with my weeb shit
Again, just shitposting.
I am out of this thread. And I won't evebn bother to reply to sony posters. You all are the same.


>Gets reply

I think you didn't understand

It's that autist from yesterday with his copypasta.

>best PC game is baseball and pixelated indie shit

OP was right, holy damn

console have shit graphi-

Higher PPI, but no they are not, most are 1080, some 720 and some in an awkward limbo. And let's not pretend the lack of formatting and rendering nothing but white backgrounds is even remotely complex.

a newfriend from consoles

>b-but Sony

I swear PC fanboys have inferiority complex toward Sony




Also those two games are on-par with the very best POS4 "games", lmfao

There are phones that are 1440p.

Sonybros are the biggest shitposters on here so they're the obvious targets.

>Also those two games are on-par with the very best POS4 "games", lmfao

No they don't. They look awful and cheap as hell.

Mocosoft is laughable and shitendo only has marios, zeldas, pokemon and kirbies

My note4 is 1440p

FF XII looked better.