System Shock 3?

System Shock 3?

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It's the BioShock of BioShock

System Shock 3?

>System Shock
I don't give a fuck what it's like, it looks good and it's made by Arkane.

fuck off shitposters


I want to discuss Prey 2 and that's all there is to this thread

You shouldn't have started it like that then when the actual System Shock 3 exists
Nobody cares about Prey, better luck next time

it looks great still sad prey 2 is dead :/

Bioshock 4

The gameplay looks good and I like the art direction. But the OST is something else entirely.

You mean Bioshock 3.

Looking Glass are has beens

I hate the enemy design


dishonored: space edition

granted dishonroed is basically bioshock

terra nova strike force centauri is the greatest first person real time game ever made.


I think this game wins OST of the year. I just hope the game can hold up.

new daft punk album when

Probably after Alive 2017

god, dont play with my heart. both things would be great

And that was made 21 years ago

>Prey 2
This isn't Prey 2 tho. This is Prey Reboot, which has nothing to do with the original Prey in any way, shape, or form and would have benefited far more from an original IP creation than gouging an old one simply because "Bethesda said to."

It's almost like it's the first image that comes up when you Google "Prey."

but OP said System Shock 3 and there's a System Shock 3 in development right now

Nah too bad faggot.

Then don't mention the development of the actual System Shock 3, that's a different game.

>This is Prey Reboot
It's not even a reboot of Prey, it had an entirely different title whilst in development and Bethesda required it to be changed to PREY

Yes, like I said.
And even if it's not created to be a reboot, giving it the name qualifies it as one.

>be 14
>Prey just came out
>had a 1st gen pentium 4 toaster
>spent 4 days torrenting it at night
>ran at 15-20fps in bare bones settings
>still loved it and the things it did new like portals, gravity shifts, and shrinking enemies

I need to replay that properly. It's a shame there aren't more ambitious games like that.

marketing for this game is really ramping up now, you can tell the same people make these threads because the OP is always the same thing with slight variations.