>Momodora dev deleted their twitter account after facing backlash when Momodora V will be a 3D game >Video of the game is super janky >Said it's gonna come after a few years
I understand how frustrated the dev when people are shitting at his game and don't know about game development, but what the fuck did he expect when he released a video after working on it for a few months and he's making it in 3D?
Wait, really? Their twitter account is gone like that? What about their patreon?
Ryan Hill
>we have started work on a new project, which is still in a prototype phase of development. Because of that, this Patreon is currently on hiatus and will not be updated until we make an announcement of the new game. The pledge system has been changed to reflect that, meaning our patrons will only be charged when we make that announcement.
So I guess after IV was released, they stopped taking money.
Kevin Rogers
Community communication in game development was a huge fucking mistake.
Well in all fairness, that trailer looked like complete shit. Even for a prototype. It looked like something that came from a school project.
Landon Torres
>Unity engine
Serves him right.
Colton James
nothing wrong with unity engine. Problem with the engine isn't the engine itself, but the people making the games. Engine makes it so piss easy to create basic shit, it allows all kinds of shitty games to enter the market.
Robert Smith
Holy shit I hadn't heard about this, I thought Reverie was going to be the last one. I hope they don't cancel it because of this. The trailer looks pretty bad but if release is still a few years off then that should be expected. I'd love to see a 3D Momodora.
Brody Rogers
I hope it works out. I'm a big fan of the series. It's a strange little quirky auteur's kind of thing. All the games have this weird, vague, dream-like kind of atmosphere.
Anyway, fuck twitter, I think it's going to die. I used to use it a lot for work, and just got sick of it. I wish we could dial back the noise of information to more than 10 years ago. I'm sick of being bombarded, and a lot of my friends are giving up on social media.
Hope this doesn't scare them off making.
Chase Smith
Shame, Rdien's a nice guy but he's literally bi-polar
this isn't the first time he's done this and probably won't be the last time.
Cooper Russell
Absolutely a shit ton wrong with the Unity engine. The material system is my main gripe about it,as it's outdated and primitive as fuck. UE4s material system is node based and as such can create much more complex and better shaders than Unity. That being said it is not a bad engine and it hosts some of the best selling games on the market. I just despise its material system after using it for years.
Zachary Bennett
That model just looks fucking stupid. Was the art always this terrible? I thought it was pretty basic, but overall actually good. This just looks bad.
Kayden Taylor
>Anyway, fuck twitter, I think it's going to die.
It's far, far from dying. And twitter is actually good for networking. Fuck off cause you have shit social skills.
Logan Jenkins
>Problem with the engine isn't the engine itself, but the people making the games
I'm tired of this old bromide.
The engine sucks because of shit performance, this is true for any game made on that engine.
Julian Nguyen
Does he actually act like this?
Jacob Torres
would lose the charm it had for a 2d sprite game, but it could be good still. id be willing to give it a chance. sticking to one type of genre causes stagnation. im glad theyre moving in this direction.
Brayden Wilson
are they using Unity? I bet they're using Unity. fucking plebs.
Jose Watson
>making games was a mistake This is hilarious for meta reasons.
Samuel Brooks
>I don't know how games work and I suck ass at making one
Yes, and?
Logan Cruz
prototype / alpha stuff yo. its likely everything you saw in that trailer or screenshot is a place holder
Ethan Cox
I don't know why he released it after just months of work though. He should've worked on it and improved the art and animation more and then show it
Owen King
>I just despise its material system after using it for years.
What games did you work on?
Aiden Cruz
A few autists screeching because of the work of some small gamedev doesn't constitute backlash.
Benjamin Clark
What were people even saying about it?
Josiah Hall
probably to show something was in the works. wasnt expecting a huge backlash from twitter autists.
feedback is always a good thing to seek out, but not from twitterfags.
Liam Hill
The feedback he was getting from twitter wasn't even that bad. I guess 3 or 4 negative things was enough to fire him off.
Joshua Nelson
Michael Thompson
>This looks like it needs A LOT of work. Everything looks so incredibly stiff and basic right now. Wish you the best of luck.
That's literally it.
Kevin Gonzalez
If I refer to a statement from an actual programmer who actually writes his own game engines, will you stop using fallacious arguments?
John Gomez
This. Never EVER ask the opinon of your costumers, unless you want to be a slave of them forever, making the same stale and braindead shit over and over again. Costumers are generally imbeciles blinded by their huge nostalgia.
>that trailer looked like complete shit.
Nah, it looked just meh, like all Momodera games. Only a nostalgiafag would think otherwise.
Angel Lopez
Considering this footage is probably pre alpha, I do like the idea behind visuals but they need some tuning.
Michael Parker
I agree fuck Twitter, but I drown myself in Japanese artists on there.
Parker Butler
he came into AGDG for a little bit, got butthurt that some guy was copying his game.
In his defense, he literally was copying his game and mine
dude's better off stopping if he can't handle legitimate criticism.
Colton Lopez
third world countries were a mistake
Bentley Garcia
So it is just bad because it cannot have prettier graphics than UE4? Nice to see your amazing standards, but how about you shut up next time? Faggot.
Matthew Nelson
If you are a seasoned game developer you already understand how fucking braindead gamers are and learn to disregard them 99% of the time.
Kayden Clark
>nothing wrong with unity engine.
This fucking guy...
Ian James
>craftsman blaming his tools I see
Brayden Turner
Wow, that's pretty mild.
I don't really know rdein that well, I just like the Momodora games. Does anyone ITT think this could seriously result in the new game getting canceled?
Aiden Reyes
>Last post was in 2015
Guess he didn't go through it
>Dev drama
Zachary Harris
Or maybe he just isn't interested in the criticism? "Don't give criticism when not asked" isn't a suggestion, it is the norm. If you aren't a professional critic or part of the game development team or wasn't asked to give feedback then your silence is appreciated as your input is not necessary nor wanted. Wanna give criticism? Simply do it with your wallet, not with some metascore/steam/whatever review.
Levi Adams
It won't be cancelled. He'd deleted his twitter and 3 different tumblr pages during the dev of Momo4
He's just unstable, that's all
Colton Gomez
Some people say he's prone to do this but I don't know. Maybe he'll resurface later and give an update
Cooper Collins
Pulling off a good metroidvania in 3D is a hard-ass task and unless these guys are some serious geniuses they're in for a world of hurt. Judging by M IV they're good but not that good. Still, carefully optimistic.
Alexander Ortiz
>isn't interested in the criticism if you make something that can and will be criticized, you better fucking expect criticism, constructive or not. are you stupid?
Brody Morgan
Not just "prettier" but more intuitive, procedural, and has the ability to be more complex. Stay absolutely buttblasted someone points out a flaw with your engine, even though they already said the engine itself is not bad.
Won't read or respond again nigger.
Luke Martinez
Whoops, meant this
Jacob King
How can anyone stand the Momodora games? They feel like they're poorly designed and balanced.
Caleb Bennett
They are small, cheap and cute. But yes, unless you're balls deep into metroidvanias and extinguished all other options there's a few dozen games to play over them.
Carson Edwards
I have fun when I play them and I like the way they look. Not much more to it than that.
Sebastian Hughes
>Momodora V >V >Momodora >Momo & Dora >Momo, also known as The Grey Gentlemen or The Men in Grey, is a fantasy novel by Michael Ende, published in 1973. It is about the concept of time and how it is used by humans in modern societies. The full title in German (Momo oder Die seltsame Geschichte von den Zeit-Dieben und von dem Kind, das den Menschen die gestohlene Zeit zurückbrachte) translates to Momo, or the strange story of the time-thieves and the child who brought the stolen time back to the people. The book won the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis in 1974. >Dora: a transcription of the English word dragon into Japanese is doragon(ドラゴン). European dragons are more often winged, while Chinese dragons resemble large snakes. >Snakes. >Momodora has the Konami Code
Holy fucking shit guys, the ruse cruise really isn't over. I simply can't believe it.
Benjamin Stewart
>The material system is my main gripe about it,as it's outdated and primitive as fuck. UE4s material system is node based and as such can create much more complex and better shaders than Unity. You just admitted to having no idea what you're talking about. How embarassing.
Gavin Walker
Oh I like the way they look they just don't feel fun to me.
Grayson Hill
What exactly do you dislike about them?
Gabriel Morgan
I used U4 and U5 plenty faggot. The material system is garbage because of a lack of flexibility in how you can set up your materials. Compare the fidelity and complexity of shaders with each, and it's obvious Unity is linear where UE4s is open ended. Stay mad.
Nathan Russell
Yep, the creator deleted his twitter after tweeting out his breakfast — two hamburgers with french fries. Does that remind you of anyone? I wish they just show us a teaser this E3. The ruse cruise went on for long enough and I can't force myself to rike it anymore.
Jeremiah Anderson
You're getting samefagged you dense idiot.
Ethan Russell
Oh fuck. You might be on to something.
Gavin Perez
Why did this make him so mad? Was this guy fucking with him a lot or what? The Cave Story inspiration is undeniable, especially in the first game.
Ethan Gomez
Poorly balanced and it's as if the dev doesn't have much of an idea of how to do difficulty properly.
Angel Scott
>one man indie band >E3 teaser
James Rivera
Twitter is mainly just exposure for animation. Otherwise, fuck twitter.
Evan Young
Why do indie devs who make pixel art platformers get so upset when they are told their game looks like cave story?
Ethan Hernandez
Probably because once they're outed as being a hack at art direction no one will hire them.