Bio-Booster Armor Samus Aran

I don't think people really appreciate just how fucking cool Samus's armor looks.

I also think of all other designs she's had, light suit, dark suit, the PED, even the Fusion suit is fucking cool. Who ever designed these suits needs more recognition.

Other urls found in this thread:




Wrong. Everyone knows the best suit design is the chibi federation soldier armor. You're just a pathetic nostalgia fag.

It looks like a fucking Power Ranger. Grow up.



I agree with you user


Light Suit best suit
Fusion is a bloody close second though

Dark suit has a cool morph ball tho

There's only one suit that matters now. Get used to it.


Metroid is dead
it doesn't matter at all


Do we know when the new figma comes out yet?

Neo-v everyone.







sweet, just preordered it


I don't think the Zero Suit would be as much of a problem if it were more than just a latex catsuit.

I always look at the suit Jill wears in RE5 as an example. It's still a close-fitting bodysuit, but it has adornments that make it look actually functional as a combat outfit. Hell, even the wetsuit and gear she wears in Revelations works.


MP2 was the best game

M2 suit > Super suit > Fusion suit > Everything else

>fucking retarded Metroid Other M redesign
>re-used it in Smash Bros
>re-used as costume DLC armor for Monster Hunter

go away tyrell

Leave Samus to me.


Power Ranger had cool as fuck costumes? To this day, everything about the Mighty Morphin S1-3 is still iconic as fuck. Best costumes, best Megazord, best 6th ranger, best Villains, best Zords, best Thunderzords, best ultrazord, etc...


This. It's like TP Link becoming the norm.

iktf, really hated when TP Zelda became the norm.

Except there's nothing wrong with that.

TP Link's design is terribad and only serves to remind of TP, which was a pretty bad zelda game.

His design is reworked in smash bros but still, Skyward Sword had a better Link design and they just pretended the game never existed for Sm4sh except half-heartedly for items and a stage.

Everytime I see TP Link i'm reminded of how bad he looked in TP.

OoT Link is objectively the best adult Link design. They should have just made a variant of that for Smash.

funny you post that image

spoilered for pen0r

I agree with you OP, I appreciate the design of everything in Metroid games.

>Skyward Sword had a better Link design
lol nope
The stupid baggy clown pants alone prove you wrong.
The hat is also tiny as fuck, which doesn't work on an adult Link. TP's longer-than-usual hat works great.

TP wasn't a great game, but it does have a great design for Link.

someone should shop in a black lives matter sign in her hands

The armor suit looks like a power ranger you fucking retard? when were you born?

No, OoT is nearly as bad as TP.

The only adult links that have looked decent are the adult links in classic Zelda artwork.

Bio Booster?

how to spot a hipster

>as if it's not bad enough that we never got an SS Link design for smash bros, the next smash bros Link design will be BotW Link


Oh, it's this fag.

>pants are clown pants
His pants were the best part. Fucking queer if you want to oggle twinks in tights you belong in jail.

>OoT fags will claim this is his best look

OoT Link had tights. TP Link did not.

>OoT Link is objectively the best adult Link design.

OoT Link's body was more proportional than TP's within an artstyle.

TP just aimed for realism but gave the fucker the proportions of a chimp. I appreciate your shit attempt at shitposting though.

Here's more reason TP sucked cocks.
>king of the manlets

Objectively correct suit rankings

Light > Fusion > Dark > Varia > Phazon > Gravity > PED > Fusion Gravity > Fusion Varia > Other M

Someone post the epic SA-X guy edit

Guy you replied to. I agree with the second part. I'd love Smash Link to be dressed as Zelda 2 artwork Link for a change.

>Skyward Sword had a better Link design

SS is the worst Link this side of CD-i

>Light, Fusion, and Dark at the top
Jesus christ could you be any more of a faggot?

>looks left, sees nothing but a shoulder
>Looks right, sees nothing's but a shoulder

I sure hope those bounties agree to never flank.

what about the power suit?

>OoT Link's body was more proportional
You are objectively wrong.

I think the Power Suit is greatly under utilized.

It's cool in it's own right but we rarely get to see it, hell most of the time you don't even start with it anymore. Varia has more or less become her default suit.

It looked best in Metroid 2 though.

post your least favorite suit

The upgrade to that suit where everything becomes covered in ugly random blue glowing lines.

that wasn't an upgrade

This and the Gravity suit

Mainly because the Prime 1 suit was medicore and recolors are awful in general, but I think the BLACK AND RED SO EDGY color scheme of the Phazon suit pushes it a little further ahead of the Gravity suit's blurple color in terms of fucking hideous to look at.

Higher res for wallpaper reasons user



Maybe wolf link is just bigger than normal wolves? They're basing that all on the pup after all.

It kinda amazing how much better the Metroid 2 sprite was than the original.

Sure the gameboy screen was fucking tiny and a smaller less detailed sprite might have been better for that game, but it's just so much better than what came before it.

What do you think the most realistic future is for Metroid?
Is it really a dead franchise? Or, just way dormant?

If I had to guess, I would bet that there's going to be a 2d Metroid release on Switch, and it'll sell like shit, and it'll be the last we'll see for a long time

It's dead as long as Sakamoto is around.

After Federation Force's sales it's probably going to stay dead at least for another five years or so, the series was already on probation after Other M and Prime 3 both failed to hit expectations and Federation Force outright flopping was probably the last nail.

I didn't know I wanted this until now.

nah, Samus' armor color schemes have always looked ugly as fuck. The mould/design of them is cool though

>If I post am unpopular opinion I can finally be cool

This guy gets it.

What colors would make it better?

her gun being green is the only bad color
it should be dark grey

I do wonder how it feels to slowly corrupted by phazon to the point where you are like 99.9% corrupted. Being on Phaaze mustve been a hell of a strange feeling.

Not those ones, that's for sure.


Oh man, this is going to be great.

Metroid II doesn't get enough credit for redefining the Varia Suit.


just go full edge

i think this image would work much better as a color template, if you wanna do the same thing to it

>Skyward Sword had a better Link design
Skyward Sword Link is literally just TP Link with slightly poofier pants and more pronounced lips.
It's the laziest Link design outside of the constant reusage of Toon Link.


Use multiply blending mode


His hat fits with his hair. His white tights symbolize his newly discovered Hylian heritage while still retaining his Kokiri roots. His hat droops flat down than the traditional curve to suit his adult self.

So you want Link to look like this? Because that image isn't Zelda 2 artwork.

>orange isn't a SERIOUS color! Remove Samus's colors!

West was a mistake

hows that Purple Aura working for you bud?