>stands under a tree in the middle of a thunderstorm
What the fuck is Kass's problem?
Stands under a tree in the middle of a thunderstorm
Other urls found in this thread:
the funnier part is, he's gone after you complete the shrine and the storm stops
So he knows the Song of Storms? Why isn't he sharing?
Who cares, SoS is a paradox anyway
>Link learns it because he apparently taught it to the guy that teaches you it 7 years later
This is why I always ignored split timeline theories.
Finally, a Kass thread.
Keep it BOTW related so mods don't delete.
Is Kass the perfect husbando?
Not even top 2 bird husband.
What was this guy's problem?
Seriously, I went in blind and expected this fucker to teach me how to control the weather or some other useful magic song.
>9 posters in this thread and nobody posting.
Fucking shy little Sup Forums twinks in denial.
i really want to draw gay incest with his son
make teba bottom
cute birb
I want to see missionary for the sole purpose of procreation while holding hands with his wife
I've seen a reverse cowgirl pic. Is that close enough?
Saki is best wife.
His master died with deep regret in his heart for distrusting Link because of his own feelings for Zelda. Kass' master felt bad for not being of more help to the hero back when he needed it and passed down all songs he knew about the ancient Sheikah shrines to his student, tasking him to guide the hero if he ever woke up. When his master died Kass went on a journey to find the hero and pass down the songs.
The cutest.
What makes this jerkoff so attractive?
Sexy like Falco but also barefoot
sauce plz
>that scene where his feet slap around on the deck.
I hate this one and it's posted every thread. Accordions have fucking buttons that is just a fucking set of bellows jesus
Why is he so cute?
It's the eyes.
Did the Kass fandom just move on or something? He doesn't even have threads on /trash/ anymore
Everyone felt bad sexualizing him after it was revealed he had a wife and five kids. Kass it too pure even for /trash/ to defile.
Wow, you guys are serious weeaboos.
Teba was the best bird bro.
Nice head canon
That's literal game canon, go speak to Kass in his village once you've completed his questline
Literal. youtube.com
>13 minutes of interaction
>best bird bro
The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
>this isn't even my final form
>watch me stand still and repeatedly obliterate that bush over there
>feel free to get some recreational riding in
Says nothing about distrust. You are projecting
>13 minutes
His master was literally jealous of Link.
>My teacher fell in love with her
>But the princess only had eyes for her escort
>My teacher was consumed with jealousy
>He fumed that the knight was neither nobility nor royalty himself
>singing in text
Gee, I'm glad this game had voice acting. What a step for Zelda.
>jealous =/= distrust
Implying furfags have enough time between their dogfucking sessions to educate themselves
>tfw Revali never gets to fug Link. so sad ;_;
>we are expected to care for these people
Only Mipha had depth and it's only cuz she wanted to fug link
Kass is just standard flavor of the month fapbait, nothing more, nothing less.
A mediocre character from a mediocre game is all it boils down to.
I spent the other ten trying to teach his son to shoot good
>Revali didn't want to fug Link
What game were you playing, bro?
You're just trying to hurt me, but I won't let you.
Fug fights are different user
Lieterally? And what did he teach krass- how to play the bag pupe?
The lyrics of the ancient songs he had discovered.