Why is this $1700? It's just a CPU. It executes machine code and schedules tasks to other components like RAM, video, and storage.
Why is this $1700? It's just a CPU. It executes machine code and schedules tasks to other components like RAM, video...
Black box
it's extreme
Nvidia>Intel you idiot.
That box-lettering is real gold
Why is this $240? It's just a dragon dildo. It sits there doing nothing until you shove it up your ass, OP.
Because Intel said so. Now be a good goy and buy it.
Are you fucking stupid? They don't even compete.
Why do women buy those and then only get the first 2 inches in? Why waste that kind of money?
>spend over $1700 to shitpost on Sup Forums
Living the dream
>falling for the jew ruse
Pay devs to focus on creating graphic heavy games. Need new processor to run it optimally or in ultra hyper whatever fuck
Good Goy keeps buying.
because they're sick meme dildos and now they have tons of normie advertising
Is there really a difference between this and ?
angebot und nachfrage
Nope, same thing.
because amd can't seem to make a good processor to save their ass
Because they're novelty dildos for camwhores use to cater to people who want to see them fucking dogs and horses without succumbing to degeneracy.
What about Ryzen? People keep calling it a game-changer.
AMD kicked Intel's ass up until Intel kneecapped them during the Pentium 4 fiasco with illegal business practices to lock them out of the market and destroy AMD's R&D budget.
If you want to complain about AMD being years behind, blame Intel. That was their whole intent.
Ryzen is up there for price/performance such that they're worth it. The real reason to buy into Ryzen even if it ends up being marginally slower at any pricepoint is because the AM4 socket is going to be around for years, so upgrading won't require a rebuild like with Intel's Jew-sockets which is often the hidden cost of Intel.
Ryzen's problem right now is that it's a new architecture and performance bugs related to that haven't been completely ironed out yet on the firmware/software end of things.
Because it's finally an AMD processor that is actually in the same league as Intel. That doesn't mean it's actually worth buying*.
No upper limit hardcoded into it, 10 actual cores. games run like shit on it
More cores=\=better gaming. GHz is the main focus on games and most games don't use more than 4 cores. If anything this CPU would help you if you stream+game+run virtual machines
You would buy an Ryzen 1600 over the Intel offerings at that price, but with an expendable budget Intel would just be better no matter what. AMD can't compete high end in GPU or CPU.
Maybe Vega can sneak something amazing in before Nvidia launches Volta like next year.
Intel's "HEDT" lineups are for suckers too stupid to buy a Xeon.
>his 2hu and Sup Forums machine has a single digit of cores