no cleaning
Post desktop + specs
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How did you make the task bar transparent?
Go into settings search Glass
Oh wait thats for Win 7
Idk I havent found it either
classic shell
Had to compress it because it's too big, but yeah...
I like having a lot of workspace.
I can't find it
what is your desktop image from? Link to source?
For crying out loud...
therme vals
CPU: i5 6600k
GPU: GTX 1070 SC
1080P 60MHZ monitor
750W Power supply
2 TB Hard drive
Fuck why did I read it as battlestations instead of desktop, I'm retarded
Poeple on Sup Forums use macs?
i do at work, they bought me a pretty nice 2017 mbp and a 5k monitor to go with it, mech keyboard as well
Is 5k a meme, or is it truly nice to have?
diminishing returns past 4k
6/10 build