Try and deny this Sup Forums, I'd like to see you try
Try and deny this Sup Forums, I'd like to see you try
All three of them are heavily flawed but still pretty good games.
Without DLC both W3 and BB are 7/10's with their DLC's they are both 8/10's. They went from being good to great.
BOTW is a 7/10 right now but the DLC could change that if it isn't shit.
They still are probably the best games of this generation so far though, but honestly I can see games like RDR2, Bannerlord, and Mario Odyssey easily beating them.
Haven't played Bloodborne, but I'd throw Bayonetta 2 and Persona 5 in there.
Persona 5 is better than all three.
>Bayonetta 2
Are you retarded?
You should have the wii u version in that pic. Seeing as the Switch version of BOTW is a 9th gen port of an 8th gen game.
>Persona 5 is better than all three.
Explain, I hope you've played all 3 in the OP to formulate an argument that doesn't consist of "BUT I LIKE IT!!111!"
Nier Automata is better than all of them.
When does 8th gen start? I got W3 on GoG with my 970 years ago and I'm on a 1080ti now. Feels like so long ago.
BOTW is technically a 9th gen game.
Only Bloodborne belongs on that list.
console kids lol
add p5 and you may be onto something
Persona 5 is not even better than SMTIV.
And SMTIV is nothing special.
Witcher 3 doesn't deserve to be there
Casual as fuck
>make open world
>kill the entire exploration by dude witcher senses
>Are you retarded?
Bayonetta 2 is the best action game of all time.
Gaming gens are mostly determined by console releases since most devs aren't going to be punching above the current consoles's weight.
Witcher 3 without DLC is a far better game than BOTW. The only people denying this are fanboys and people that bought the switch.
>Two open world games and a Souls game
Video games are dead.
>best games are all exclusives
Is there any bigger anti-consumer practice than exclusivity?
>sonybros have 1(ONE) game worth playing
>Two open world games and a Souls game
Infinitely better than the 7th gen
Remove witcher 3. It's the epitome of cinematic bullshit that Sup Forums pretends to hate
Consolefags will defend hostageware and anti-piracy measures (like denuvo)
What should replace it then?
person of colour main characters
Remove W3 and you might have something
It would say when the 3DS released.
Gen 8 consoles are: 3DS, Vita, Wii U, PS4, XBONE, and maybe Switch, Pro and Scorpio (though some would consider the latter 3 to be 9th gen).
Day 1 DLC.
The game is a broken mess with Witch Time and Umbran Climax being integral parts of the combat. It also removed weight classes, enemies can break out of launch state, hit reactions are absolute, Wicked Weave values were changed which heavily favors strings ending in kicks, Torture Attacks are now useless as Umbran Climax is so broke and necessary to Pure Play stages which makes magic a pretty pointless feature to have.
If you honestly think that Bayonetta 2 is anything other than average then you are absolutely horrible at action games.
Switch is early 9th gen like the Wii U was, Pro is 8th gen, and I'm still not really sure if the Scorpio is a Pro-esque upgrade or whole new system with back compat.
I hate how stupid these people are, like damn there wouldn't be a Bayonetta 2 if Nintendo didn't swoop in and save the project
What a shit generation.
botw is full of day one disc locked content, plastic toys don't make it okay
Bayo1 might as well have just been a 360 exclusive anyways with how utterly awful the PS3 version was and still is even after patches out the ass.
Generations are getting harder to define because of hardware upgrades that aren't quite "next-gen". Consoles truly have become watered down PCs
witcher 3 is 7/10 at best
Stop holy shit this makes me so pissed
>2 games and a movie
Why the fuck is witcher 3 up there
Trying to get my hands on a PS4 rn so that I can play TW3 and BB, I'm pretty damn excited
I'm gonna have to wait with botw though I can't find a switch fucking anywhere
Pro tip: don't get a Pro
374715609 (You)
Been a while since I haven't seen a FPBP in one of these troll threads.
Way to fuck up so bad.
Why? I thought majority of games got a performance boost from it.
>open world
>best of the generation
Pick one op
wii u got it
>reddit spacing
nice try samefag
>witcher 3
>bland as fuck, talking for 1000 hours
>die in 2 hits, amazing gameplay attack dodge
>actually pretty good except its 640p
>nintendo game in a "best" list
try harder OP
u might be autistic as fuck, but that was pure btfo kino...
>bloodborne BAD!
>zelda GOOD!
you ousted yourself way too early nintenbro
Sounds like consoles are becoming more like PCs. Oh wait, they already are.
>720p sub30fps
Is the neo still a thing or was that what the pro is? Also, I'm getting a 4K tv and nioh too and I heard that looks pretty nice on pro
Bloodborne runs at 1080p you dolt. I love how that's your only criticism of the game, dying in two hits is not an argument.
But BotW and W3 are weak as fuck OP.
What games are better?
>Consoles truly have become watered down PCs
yeah that's what i said, glad we agree
Why would I samefag yet deprive myself of a (You) numbnuts?
Now you gave him his (You) you fucking disgrace. You're the samefag.
Let's get this out of the way, Nier, Nioh, P5 aren't gotg material.
>yfw you realize that all of the praise witcher 3 gets has to do with its storytelling and dialogue
>yfw you realize none of it has to do with its merits as a game
It's a great VN.
It's very fucking obvious from the way you type.
You really need to stop typing like this.
It's one thing to samefag but fpbping your own post is truly pathetic
Nier and Nioh definitely not but Persona 5 is going to be GOTY unless Red Dead Redemption 2 or Mario Odyssey somehow manage to surpass that masterpiece.
I said they were all good games though
did I trigger you because I don't think they're all 10/10's or something?
Your goty, sure.
Whoop Dee do.
The rest of humanity will probs vote botw.
Nier is better than Bloodborne, Persona, Zelda, and anything else released so far this gen.
>A niche (in the eyes of the public) exclusive EVER getting GOTY the same year a Rockstar multiplat releases
Name one instance this has ever happened
You can't even copy me correctly you dumb samefagger. I put a space before I type.
Way to stealth FPBP your own post. Go back to plebbit.
Sm4sh is a better game than Automata
It'll be happening this year also does RDR2 even have a confirmed release date? Wouldn't be surprised if it was pushed back to 2018.
>Persona 5
>Ever beating BotW or Mario Odyssey in the eyes of the normie
This will never happen, besides Persona 5 came out in 2016, it doesn't quality as a game of the year. Same deal with Yakuza 0 and Tales.
Sm4sh is an unbalanced mess, which is a pretty big problem for a fighting game. It's arguably the weakest in the series.
meant to say qualify
Soulscuck spotted
And Automata is weaker than NieR in just about every regard, Automata is normie garbage.
Weeb trash like persona 5 doesn't compare to any of the games posted in the OP
Nier has a better cast and slightly better plot. Automata has better everything else. Its easily the better game.
Swap bloodborne for P5 and it's accurate
All of Nintendo's business practices
>Open world meme with invisible walls everywhere
>OST isn't as good
>Side quests didn't have as good as stories behind them
>Combat is still just mash Square despite Platinum working on it
Is Witcher 3 one of the best games of all time?
>Automata has better everything else
Did you forget soundtrack? NieR easily beats Automata in that regard, it honestly isn't even a contest
>OST isnt as good
>implying that means much when Nier's OST is when of the best vidya OST's of all time
You're right it utterly blows them all the fuck out.
>swap the best game ever made for a 7/10
what did he mean by this?
>Shitty enemy scaling
>Shitty durability system
>Shitty healing system
>Shitty story
>Shitty dungeons
>Okay climbing system
>Generic open world where nothing can continue if you don't get involved
>Main story ending completely contradicts the existence of the DLC
>Shitty combat
>Shitty boss fights
>Shitty waifu sim
>Mediocre side-content
>It's another "exploit the invulnerability animations" game by FromSoftware
>Best of 8th gen
Okay, buddy.
I don't recall saying it was bad just that NieR was better in most regards.
City Ruins is godly overworld music and better than Radiant Winds.
Otaku pandering trash like persona will always be trash, weeb.
>haha i'm some jaded faggot that can't enjoy video games
What's your top 3 of this gen then?
they are very good games, yes
Persona 5 is a 6/10 game at best, sorry kiddo.
Shovel knight and rocket league are better than any of those games
>Souls don't have some of the best combat mechanics in the past two or even three gens.
Fuck off
>where nothing can continue if you don't get involved
Pretty much any game ever?
>Main story ending completely contradicts the existence of the DLC
>open world
It's the same structure as the original except the areas are no longer embarrassingly tiny and are actually competently designed.
>OST isn't as good
You're right, it's better.
>Side quest stories
The only side quests worth a damn in the original were the lighthouse lady ones. But please tell me how crap like the fragile delivery quests and hunting goat meat for random NPCs were great stories.
Is much improved. It's still nowhere near as good as a pure action game but it is infinitely better than what was in the original. More varied enemy types, more offensive options, enemies hit harder, controls are more responsive, there are more weapon types and the characters have unique and more varied move sets. It's an all-around upgrade.
i love BB, but EDF 4.1 is better than all three combined
why don't you take the final red pill for video games and chain yourself to EDF 4.1?
even DaS3, persona 5, and yakuza is better than witcher 3
6/10, 8/10, and another 8/10 respectivelly
>Side quests didn't have as good as stories behind them
You outed yourself, time to try again