Mario Kart 8 Deluxe number 1 on amazon

What went right?

switch gamers thirsty for games. Any games. Even a track racer they've played a million times and at this point must be monotonous as fuck.

Puyo Puyo Tetris has been hovering in the late teens/early twenties for a while. That makes me happy.

I pre-ordered my copy. My friends are excited to play. We have gatherings on fridays occasionally to play MTG or other things, like we played jack box party pack 3 last time. Anyways new set of MTG and we usually draft and I was inviting people and he said ehh.. MTG idk, then I said I'm also getting the new mario kart and he said alright I'll go that sounds good.

People know its good and it's getting great reviews.

It's always glad to see you GAF's around



Sorry, MtG.

5 million people didn't play it on the Fuck U

sony won

You're right what am I saying aspies never get bored of the same shit. That's why tetris and splatoon are going to sell great.

Damn. How JUST is Microsoft? Where are they at?

Its Mario Kart, what do you expect.

>never get bored of the same shit.

Makes me think.

This is US amazon, Microsoft's market is japan and the uk


This. Sony can't even compete.

Wow, that's really rude. I'm going to be the better person and buy a Switch now. Can I get any game recommendations?

>normal people buy something they want once
>nintendo fans buy something they want twice, scalpers buy 30 copies each

>I'm going to be the better person and buy a Switch now.

You wish.

>buying the same game 3 years later for full price

can't make this shit up

It's actually true.
Yes rockstar games having booming sales but that's spread amongst Microsoft aswell.


Not many people owned a Wii U, you know.

nothing else good the coming out next week.

>8 different franchises with 3-5 games telling more of the story spanning 3 console generates made by 5 different developers

How many Mario games are there? How many times is the same story told? How much has the gameplay actually grown over how many console generations?

And those fucks can't even churn out any good Metroid games, the ones we actually want.

10 million people owned a Wii U.

Which is 8 million more than owned a Switch.

stop posting this nonsense

This. Sony drones are in full denial right now

>100% of the switch's userbase owned a wii u


>the ones we actually want
You want.

God Metroid babbies are the fucking worse.

Metroid has always been shit.

Where is F-Zero?

Most of these aren't even rehashes. Pathetic.


Mario Kart 8 on Wii U was top for a while

No shit the Switch version would given it's 90% of everyone else that didn't buy a Wii U

>People want games for their video game console
>Ponies act like this is a bad thing

These manchildren, man.

>PSN 20
>PSN 10
>PSN 50
>PSN+ (1 Month
>PSN 100
>PSN 60

Jesus christ

>expects F-zero when Nintendo welcomes Fast RMX
>not realizing what that means

>the ones we actually want.
Sales say otherwise.
Metroid is just a very, very vocal minority.

I'm just not a fan of remasters. But you can continue paying full price for games that came out years ago, sony friend.