Saw this on instagram and saw nothing wrong with this picture

Saw this on instagram and saw nothing wrong with this picture.

I am an adult and i have a job with enough disposable income that lets me pay for my hobby and buy anything and everything that i want.

So I can only come to the conclusion that the meme of Sup Forums being full of children is correct.

I'm in that boat but the problem I have is the Xbox One seems like dead weight. I just got it before any of the others so I kept it to keep its collection. If I got any of the others first, I probably would never have set foot on the Xbox One.

Being an adult doesn't stop you from making dumb decisions.

I just use it when my friends want me to play Halo.

No, not children, poorfag spics that spend 500 dollars every other week on mobile games then complain they are too poor and blacklash those with more than them

If by not having to choose, you mean sitting on stacks of money that don't mean anything and don't make me feel any better about myself or the world around me, and don't have the willingness or time to purchase any of the consoles because I'm too busy constantly battling suicidal depression, yeah.

Yup, exact same situation here. I got an xbone when SSO came out cause I thought the game looked fun (it was), and I wasn't ready to upgrade my PC yet so I wanted something to play multiplats.

Now that I have an upgraded PC, and a PS4, the xbone is basically a 360 emulation machine since all the games are coming to PC.

>when you realise you can buy any candy you want now
>you don't like candy anymore

I arbitrarily buy games for it to appease it being in my collection (the last things I got for it was Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2) but it's not like any of those wouldn't be as equally at home on the PS4.

Forza Horizon 3 used to be preferable to play on Xbox One because it was more stable but the PC version finally seems to have gotten its shit together.

I play Overwatch on it to play with a friend, who gave it to me as a gift, but he's in Europe right now so I can't play it with him until he returns later this year (and that's if I can tear him away from his wedding plans).

there will never again be a greater time to be an idort after sixth gen.

For a lot of people, buying videogame consoles, PC hardware, or games is a secondary or tertiary hobby. I spent more on a cello last week than I've spent on all my gaming shit throughout my whole life.

>not liking candy
What about chocolate

because what the fuck does it have other than Halo? I don't even like Gears so it doesn't even have that for me

I originally bought it for Killer Instinct but I never expected them to port that.

But still it's a waste of money to buy switch went has no games

Being an idort is bullshit retarded now. You're just paying for two online subscriptions and a third for the rest of the house. Idort in this day and age just means someone who's happy to let any corporation fuck their little boipucci

Holy shit user that sounds insane.
Are they usually super expensive or did you get a quality cello?

what games don't fall into the venn diagram of PS4 and Switch?

the xbone doesn't exactly have many exclusives to choose from.

I'm an adult who can choose and I choose to not buy any current gen consoles because they're trash and don't have any games that I want to play.

I'm 23 motherfucker what do you want

>You're just paying for two online subscriptions and a third for the rest of the house.
three. Switch has an online fee starting in the fall.

>meme of Sup Forums being full of children is correct.
says the manchild

actually thats the worse one now. Can't eat too much chocolate gets sickening after a while.

Only eat the occasional snickers or something with peanut butter.

t. nintenbabby marketer trying to pretend that a shitty 3 generation old tablet is worth the money even if youre loaded

I got my Xbone for KI and Sunset overdrive. Got the sweet White one. I love its color but I feel like I can trade it in for a One S or wait for the Scorpio.

Haven't used it at all since last year.

the only one it had (that I cared about) got canceled.
So yeah what the fuck does the xbone have?

Do you have a proper job?

> things poor people do that keep them poor

You are a fucking manchild not a real Adult

Snickers are motherfucking delicious if you only eat one every month or so. Same with cokes and shit like that.

I guarantee whoever made that picture is a trustfund baby who's never had to worry about money in his life or an idiot who doesn't know how to manage and save his money. Being an adult means not wasting money on frivolous shit.

I guess one good reason for me to have the Xbox One is so I can play Tekken 7 on it.

The industry relies on morons like the guy in the pic, the op, and everyone in this thread impulse buying and using logical fallacies to justify thoughtless purchases.

>wasting money on the xbone

I still love Butterfingers and Reeses, but can't eat anything else except in very small doses once or twice a year.

The problem is that most of these devices do exactly the same thing, which makes it bad for the consumer to be forced to buy all 3 just because of artificial exclusivity.

Imagine for a moment that toaster companies operated like this, by putting DRM in their toasters to control what you can toast in it. Toaster A can only toast bread, and Toaster B can only toast pop-tarts. If you happen to want both toasted bread and pop-tarts, you're screwed into buying 2 toasters where you really should have only needed to buy one. Hell, you might have even bought a toaster oven which can do even more things, but in this world, both pop-tarts and bread refuse to be toasted in the toaster oven.

How fucked up would that be? Would you jump up and say "Well, I'm an adult, so I can afford to buy several toasters." No, you wouldn't, because you'd look like a moronic tool.

Now, Switch might get a minor pass because it's portable where the others aren't, but that's ultimately up to whether or not you had any interest in using it that way. I imagine most people buying a Switch are interested far less in the portability than they are in playing the games that are being arbitrarily deprived of them on other hardware they already own.

I also have enough disposable income. I just choose not to allocate it on systems that provide little return on investment, because there's infinite possible options to spend that money.

You may not have to choose between consoles, but you still have to choose.

Dark Chocolate ia good, milk chocolate is the gross shit.
>not eating and drinking superior Mexican products

>buying a fighting game on anything but PS4
Enjoy your dead online

30hrs. Nobody in the city hires full time anymore. That kind of job does not exist.

>Same with cokes and shit like that.

this, but damn I see people drink it like water. Fucking disgusting.

t. Children that don't know what disposable income means.

Enjoy your netcode

But Op, you are on Sup Forums. So there for you are a child. And as you are Op, also a faggot.

This too. I think the last game I beat on Xbone was Catherine.

Great game, by the way.

We understand perfectly well.

But a bad investment doesn't stop being bad because you can afford it. Yeah, you can get that console. Or a new audio system. Or a couple games. Or save up for a house. Or put it towards a new car. Or go out with your friends another couple times.

You see how that goes? Disposable doesn't mean unlimited.

tfw adult

this has been more of a negative thing than positive. I lost 10 lbs and gained it back because I live 20 seconds from a 7/11.

I guess one good thing about the Xbone is, if you're a physicalfag you can get a physical copy of Ori. But that's one game.

I rest my case.

there's no point of buying it on steam, shit will be dead, everyone will be on ps4 100%

t. 16 year old who works at McDonald's and blows his paychecks on videogames

Knock it off.

Chinese student firewood is like 2k.
NA and chink Strad/Montgana replicas are 5k, and they would be considered of a passable quality for a professional. That's what I paid.
Reputable European cellos cost 10k and up.
And then you get into German and Italian vintages.

I'm a Tekken collector so I wanted to have all versions of the game (the same is true for Tekken 6 and Tag 2).

Plus, it's a little arbitrary but I can preload it on PC when the PS4 and Xbox One versions will require an install time as they're physical. I only have 12 days to get my game up for CEO 2017 so any time helps.

I love all of mine, but my PS4 gathers dust mostly. Trying to convince myself to try out Paragon or something on it. I love all my consoles, but my PS4 Pro definitely doesn't get much love. Hopefully some good VR games come of this E3.

You don't get to decide what's a bad investment

You literally don't know the actual value something will have to you if you've never had/done it before

So never do anything that costs money or it might be a waste

Try and stop me.
You can estimate fairly well.

Yeah, that's probably correct. To be fair though, it could also be people who are loyal to a certain brand or see no point in dropping so much money on systems like the ps4 and xbone and the pc that have so much overlap in their games.

Something about that image reeks of "I'm 17 and just got my second 300$ paycheck and need to spend it as irresponsibly as possible"

>Try and stop me
Your opinion means shit. There that was hard

I can't deny this

enjoy your vs cpu matches

Owning an Xbox One?

What is there to play? No for real the Xbox One is such a garbage console.

you could also just buy a physical copy anyways and get the digital windows version.

Not really. It sure as shit has a garbage software library though, compared to its competitors. Fuck I'm far more likely to buy a fucking wii-u for exclusives before this generation is over than a bone.

>mfw i just realized the ps4 and xbox1 are 4 years old now

where the fuck does the time go...

>Spending $500 to play 1 game

The worst thing about being an adult is having to live with your bad monetary decisions

Onward at a rate of one second per second.

Being idort isn't always logical. I'd argue that this current gen is probably the gen where it makes the least sense to go idort. There is LITERALLY no reason to get an Xbone if you already have a PC or PS4.

I hadn't heard, thank you user. Now I'm even happier with my tower.

I'll bite the bite on this one.

And yet here you are of all places.

anybody who bows to the swine god of consumerism and materialism is as mentally stunted as a child.

good goy, keep buying your shit consoles and shit games from all these lying and scheming homos while I will embrace nature and wilderness and better myself.

it's really terrible. I'm a nintenbro and was praying Nintendo wouldn't fall for the online jew.

thanks microsoft for killing gaming

$600 wouldn't cover all 3 of them

I only bought the Xbone for Rock Band 4, and the game still hasn't justified the purchase considering it's fucking still barebones compared to RB3 after over a year of 'updates'.

it's literally called being an idort you newfag why did you even post this thread.
>saw this on instagram
oh i see what kind of thread this is now

looks like all you're embracing is autism

as a sugarfat lardass I can testify that coke is tastier after not consuming for some time, but like any addictive substance, it's hard to stay away for that long

Actually, I forgot, that is one reason I like having an XB1 but I agree that RB4 is pretty bad.

If the music genre weren't dead right now, people would say RB4 is right down there with SF5. It's just no one noticed it.

I once got a coke on impulse after about half a year of consuming next to no sugar.

Blew my mind. Shit was the most delicious I've ever had.

I have a PS4 and Wii U. Both have solid libraries with the PS4 really taking off. I don't see any point in the Xbone with my PC. Switch looks interesting but right now it just doesn't have any games (that I don't already have) and I have a N3DS for portability.

I mean, I could own more gaming devices but I have 99.9% of bases covered and even this I feel is excessive. With so many options these days, you could get by with far less. I spend most of my time on my PC.

Yeah this.

They fucking killed Halo, did anyone even care about Gears of War 4?

My PS4 already collects enough dust as it is. If someone gifted me an Xbone I'd sell it.

>the wii u has a solid library

It seemed to me the people who are into music games moved on to Rocksmith.

And once you go to Rocksmith the Rock Band/Guitar Hero Fisher Price experience can only feel well lame.

>what games don't fall into the venn diagram of PS4 and Switch?
You can't even cover 1% of Nintendo's own catalogue with a Switch.

There isn't an argument for owning a Switch that doesn't involve "it will get games"

Can an adult with disposable income be my sugar daddy? I'm not gay and I'm not a girl but I'll give my friendship for a full price game on ps4

Yeah it's funny how tastes change when the product doesn't. I'm going to go without for a month then cleanse my palate and eat a reese's cup, see if I get a stiffy.

>when you realise you can buy any game you want now
>you don't like games anymore

stop playing vidya games

Lot better than the Switch or any other 8th gen console. PS4 is just starting to become comparable and most of that, like Nier and P5, are still multiplats

sparkling water

completely killed the craving for soda for me.

>There isn't an argument for owning a Switch that doesn't involve "it will get games"
how about "I like Nintendo games so I want a switch"?

That presupposes that the console will one day get more nintendo games.

i don't play them. i buy them, start them, then turn them off and read Sup Forums.

or that I want to play Zelda: Breath of the Wild on the Switch.

Or Splatoon 2

Or Arms

or Mario Odyssey

or Snake Pass

or Snipperclips

or Fast RMX

or Todd's game

Since RB4 came out I have been constantly itching to "buy an xbone just for rb4".

Fuuuuuuuck I want it but I know that rb4 is shit and I don't want to be unable to use my gh2 x-plorer...

Almost none of those are currently available.

If the argument had been "PS4 and Wii U covers the widest gap", dear lord I would have *fully* agreed. Absolutely.

PS4 and Switch? Jesus Christ, don't make me laugh. Switch covers almost *nothing*.

>Almost none of those are currently available.
so? I'm not justifying it for you. I'm gonna buy Splatoon in July and Mario in November. I have Fast RMX and Snipperclips.

I'll probably buy the Jackbox Party Pack before I fly to meet some friends too.

Most of those aren't out, which brings us back to your argument being it will get games.