Wife Material discussion

>Haru can garden
>Sensei can clean your house and cook
>Futaba can be the tech savvy wife
>Ann can model and make the monies

What the fuck can Mokoto do as a wife? Nothing.

Makoto can make money on the job she'll get because of her good grades.

>Ann can model and make the monies
Why do the slut ones always wear twintails?

>wanting a career woman

low test.

Makoto will end up like Sae. In her 30s working her ass off but with no man.

Fuuka is my perfect little wife!

>Naturally motherly and caring
>pure heart
>very empathetic, can understand others easily
>very serene and calm
>extremely smart, knows a lot about nature AND tech

I love her!

But sae is great

Yeah enjoy your nerd wife. I'll be with my smoking hot wife Yukari have crazy good sex daily. Fuuka most likely doesn't even take it in the ass.

She can raise a NEET

>I'll be with my smoking hot wife Yukari have crazy good sex daily

>waifu material

Literally worse girl.

Do I need to romance confidants in order to get them to rank 10 or can I friendzone them and get past rank 9 too?

you can friendzone them

Yes you need to romance Sojiro and Ryuji and the others in order to get them to rank 10, prepare your anus.

What happens if I romance them all?

You lose out on a special cutscene at the game's end with your one true waifu and instead get a special cutscene where you are confronted for being a manwhore by all the people you romanced.

>What the fuck can Mokoto do as a wife?
Provide a stern yet fair upbringing to her children to avoid spoiling them.

Also tell you if they null, repel or absorb any particular elements

Why does Boss take so fucking much to level up his confidant? I hung out with the nigga like 4 times and nothing, absolutely have no motivation to keep doing it because it feels like a waste of my time.

Reminder that Chie and Akihiko will probably end up working under Makoto despite being older.

You get an ass beating by everyone.

What day are you on? You can't start Rank 5 until August 22nd.

What can teacher do as a wife?
>suck other men's dicks for money behind your back
I bet you like that

Doctor is best btw
Then Hifumi

>Why does Boss take so fucking much to level up his confidant? I hung out with the nigga like 4 times and nothing, absolutely have no motivation to keep doing it because it feels like a waste of my time.

I hope you aren't at level 3 or 4 and wasting time with him. You need to progress the story until after you have Futaba to continue on.

>Also tell you if they null, repel or absorb any particular elements

oh you got me

fuuka poster is that you?

make coffee dummy

Yoshi No-Good-Tora is a mandatory romance for the best ending

>Makoto warns you that your kid is weak to peanuts

best and most vigilent waifu

Use rank7 Fortune to get freebie points every day for him so you aren't wasting time

He's also capped until you finish Futaba's palace iirc

so clearly the "special services" were something sexual, but what exactly?
it can't actually be sex can it?

You will get a real fuckin' obvious "Choose your words carefully" warning prior to the choice to either date or friendzone a girl.

How gently would Haru moan when I slide my dick into her ass?

More like a handjob, probably sex but that's not official.

Raising Futaba into a proper girl with Makoto as your wife!

Nah she can't do that, she can only see repel, drain and null, she can also see what skills they have and their drops.

I love Reisen!

You don't need good grades to be a Yakuza whore.

It can't simply because then there wouldn't have been any distinction between her normal maid job and the "Sister Company" she almost transferred to near the end of her SL.

Odds are the special services offered by the maid company were more along the lines of intimate, pseudo-sexual things.

>>so clearly the "special services" were something sexual

It was full-body massage. That's the special service you unlock at rank 10, wouldn't it make sense that's what she's talking about?

play gun game with you and watch horror movies with

>What the fuck can Mokoto do as a wife? Nothing.

She can likely have children who become just as smart as her and being the police commissioner already makes her kids have a very cool mom in the eyes of their friends.

i friendzoned the maid, is it possible to get her to rank 10 still? i haven't gotten any texts from her and can't use the phone anymore either.


She wouldn't. Shes not that kinda girl.

I friendzoned her and got her to rank 10. How long has it been since rank 9? Or did you even do her request in the metaverse yet?

Is there even a reason to be a Fuukafag now that Haru exists? She literally does everything better than her, and with a better voice too.

>"Anal? I am not going to do that, but how about one of the maids?"

i did the request right before the school trip, got the scene where i talked to her at school, and now i just started the next palace.

Yeah enjoy that forehead.

She'd love it if it was me, her husband

What would Reisen's Persona be?

Makoto can make me bust a nut the quickest.

Is this the manga? Gimme da sauce

It's very clear that you're trying to create some sort of meme here with that image and hurting harus feelings

>tfw choosing between musketeer, council president, sensei, and doctor is LITERALLY impossible

I'm going to have to play this 80 hour game 4 times aren't I

This image kills me every time.

I want to cover every inch of Haru with semen

Yeah, you can get to rank 10 with everyone without dating them.

It's kinda funny how you can tell how far Sup Forums is in the game based on which girl they're obsessing over.

>started out makoto
>then kawakami
>now haru

Guess everyone's getting closer to finishing.

What exactly is involved in the "Special Massage"?

I'm in the mood

I want to hug her

for something salty today.

>Ann can model and make the monies
But Haru has more money than you could spend in a lifetime and enough shares in Japanese McDonalds that you'd be able to live in luxory solely off of that without either of you ever having to lift a finger.

I'm sure it's already been said but Makoto would raise your children to be responsible adults and not brats or pussies like most of the other girls would.

Ann would probably spoil them, Futaba hasn't really matured far enough to really get a sense of how she would raise a child, Chihaya is a fucking gypsy, Sae would be an insufferable cunt for any child if she were to be a single mother, and Hifumi would be average in all accounts.

Makoto, Kawakami, and maybe Haru would raise successful children and actual make good mothers.

>Futaba will never meet Yukari and go full weeb over her being a Featherman

>implying Kawakami is flavor of the week

The threads seem to rotate though, you can then start as Sae and end on Futaba in one day before picking up the next day with Ann and ending with Kawakami

>planned to go Makoto again on NG+ and try a duo only party playthrough with Makoto
>on NG+ and had to walk away at Sensei's "waifu/no waifu" decision and shitpost on Sup Forums until someone convinces me either way

It's torture.

user please, you know they're going to milk this game super hard.

>I'm sure it's already been said but Makoto would raise your children to be responsible adults and not brats or pussies like most of the other girls would.

There will most likely be a fighting game that will involve 3,4, and 5's cast.

Makoto CAN'T cook

I'll be eating out from now on.

useless bitch

I wish Hifumi Togo was a more fleshed out character or at least a main one. I heard she was supposed to be but they canned the idea due to time issues.

>3, 4, and 5

I just want If, 1, and 2's casts back in some form. It's not fair that Persona 4, the worst installment, gets all the attention and spin-offs

I value a life partner full of virtue that I can resonate and enjoy life with than carnal desires.

Well, I am posting Fuuka, so I guess?

Why is Arsene so /fa/?


>I'll be eating out from now on
Yeah I'll bet you are, you slut.

yeah, that actually makes sense
thanks for helping clear that up

*more than

>What the fuck can Mokoto do as a wife?
Hold a conversation

She's so fucking good and the thought that she could have had more material hurts me.

More like have a one sided conversation where she wont shut up.

The most lifeless dub, too.

the infamous fuuka poster that's been here for a few years i think
i used to see you post all the time before i left Sup Forums to avoid spoilers
assuming that was you

Fuuka is a Japanese girl, her real voice is Japanese.

Well, I've been loving Fuuka for 2 years, so maybe I'm the one who you're thinking of.

There is plenty distinction between the two. One is a "health" industry that offers a service like a massage, maid, girlfriend, etc. but also has light/heavy petting as well since they can easily secure customers and get through the prostitution loophole because no penetration and the sexual activities "isn't" what is advertised but everyone knows what you get. Like soapland or plenty of other businesses throughout Japan.

No because your age made her 180 out of the room before asked to "take a seat".

What's that thing in her hair called? It's really cute. Also, I love her.

If it were just a matter of labeling though, she wouldn't have been considering the transfer for more money.

Broken homes lead to broken plates, nigga.

You hit Yukari and quit it on your way to the true #1 franchise waifu.

Which of the female confidants are confirmed virgins? I don't want to bother with any of the others.

a fancy hairpin?

Only Futaba because she's a NEET and Makoto because she's autistic

Autistic females with sexy bodies are like kibble for Chads

And maybe Togo because her mom chased everyone away.

Makoto and Futaba

Probably Hifumi

Kawakami is literally a prostitute

Ohya prob sucks men off for scoops

Chihaya was at a hostess club and prob sucked men off for money and in that cult she was in

Haru was a sex slave for all the men in her dads company

>What the fuck can Mokoto do as a wife?
i dunno bestiality i guess.

Makoto reminds me of this girl I knew in highschool with a 4.0 that only did anal because she was so scared of accidentally getting pregnant.

Yes she would have. One has a customer base that prefers younger girls while brothels usually cater to all but the most niche of customers. The maid job wouldn't have nearly as many customers in comparison as well as most of the customers from the maid branch would more than likely be lonely betas who can't even be bothered to go to a real brothel, while the actual brothel is in a set location that will get continuous customers with no need for flyers.

It's not even bad really the most that she may have done is maybe allowed a customer or two to fuck her as she really needed money at the time and also really needs regular customers, but that's stretching it since she was already torn on whether or not to go to a legit whore house. But handies and bjs were definitely being done.

You can keep your teenie boppers. I'll be over here cuddling with my fortune teller.

Pretty much this.