I picked this game up literal years ago and never played it. Is it worth playing?

I picked this game up literal years ago and never played it. Is it worth playing?

Everything is rather complicated, but there are guides out there to get you into the game. Don't uninstall it after the few first tries.

My experience with the game:

>me and a friend both pick it up super cheap
>load into the game, try to connect to each other somehow
>never succeed, eventually get bored and give up

That's all I remember.

It's overrated.

yes it is, just ignore the dated visuals and be patient u enormous gigantic Sup Forumsaggot

If you like serious sam turn the spawn rate up as high as it goes.
In fact do it anyways. The game is more fun when you always have something worth shooting.


>You gain brouzouf
>Your legs are ok

People keep saying this shit but ive never found anything hard to understand. What do you actually have trouble with? Maybe im just not fucking retarded.

the game itself is acceptable, has a great theme and setting and every level is cool as fuck. The levels are way too fucking big though, expect to be walking around what feels like absolutely nothing for 2 hours at a time, even Fallout 3 has more to do inbetween waypoints. Combat is good, but enemies are underwhelming for the most part. I wouldn't play it over Team Fortress 2 or Quake Live right now though, there are better games but it is above average in quality and if you aren't careful you can really be absorbed in the world

The memes are great

For whatever reason this is one of my girlfriends favorite games. I have no clue why really, but she plays the fuck out of it. It looks neat in terms of the gameplay and stuff but it is like half life tier graphics.

For reference the other like 3 games she plays a bunch are New Vegas, Stardew Valley, and Skyrim.

>girlfriend who loves EYE

you know what you must do

she'd understand

Reminder to use this version with the updated colors

It`s fairly easy once you realize you only need one gun and one skill for every situation (I`ll let you figure it out)
Decent enough but I`m not going to replay everything 3 times to get the `true ending`

it is. but I personally found it to be very short (yes, I got all three endings, fucking boring) and there isn't so much level variety.

It's like I have dyslexia what the fuck is this comic saying

I do need to refine the words, but Paint.net is only so good. I wish I could find what font they use in-game.


Good memes

For those not in the know, its EYE stuff drawn over a series of whomp comics, panel-for-panel



send her under the temple to seek forbidden knowledge IMMEDIATELY

if any more of these exist, please post

I wish people actually played the game instead of posting memes all the time

I played the game, but I got bored in the process of minmaxing my character. I'll come back to it and beat those fed fuckers in the sermons

Trying to get a server set up is a massive pain in the ass.
That and since lives are shared there's no way to co-op with randoms while also playing the damn game past the first five minutes.

It's sad but true, fucking loved every minute of it.

I can't wait for the review

I tried, hacking never was explained to me so it become annoying to learn, then after I started practicing discovered you had a resource that limited how many hacks you could do or something. I got up to level 2 or something and got bored. Is waaaay to many useless information the game throws at you and very little teaching about how to do things. It has stats and skills bloat which kills the fun for me.

I guess I have very limited attention span regarding vidya compared to when I was a teenager.

>0/16 on every server
>suddenly see server with 2 or 3 people
>join in
>they play for a single level and maybe make everyone in HQ hostile
>they all disconnect
There's been all of one time I randomly joined some fucks on a level past New Eden, and BR is perpetually dead
This is the worst cycle to live in right now

I'm playing it right now. It's weird as shit but i'm enjoying it.

Any tips for somebody going into it pretty much blind? There are a ton of systems and I don't really know what I should be putting my brosefs toward, weapons or cybernetics or research or what.

I'd play more but after getting to level 90-something the group I played with fell apart.

>after I started practicing discovered you had a resource that limited how many hacks you could do or something
I'm willing to partially forgive you since the vanilla translation is a bit difficult to comprehend at times, but holy fucking shit you're goddamn retarded jesus christ

here ya go

I guess expecting a civilized way of explaining why I was wrong instead of an ad homo was to much to ask from Sup Forums.

Or this how normal EYE fans act like?

Only if you have people to play with.

>you've been spotted

fuck me if that isn't the hardest truth

Put as much brozoufs into legs as possible.
Always set scientists for research to zero to reduce costs. The extra time is meaningless since you're going to be playing the game while you wait.

Firewall is a meme. Don't upgrade it unless you hate brozoufs. Also don't try and max out a character unless you like grind maps and spread sheets.
There is a very specific order to maximize everything and it's just plain not worth it unless you want pointless bragging rights.

Buy the Bearkiller and Cloak augment from the temple guys ASAP, those give by far and above some of the most bang for the buck, with the cloak mostly breaking AI and the bearkiller being a handy anti-armor that fits in a leg slot, freeing up your back instead of forcing you to use the TRK-AD.

So it's a minigame where you have
You can either attack, raise your attack or defense, or lower the opponent's attack or defense
You have to reduce the enemy's HP to 0 without yours falling to 0. All actions take time, so actions can occur concurrently, so plan accordingly.
If you lose, you'll be counter-hacked and a smiley face will call you retarded until you hack yourself free.

I got that by myself, because the game gave me no tutorial about that, but I clearly remember I could not hack willy nilly because every time I tried or tried and failed some sort of resource would decrease and after it was gone I could hack no more and had no idea how to increase it.

Not him, but the game is just shit and you need to accept that user. It's shit,just like Stalker is shit. It has great concepts but a garbage execution hampered by a terrible UI and shit writing.

thanks for the tips, it's gonna be a while before I even have the stats to be able to use Bearkiller. I've been using the smaller of the two starting sniper rifles which has held up alright so far

actually I'm only a couple hours in, I might just start over and reroll for better stats now

Play on Ghost difficulty, XP rolls in at the speed of sound provided you don't get headshot by the aimbot AI.

That sounds like how resurrectors work, but even once you run out you respawn in the dream you get them all back.

TRK is a sexy bitch. You should try it if you haven't yet.


I miss /cyg/

nice try rimanah, but i escaped my cycles of guilt

I miss Lainposts and Bunnyhopposts and having people to make OC for and throw vases at

tell her to pick up the Stalker series

mandalore gaming?

such is the fate of E.Y.E threads

There's just not much to talk about anymore that hasn't already been said.
People don't want to drop spoilers on newbies so it's just a list of how to play prefaced with a dump of memes.

the cycles continue

ded gaem
ded thread

I love eye threads

>Play game with 3 friends
>All of us load in
>First thing two of them do is kill each other
>This happens for the next two hours and causes us to fail constantly
>Somehow make it to the friendly HQ
>Someone shoots one of the soldiers in immediately after loading
>Whole HQ procedes to kill us
>This happens two times before I quit

your friends sound like Jians


I remember trying to do something like this before.
It turns out that even with friendly fire damage turned all the way down to 1% backstabs still do enough to instakill.
Good times all around.

ye, who else would do it?

>Play game with 3 aspects of my consciousness
>All of us load in
>First thing two of them do is kill each other
>This happens for the next two hours and causes us to dream constantly
>Somehow make it to the friendly HQ
>Someone shoots one of the thoughtforms in immediately after loading
>Whole HQ proceeds to make us dream again
>This happens two times before I quit


Backstabs, dragon breath, and invocate are all instant death, so long as friendly fire is on.
Shit got weird when some buddies and I visited the farm map to adjust the gravity without sv_cheats, and then upon loading into the temple HQ, we discovered triangular gate would send us flying through the air, far beyond the range of a 10 cyberlegs jump.
With SBO considered, having FF on 100% damage almost feels like how it's meant to be played, provided you get a squad of like-minded friends instead of Hues that are out to murder you.


I made a server every day the entirety of winter and rarely got many players.

nigga dat's from Gundam


Ths spawning really sucks. Even if you turn it all the way down it's still too much. I guess you just have to get it through your head that it's not a Deux-Ex style game like you want it to be, but it still sucks.

Once you reach level 70-80 the game gets really fun on invasion spawn difficulty.

Err invasion spawn and master* difficulty. Ghost difficulty nets you the most brouzoufs, and it's pretty hilarious getting a few high level guys together to take on some ghost maps only to fail, otherwise you just die too fucking much.


>TRK is a sexy bitch. You should try it if you haven't yet.
It's awesome detonating dudes with it, it but I'm really liking the shotgun too. I wish I could carry them both but that would be unbalanced I guess.

>Ths spawning really sucks

I'm trying to do some secondary missions and it seriously is just completely absurd, even on "normal." It's not even that it's too hard, in terms of difficulty it's manageable with the right weapon. But having to mow down dozens and dozens and dozens of enemies every 30 seconds while sloooowly crawling toward the next objective is ridiculous. I actually thought the spawn rate was bugged out or something at first.

Doesn't seem too bad during the main missions though, at least not totally fucked like this.

Upgrade your cyberlegs and endurance. You'll be hopping entire portions of the map like a madman.

>tfw trained to become the mightiest Psyker to throw forklifts and cars in BR
>tfw ded multiplayer
>tfw no worthy opponet in SP
>tfw I'm Grey Knights meets One-Punch Man

I'll make servers come summer. Or maybe next week. Be on the lookout.


Do you like weird shit?
Are you okay with average Deus Ex knockoff gameplay?

If yes, then yes.

>excited for a sequel
>Warhammer bombed

Welp there goes any chances of that happening.

This is literally the only gun you need to beat the game

>average Deus Ex knockoff gameplay

I'm sure it'll happen but it'll take them five years just like E.Y.E did.

It's an ok game, but it has a lot of problems, not least of which the fact that 90% of weapons are useless late game and some missions basically force you into grinding stats you hate just to have a chance at winning and shit.

Also, you can exploit the game in a very specific way to get higher stats, but this just means your gimped compared to people who do this, if you don't.

Permanant wounds are a shitty idea, and even if you can cure them, it takes ages to find and research the shit you need, and the game doesn't ever fucking tell you what you should be researching, and that shit costs a lot of money and time.

I just really wish the weapons were not so imbalanced. It's like, the Hunting Machine is twice as good as the bearkiller, which is about as good as the TRK, and all of these weapons are about 10 times more effective than fucking anything else once you get to about 65% of the way through the game because non armour piercing weapons are complete trash.

>basically force you into grinding stats you hate just to have a chance at winning and shit.
Like what?
>because non armour piercing weapons are complete trash.
Use your PSI abilities to augment yourself and use whatever weapon you want.

Otherwise you're right. Streumon seems to have some issues with balancing weapons properly. Even in Syndicate Black Ops, the HL1 mod they made which takes place in EYE's universe, had a shitton of weapons, the only really viable one being the Beneli.

The Hunting Machine is absolutely not twice as good as the Bear Killer. Whatever the listed stats say isn't true, and even if it were, the Bear Killer is so much smaller and lighter that it more than makes up for any difference in damage.

There's a mission on mars which forces you to hack a beacon. This is fucking impossible unless you have a really high hack level, OR if you use a VERY SPECIFIC strategy for hacking involving spamming the reduce enemy attack command over and over and over, which can take several minutes to finally win, and even then you can get fucked if your hack level isn't high enough.

And as for PSI abilities, they CAN help, but again, you need the stats for em, and the game doesn't really telly you how important they are, which leads to players trying to use a minigun against armored foes and doing fucking next to no damage until they pump 100 bullets into enemies.

Bullshit. The hunting machine is the only gun I ever have to use because it's so good. It's got an easy to aim scope, good accuracy, fast firing speed, and 8 bullets per clip, twice that of the bear killer. I think it's even a bit more powerful, but that doesn't matter much, since everything dies in one or two hits anyway, except super big stuff that takes 3 or 4 like the Deus Ex.

The bear killer is not nearly as good as a mainstay gun. It's better saved for big targets like Helis while using another weapon for trash, but the Hunting Machine can be used for fucking everything and hold a lot more ammo because it's 8 shots instead of 4 per inventory slot.

shit dude I'd fuck a r63 Rimanah

Hey now, cannon of terror and the plasma sniper make a good loadout when you're in Aemos or some other hellhole with long straightaways and Feds that you don't notice until it's too late.

>What do you actually have trouble with? Maybe im just not fucking retarded.
See. The community is small enough that we have no choice but to accommodate for everyone.

They're good, in fact most of the weapons are good-great in Syndicate Black Ops. A lot of fucking punch to them. But the beneli just outclasses all of them completely. It allows you to level up your legs the fastest. I played a lot of games where other players were sticking with the Vindico rifle or something and they just get left behind.

The thing is I don't even think it would be difficult to patch out how fast the beneli gives you levels when you headshot somebody.

>There's a mission on mars which forces you to hack a beacon
Oh shit you're right hah.
>And as for PSI abilities, they CAN help, but again, you need the stats for em, and the game doesn't really telly you how important they are, which leads to players trying to use a minigun against armored foes and doing fucking next to no damage until they pump 100 bullets into enemies.
Not wrong there. S'why I said the game doesn't really get fun as shit until level 70-80.

It especially sucks when you get a game going and a few level 3-12s show up with level 80 and level 240s.

>The thing is I don't even think it would be difficult to patch out how fast the beneli gives you levels when you headshot somebody.

Going further, this would increase the necessity for teamplay and keep everyone with a diverse set of loadouts.

I just had finished a good indie game with a great combat system that was ruined by "survival" aspects. Meaning they give you next to no ammo so you spend most of the game meleeing and trying to be as ammo efficient as possible instead of enjoying the game.

Really makes me appreciate games like E.Y.E. that just gives you unlimited everything at the start.

I'm not entirely sure how level-up mechanics work in SBO, but I think it's based on damage/number of attacks/both, so you'd pretty much have to remove pellets from shotguns to bring the Benelli back into the realm of not-too-OPness, but that would just make all shotguns suck.

What I'd love for Christmas is the developer kit for E.Y.E and SBO so there'd be room for all kinds of crazy scripting and shit. I guess one could just port the models and stuff to something like Gmod, but I don't know the first thing about that.

How would you feel if EYE had no armories except in the temple, and numerous caches of weapons and/or ammo hidden throughout the level besides what enemies drop?

I wanted to do a kind of survival level where you don't get unlimited everything at the start and I'd like feedback on the idea.

What was the indie game?

Man you shoulda seen earlier E.Y.E. versions. One mag icon on your screen was equivalent to about 5. You could march into battle with a CROON HS 010 with 100 magazines.

Couldn't you just increase the amount of damage required to level up for the beneli itself?

Fuuuck I'd love if they brought a monster spawner for E.Y.E. like SBO has. Would add a shitton more replay value than there already is.

That'd be great if there were more metastreum types. Drop the player on an unknown world E.Y.E. wants to investigate n' shit.

More along the lines of a megatropolis with heavy enough looter/fed activity that prevents an armory being deployed or some bullshit excuse.

Either that, or setting it back when E.Y.E was recently formed and having to rely on any nutter wanting to wield a gun in their name and surviving by raiding transport ships and the like.

I dunno the exact details, all I've got is a hard-on for rainy cyberpunk cities and the knowledge that you can put rain in source maps. Not sure why they didn't do it for Electric Sheep or New Eden, but gosh darn I'll give it a shot.

Electric Sheep in general feels less than finished. You're treated to this nice vista of skyscrapers and blimps, then you go into a ruined apartment complex (also good)...then the vast sewers of nothingness. No city to explore as an E.Y.E. agent, getting a feel for what the average individual feels about your organization, etc.

The final station.
Really atmospheric and a good story. It's just that I spent most of the game meleeing and restarting the level any time I took damage to save medkits and ammo.

>How would you feel if EYE had no armories except in the temple, and numerous caches of weapons and/or ammo hidden throughout the level besides what enemies drop?
I think it would have not ruined it but it would not be as fun.
The fun in E.Y.E. for me came from having OP weapons with shit tons of ammo, and exploring and trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

More time spent looking for ammo = less time exploring and looking at the world.