Please tell me about your OC. I'm not here to judge
Please tell me about your OC. I'm not here to judge
provide pictures if you can
I made this one
Genocidal warlord gets amnesia and transported a few hundred years into the future. He slowly makes a loving circle of friends and a solid life when the tendencies come back.
me, except with a fucking gigantic dick.
I used to be good at PS. Not no more tho
I'm the original artist of this strip.
your art changed my life.
I made pic related but it's lost relevance over time since the score dropped to 97 and all of the 0 spam got removed.
Good to hear that.
>no games
>gruff general who cares about his men
>hero always gets credit for his work
>villainess wants hero
>sees general and decides to fuck him
All Ive got.
No vidya OC, only porn OC I've commissioned.
user still thinks this is 7th gen.
with OC you mean original content or my autistic original characterS?
shoo shoo targesfag
>99% of all OC on Sup Forums now is just stupid console war wojak and pepe edits
What happened
what are you talking about?
When I was 18 years old...
A Latino muscle girl and a deranged kind of white young dude gun slinger travel around doing shit for the government while also pulling independent jobs to survive in a shitty RV
It's a 2D beat em up, and they constantly talk shit because they can't stand each other as partners
It's a trilogy with maybe a fighting game down the line
I don't have it all catalogued anymore but I made a bunch of OC characters when I was planning on making a Fire Emblem romhack.
The latter of course. they're more entertaining
>It's a Sonic OC episode
>It's a Shipping Luigi and Daisy with OC kids episode
>It's an OC species with the creator constantly posting new characters every hour of the day episode and they all have the same last name episode
>It's an OC created to do specific fetishes episode
>It's an OC whose constantly being tortured by Nintendo or Anime character fetishes episode
I wanna fuck that patient
I made that first Leo's Gift edit. People seemed to like it.
well, i like to think of a setting being an alien invasion of earth and constant war, where the main character is a normal fresh out of the academy lieutenant, who starts all good, righteous and professional, joining the armed forces to save earth from alien invasion
as the game progresses his mental state slowly gives out due to trauma, exhaustion and fatigue, and he slowly becomes more and more deranged, jaded, violent and traumatized, commiting warcrime-tier shit on the regular and gets away with it since no one cares because the enemy is not human
basically the game would get more and more violent and shocking as the game progresses and there would be no redemption story, the game ends as the war is over and you are victorious, and during the credits there would be cutscenes that show the main character's life after the war, in which he becomes a jobless alcoholic depressed man and ends up blowing his brains out
edgy as fuck, but i like it
A retarded idealist managed a world government so poorly 95% died in a nuclear holocaust. After surviving this shit he finds out his friends and compadres became autistic post-apocalyptic warlords overdosed on magical technology and tries to bring PEACE AND LOVE back to the world, while learning how to actually be a normal human being and make decisions beneficial for humans and not some greater good. Basically, think Vash the Stampede, but simultaneously more and less retarded.
>porn OC
how does that work?
Assassin's Creed: WWII
I'd be fucking cool