just bought these to have some retro fun over the summer.
what am I in for, Sup Forums?
just bought these to have some retro fun over the summer.
what am I in for, Sup Forums?
Retro fun in the summer.
Where's the R4?
At least youll learn some recipes
Do you have a shovelware fetish or someething?
Do you work at Gamestop and needed to buy games to improve you GPG score, I just bought all those games so I can keep my job.
A waste of money sadly, they all look kike shit shovelware. have fun user.
an underaged b&
are you trying to say these games are bad?
Are you 12?
woops, it flipped by accident. here's the image fixed.
>Where's the R4?
Piracy is theft
>I just bought all those games so I can keep my job.
Elaborate please, I evidently feel like getting annoyed as this sounds like some dumb shit
Literally nothing
I mean, it's pretty retro for us in the 18-24 age bracket. What is or isn't defined as retro is always subjective. These days people think NES is retro, but older Generation X guys think Atari is retro.
I can't see a single good fucking game in that shitheap. Why not just spend what you did on that on a R4 or just fucking emulate this shit?
not a good one in the bunch
just bought these to have some retro fun over the summer.
what am I in for, Sup Forums?
We need 25% of the games we sell to have the disc warranty on them, or 1 in 4 games sold. And since no one wants a useless warrenty most of us buy 99 cent games with the warranty to get our numbers up.
Ever since that Kotaku article things have gotten much worse here, and 3 managers and 8 assistant managers have left or been fired.
Whole lot of terribad licensed trash.
Why do you have two copies of touchmaster and zenses?
>most of us buy 99 cent games with the warranty to get our numbers up
That's hilarious
I'm 23. It's not retro. That was only 6 years ago you shit.
They were cheap so I picked up some doubles for my little brother.
>6 years ago
You sure have a warped sense of time, user. The DS is over 12 years old.
>retro is subjective
>"no it's not! I'm 23 and it's not retro to me!!"
Are you literally retarded?
Yeah, I've been considering getting a job at McDonalds or some other fastfood. I would probably come out ahead, paywise and I'd get less write ups for not reaching hamburger quotas.
>Pokemon pajamas
Jesus user...
Disc warranty? Some store specific thing I take it?
This is the kind of shit that should be illegal jesus fucking christ, people should not have to buy things from the store they work at to not lose their job
>less write ups for not reaching hamburger quotas
there's no such thing as a fucking hamburger quota, you sperglord
I'm pretty sure that's the point, user.
lel you should not be calling anyone a sperglord
>pretending he doesn't still own a pair of pokemon (or general Nintendo-related) pajama pants
nigga shut the fuck up, everyone here owns some kind of Nintendo pajama pants
How old are you user?
>DS and GBA
Fuck, I'm getting old.
>All these DS titles
>Somehow managed to miss Contact
You have to go back.
All gamestops should offer extended year long warranties on the games. And if I was a better salesman maybe I would be able to get people to get the year long warranties.
And it's not like I'll be fired right away. I just get written up each week and get my name listed in a district wide shaming email of all under-performers if I don't meet the 10% reserves 15% power up reward renewals, 25% year long warranties, and 60% preowned sales goals.
>what is subjectivity
NES isn't retro for 40 year olds either, they consider only Atari to be retro.
>get my name listed in a district wide shaming email of all under-performers
is that really a thing?
just bought this to have some retro fun over the Winter
what am I in for, Sup Forums?
Kys you infant.
Of course. As are the cut hours, if I open I'm usually alone until 4pm. Thankfully our store is turning into a half thinkgeek store tomorrow so hopefully things will lighten up.
a lot of magic bullshit
Bankruptcy. Enjoy not eating.
I'm currently either on the list already, or will be. I don't give a fuck though, I'm quitting at the end of the year, plus I have the most amount of positive surveys at my store.
>being too cheap buy games AND a proper flashcard.
Just get a fucking DSTWO you superjew
Well I guess you have several hundred hours of shovelware licensed garbage to work with.
Of course, you could've just gotten a flashcart and played actual videogames but whatever.
this has triggered me more than anything I've ever seen on Sup Forums
In hindsight the DS was probably the overated piece of shit system ever made. Its game library consisted of a few mediocre jrpgs sprinkled over a huge mountain of shit. Can't believe 150 million retards bought one.
you clearly haven't been here long enough then
>It's retro for people in this age bracket
>I'm in this age bracket and it's not retro to me.
Seems pretty clear what he was getting at in the post, user. You could benefit from some reading comprehension.
Yeah sure, I would love me to loose save data every once in a while
since 2009 fellow user
You bought the same game (touchmasters) twice, you fucking dipshit
>In hindsight the DS was probably the overated piece of shit system ever made
You're fucking wrong, the DS easily has over 50 great games. One of the best platforms in history.
literal trash - not a single game to be played
>In hindsight the DS was probably the overated piece of shit system ever made
Was. The 3DS took that crown.
>In hindsight the DS was probably the overated piece of shit system ever made.
That's literally the definition of the Dreamcast though.
How is GameStop not in court over human rights violations at this point?
>quick, I'll make up an excuse so I don't look retarded
let me guess, the dog ate your homework and your sister does everything wrong
>human rights violations
I don't think you even know what that term means.
Because they're going to go out of business by next year.
anything that came out during or around the era of the arcade is retro. that includes up to the mid 90s while arcades were still around. if you were born after 1997 and never went to the arcade to play sf2 you're not old enough to be qualified to have enjoyed anything retro. ps2 is not retro, ds is not retro, its why it's not allowed on /vg/ and is relegated to Sup Forums.
1997 or after children need to die. ds is not fucking retro and kys if you consider it is.
>make up an excuse
For buying two copies of the same game? Who does that by accident? It was obviously done on purpose, and the reason is I'm not only buying games for myself. They were cheap enough, so I decided to also pick up some for my brother. There's no "excuse" that needs to be made. I didn't just buy doubles "by accident".
Listen to yourself, you fucking retard.
That's a lot of shovelware
Also there is a repeated one
I'm 31 and DS is retro, kid. I was already raising my son when the DS came out and I bet he could take you out in a street-fight now.
>I'm 31 and DS is retro, kid.
can confirm, I'm 33 and DS is at this point pretty much retro. all of my friends are getting married and having kids at this point. if that doesn't convince you that shit is retro, I don't know what will.
Was this a raid on a pawn shop?
PAC man baby
Nah, was a local hobby shop that sells old games as well. All in all, it cost me about ~$52.
>cost me about ~$52.
>no Alex Rider Stormbreaker
You're in for no fun.
Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were illiterate and using text to speech, because only a retard would drop $52 dollars on garbage shovelware.
actually 3 of them are repeated
he probably keeps a copy at home in case he loses one
>spending 52 dollars on shovelware
just bought these to have some retro fun over the summer.
what am I in for, Sup Forums?
Nice pickups, here's mine. Just got these the other day for about 300 bucks total
My fucking nigga!
>Jimmy Neutron GBA
That game is absolute dogshit. I asked my mom for the Playstation 2 version and she got me that shit instead. There's this one level with a near impossible jump and I never got past it. Fuck this game. I fucking hate it.
What are some good games to put in my R4?
>Piracy is theft
It's okay user, you can borrow one of mine. It's not theft if I lend you a game.
All of these
Are any of the other DQ games like IX? Only one I've played and I mean I did end up playing like a hundred and seventy hours of it so maybe I should look into the others at some point
The basics are the same, I'd say try out 5 next.
>2 copies of iron chef america
BEHOLD AND REPENT CASUAL SCUM also I voted for Trump but he's been doing some pretty questionable shit lately
Alright I'll give that a look at some point, thanks
>questioning our dear leader
fuck off, buddy
also your games are shit
>doing some pretty questionable shit
Name three (3) of those "pretty questionable" things. Guarantee you can't.
It's good that you think that way, because most of them are never coming over :^)
Your literal meme president is doing questionable shit? Who would have fucking thought.
My only problem is with the recent WikiLeaks news. Seems stupid that they would backstab WikiLeaks like that since they helped his campaign so much, but I don't know if Trump actually has anything to do with that
>trumpfag doesn't like good games
imagine my shock!
Is that a bootleg Pokémon cartridge in there?
Anything before late 2006 is retro
LATE 2006 is when the Wii and PS3 dropped and gaming underwent its biggest changes into a casualized shitfest
pick one and only one