Only one

Well, Sup Forums?

Hurry up and pick one.

Other urls found in this thread:

I unpush all those buttons at the bottom

deep sea and junji threads are extinct? That was all that was ever good about Sup Forums.

I guess *blocks your path* threads deserve to be pressed.

*Pushes the "No more console wars" button*

No more ban evaders. If that's not possible, no more lewd threads. Only stupid people and children think that's ok.


>no more Sup Forums threads

>furry threads

Is that still a problem on this board? And if it is why hasn't it been dealt with with extreme prejudice?

no more Sup Forums

No more political threads is the only right choice.

Instead of removing certain parts of Sup Forums, I've thought about removing Sup Forums from the top bar.

Shill threads.
The rest are at least authentic Sup Forums culture (if you could call Sup Forums's dysfunction a culture).

That's like someone saying they want to get rid of their cold more than their cancer.

Unpress Ito.

I'd push the "no more threads" button desu

No shill threads.

Half-press the "No more E-Celeb threads" button.

Anyone who doesn't say console war is a damn fool

Console war button easily

I'd go for "no more meta threads," in the hope the paradox destroys Sup Forums entirely.


>No more lewd threads

What fuckin' faggot would make that their choice? Lewd threads harm no one

I push the "No more 'here's a number of types of games/threads you can delete but you can only choose one'" button.



the top row alone being pushed makes Sup Forums near flawless

But you can only pic one.

no more politicical threads

There needs to be a "no more false flag" threads.
Maybe that'd come under console wars, but the "X WAS SUPPOSED TO BE OUR EXCLUSIVE OVER Y, HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN PLATFORMXBROS?" and anything of the sort are the fucking worst threads.

I'll push the red one!


No more "What went wrong" threads

Can there also be a "No more umm no sweetie" threads option

Console wars. The amount of blatant false flagging someone outside of the autismosphere can spot from the catalog is just so damn irritating.

I'm pressing the hidden "No more obvious as fuck falseflag threads" button.

Also, are you saying Ito and deep sea threads are now bannable? Sound threads are dead because moot killed the extension and nobody has made a Harmony thread since probably the first anniversary of the board takeover, but deep sea threads pop up occasionally and I've seen Ito derail shit threads recently.

>No more political threads
Oh yeah, that's the one, that's the...

>No more furry threads

>Hurry up and pick one.


Cause god damn are those shitposters so easily triggered that they ruin many a thread by derailing it into non vidya shit.

like shit all it takes is one dumb nerd to trigger another nerd who triggers the next nerd and it essentially becomes an never ending loop of triggered right wing and left wing fags spouting pointless shit since no matter what no mind will be changes since all them end up just getting offended at each than anything else.

so god damn annoying i swear since again they tend to just end up being annoying screeching at other with nothing even productive really coming out of them which makes it doubly pointless and tripplely just blatant shitposting more than anything else.

>No more Junji Ito
But those are the best threads.


>those already pressed buttons

You are very correct. I press the button with you.

No more threads started with a pepe or wojack, easily the best option.

Most of the Sup Forumsshit and consolewar shit isstarted by some fag false flagging and other fags not seeing how obvious a troll it is.
Or they do know its a troll and are just shitposting cause muh epic pretending to be retarded board culture

No more shill threads

I miss sound threads.

This, all white males deserve to be castrated and are all nazis at birth also all games should be catered to me and my opinions are fact excuse me can i see your manager?

Which won turns me into anime girl 0v0

>no more shill threads
This in a heartbeat. Most of everything else can at least provide some humorous Sup Forums moments but it's a fucking trainwreck to see Pajeet from Activision shilling games It's like clockwork, you see upcoming games shilled in multiple threads a day and people defending them by posting "haha looks fun, I'll ignore the fact that the dev assfucked me raw last time around xD" only to have all of those threads cease on the day of launch when the money is made.

No more "What are some games where can ____" threads

Only correct answer. Also no more LOL threads

No more furry threads

I break the furry button so it can't be pushed.
Crash and burn you fools, you should be pushing the Wojak and Pepe buttons.

Kill the frogposters and feelposters

phoneposters button when?
although banevaders button would be better

Friendly threadly reminder that /ec/ should be a thing so that e-celeb threads can go to an e-celeb board. e-celeb discussion already exists in /vr/ as a proof of concept.

yes please

Will pressing the deep sea button impress it? If so, that one

The only right answer is this. It's fucking old


>Sound threads are fucking gone forever because moot decided that getting rid of embedded files in images should be done when people were using it for meme music and gifs instead of when people posted sinks littered with child porn
>sound webms are still exclusive to /gif/ and /wsg/ for some asinine reason

Never ever

no more console war threads

the only people who participate in such threads cannot argue against being retarded.

>*blocks your path*

Ha, what a straw man, like little babby. Watch how you properly do it:


Can we add another button that says "No more threads that start with "Now that the dust has settled..""? None of these choices really bother me as much as those.

>all of those already pressed buttons

where's the button that just deletes Sup Forums


No more consolewar threads.

T. Shitskin

It hurts

No more e-celeb threads. I can deal with ignoring all the other garbage like Sup Forums stuff, but the e-celeb stuff gives me strong secondhand embarrassment.


>basically everyone who pushes the other button makes their own post about it even though it has been said before
>basically all anti-Sup Forums posters just "upvote" the first one
Really makes you think.