A free top-down 8-player squad shooter with 4 classes. The original game by Valve was a flavor of the month 7 years ago, but a new version came out that finally added fucking mod workshop support.
The only thing I remember about this game is that it goes slow-mo at the climax of the level and it lets you plug in your own songs. Had lots of fun with boss levels while Unchained Melody was blaring on the background.
Logan Sanchez
Bumpan 2 shill this Steam distributed freeware game.
Bentley Murphy
bump haha.
Cooper Garcia
Fucking love this game Downloading now
Sebastian King
Elijah Howard
Didn't know it was free. Definitely gonna check it.
Owen Mitchell
Still does the music thing. You can upload it from the main menu without any file editing.
>When you get to the elevator and Collapsing kicks in
Evan Collins
Its a pretty great evolution from the old version, i hope it stays alive for longer.
Charles Thompson
>shilling this 7 year old trash when Helldivers exists
Luis Hill
>Shilling >Free game
Also I like both games. And one is free. Fite me.
Owen Bailey
it's a new game though and it came out two days ago, also it's FREE, supports workshop and has a bunch of new campaigns
Luis Jones
Its free. Nobody has anything to gain by shilling it. Except for the community, which could probably use new map makers and just more players in general.
Elijah Collins
Helldivers isn't free and looks like a children's coloring book. Can I have one alien game that isn't full of faggoty colored lighting like it's marketed towards 5 year olds?
Leo Parker
Helldivers isn't free and I got tired of it after a bit and refunded it.
Mason Flores
Helldivers has >more enemy variety >better graphics >more weapon and equipment variety >vehicles >better mechanics >actual bossfights
Alien Swarm doesn't have shit over Helldivers.
Fuck off shill.
Connor Bell
>Shilling for Helldivers
David Hall
it's free retard and helldivers isn't
Kayden Price
>shilling a free game
Do you have brain damage?
Kayden Foster
Played it with Sup Forums some a couple days ago right after release. Was fun. We should do it again some time.
Nathaniel Campbell
>this game is better because it's FREE!!
Literally kill yourself you mongoloid shill.
Brandon Sanders
>The original game by Valve was a flavor of the month 7 years ago you dumb nigger. the original game was a UT2k3 MOD. GTFO Sup Forums you underaged faggot
Daniel Butler
Why are you so mad, is Helldivers' online dying? Acting like a retard isn't going to make anyone buy the game. Unless you're just shitposting, in which case you got some (you)s.
Adam Ortiz
Jesus fucking Christ, the autism. I'll never fucking touch Helldivers now.
Alexander Bennett
Yeah but no one plays that anymore, so who cares.
Michael Watson
I'm not mad. Helldivers has a stable player base. Alien swarm's player base will decline to zero in about a month after people realize how shit it is.
William Thompson
and the ut2k4 version was way better than the steam version, it had 8 players and was way harder and more interesting
Yeah but why are you shitting up threads not related to Helldivers?
Anthony Davis
This one has 8 players.
Owen Gutierrez
Aren't you just shilling Helldivers though?
>hey kids stop breathing that stinking FREE air buy this oxygen tank it's WAY BETTER!
Blake Gray
Kys helldivers shill.
Adrian Hall
The City 17 map is okay. Someone said there's an antlion guard, but I don't remember one. You so fight the Queen though so you need the autocannon.
Carter Anderson
is there actually a reason to play this or is it still the same shit 7 years ago
Alexander Reyes
Helldivers is ok for 10 hours, probably less. It's way too repetitive, and gameplay is honestly pretty unsatisfying.
Austin Sullivan
Same shit with like two new reskinned guns and a shitty ported enemy from half-life.
Brody Turner
Helldivers has a shitty fucking patrol system that makes it super easy because you will never fight any actual enemies in objective mode.
Anthony Long
from review
+new maps and modes. (and enemies) +extra 4 player (8 player total, not for hardcore/onslaught) +"not too noticeable" graphic improvement and optimization +steam community workshop contents +AI bot to help ya out +rankings and challenges
Xavier Watson
has several new weapons, with more coming in the future
team deathmatch achievements more campaigns
Luis Williams
Workshop support is going to be the important thing. There was a decent modding community for tho old version but for some reason valve made zero effort to allow modders to make use of the integrated modding features of steam. There were some pretty good custom campaigns out there.
Evan Ross
Played it with some friends a few hours ago, was pretty good. Still feels mostly the same as the original, just tweaked and with some additions. Workshop support is a big deal though.
I was looking at some other games similar to this. Has anyone tried Red Solstice?
Isaac Jackson
Its as fun as I remember, but the entire existance of the revamp is hinging on content creators noticing and caring enough to shit out tons of mission campaigns and the like.
Charles Baker
Honestly no idea what they have planned for future content