He did nothing wrong.
He did nothing wrong
The kid's motivation made less sense than Adachi.
I'd say being born was a pretty big mistake he made.
That was Shido's mistake.
Well he did commit murder and fraud.
I agree.
He made pancakes a life or death plot point.
>and i would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling pancakes!
>menacing enigma throughout most of the game
>turns into Saturday morning cartoon villain after reveal
Not being a permanent member of the Phantom Thiefs was something wrong he did do.
It begins
I still don't get why people like Akechi so much.
Hates the world for not accepting him.
Decides the best course of action is to murder the people who would accept him.
Because he's primed to be SSS tier in P5G.
When, I never felt threatened by him before the reveal. All I wanted to do was throw him into a wall whenever he opened his condescending mouth
How can a man like this do anything wrong? You shouldn't have made the implication in the first place.
>"Why couldnt we have met before this? We could have been friends"
Man, I must be out of the loop or something. How is he so popular among Japs? What is his pull? WHAT MAKES THEM LOVE HIM
he's yagami light
Is he Ken's father?
it's fun watching him mess with the team and vice versa
>last day, meeting all max confidants
>"Are you sure you met everyone?"
>Remember Akechi
Rip. Where's his body in reality though?
>literally a fucking bitch
How did he manage to make Adachi seem reasonable? His entire plan was so damn retarded too
Alive, mobile and in hiding. Did you really think they had killed him off with an off-screen death?
In the next game Persona 5: Jazzing All Noon
Akechi is great because absolutely no one in the group fell for his shit. He was the obvious traitor and everyone knew it
He just wanted to eat pancakes
Does he have a big fanbase?
I thought he was treated as kind of an afterthought in the end.
Except for have a completely idiotic plan
>I know, with these newfound powers, I'll just devote years of my life to working under my biological father, putting myself in great danger and murdering untold numbers of people, so that when my father, who I've made sure has access to research materials concerning human cognition and how to manipulate palaces, finally becomes prime minister, I can tell him that I'm his son and THEN brutally murder him by killing his shadow
He was an edgy idiot, which is why he died like a punk
He's a pretty boy who has a close (?) relationship with the MC, another pretty boy
He's prime fujobait, between him and Makoto ATLUS really stepped up their pandering game
>Insane Politician
>Fight him piloting a giant machien/riding a creature
>Takes his top off and reveals bulging muscles
>At half health starts glowing green/red
>Rants about Unenlightened Masses and Collective Consciousness
>Wants to make country Great Again
>Played College Ball (?)
at least in the end he was on the side of justice. That's ok i guess. I'd fuck him if i was gay.
Pancake boy got what he deserved.
MC going to be making a pot of coffee and some curry for his return at the end.
he is prime fujobait
>MC has no personality, only exists to be paired up with
>Ryuji is unattractive and annoying, doesn't get Yosuke's popularity boost because he doesn't act as faggoty as Yosuke
>Morgana sounds like a girl and never gets a human form
>Yusuke is autistic but still gets some points
>No-good Tora, Sojiro, and Igor are too old
>weapons shop guy is bald, possibly too old, and has a son
>arcade kid doesn't matter
>Akechi is cool, mysterious, misunderstood, edgy, and pretty
There isn't much husbando material in P5, only Akechi and Yusuke
literally just a slightly more stable tatsuya sudou
I'm guessing you never watched Death Note.
He is literally Raito Yagami.
It gets even more obvious when you realize he used people's full name to visite their Palace and kill them, and had his powers given by a God.
Anyone find it odd that no one pointed out that Akechi was probably the one who murdered Futaba's mother?
Yeah but all of them are under shidou's orders.
I bet this is the asspull they are going to use in crimson. He dindu nuffin. He wuz a good boi who got tricked by that evil shidou.
I mean Akechi is only like a year or two older, he'd probably still be pretty young to do something like that. I doubt he was a killer at the age of 10 or 11.
Plus his arcana is JUSTICE.
Gotta start somewhere.
I mean it's a huge stretch, but who knows maybe a 10 year old Akechi just went and ganked the shit out of Futaba's mom.
No, but being killed in the metaverse results in mental shutdown. Although, maybe not for a persona user.
Either way, there's still a way we can be friends
Wasn't Akechi the only one of Shidou's people capable of directly screwing around with the Metaverse?
The best defense they could come up with without him is chugging a bit of cyanide.
Thing is we don't have enough information, we don't know exactly when Akechi started working for Shido, I'm also assuming that Futaba was probably under the age of 10 when her mom got iced. At least that's what her palace seemed to imply.
Reminder that we don't actually see him die on the cruise ship and he'll be the protagonist of the inevitable spin off.
That depends, did bringing in all those cops inadvertently give them the Metaverse app too?
at lease adachi did it for the ass.
They said Futaba's mom died two years ago and Akechi started murdering 2 and a half years ago
Also Futaba's mom died of mental shutdown, and the only other person we know who can make that shit happen would have been Morgana
Now wouldn't that have been a twist
Man I must have missed the part where they said it was 2 years ago. I just assumed she was a kid because that's how they described the incident with those guys. If that's true then it probably was Akechi.
Futaba is really young she isn't even in high school yet
She's like 15 probably getting close to 16 by the time Joker is getting ready to leave my dude, she's not that young.
She just never started going to high school because she decided to become a NEET instead