still using Window$

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Everyone who doesn't use Windows for gaming is a hipster faggot in denial.

I would love to switch to a Linux distro but Windows still has the highest compatibility with games. If someone made a Linux distro that could somehow support Windows calls so it could run as many games as Windows then I would immediately switch.

There's Wine but it doesn't have as much compatibility as I want and it's slow to do what it does so games can run worse.

buy a PS4Pro and all your problems will be solved when it comes to gaming. No need for steam adware crap.

yeah I'm gonna try to hold on on win7 as long as I can because I'm a pretty firm believer that my OS shouldn't mine my metadata and use it for ad analytics

but the truth will be now and forever that linux has no games

Manjaro would be neat and all if it didn't sound like a harcore gay gangbang movie.

But then how would I play games like Aurora, Dominions 4, Subnautica, and Stalker?

why are you playing them? that's the most important question

Because they're fun

I think gentoo and archlinux are better options


I hope you crippled Windows 7 automatic updates 2 years ago because Microsoft added telemetry to Windows 7 and 8 with a patch.


Might as well install Windows 10.

I would if I had a boyfriend with Linux so I can pretend to be interested.


i use pirated non-genuine win7 and never update shit

>never updating windows

Good lord, I didn't think anyone was this stupid.

ReactOS has potential to become a Windows replacement, but it's still in early stages and not really ready for use. Keep an eye on it, though, and hope M$ doesn't send their legal attack dogs after it.

Wrap it up folks.

Dual boot of Debian + Win 8.1 for gaymes is the master race

I'd switch to Linux if I could figure out how it works. I tried Mint a few years ago and went back to Windows after a few days.

reactos is another blunder

Too early to tell for now.

I guess you severely lack Common Senseā„¢.

Pretty much this.

All Linux users are pathetic pretentious self-righteous deluded fucktards who, due to their own insecurities, like to feel better about themselves because they play games on a subjectively inferior class of operating system.