What's next for FromSoftware?

What's next for FromSoftware?

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Spiritual successor to Lords of the Fallen

More rehashes I assume

open world souls

More shit RPGs with piss yellow skies.


>Armored Core
>A game that "will probably comply with the expectations from the fans in straightforward manner."
>VR, "weird" title



Armored core.
they recently put up a teaser for a new one.


A soulslike ARPG
And a VR reboot of King's Field

Seems legit

It would be really dope if they made the new metroid game~

>And a VR reboot of King's Field
jesus christ why

The cinemablend article says none of them looks like a souls game though.

I'd be down.
From soft is due for another weird tech demo game.

Friede is the best boss they've ever done in a Dark Souls game. The Ringed City was an absolute joke.


"The second of the three games is set in a dark fantasy universe according to Miyazaki, talking to IGN at this year's Tokyo Game Show in Tokyo, Japan. The general gist is that it may be familiar to those with "straightforward expectations".

He doesn't go into any sort of depth about the second game, but dark fantasy does sound like it could be similar to Dark Souls at least as far thematic elements are concerned. But then again, dark fantasy could also be on the line of games like Quantum Theory or Gears of War or Bullet Witch. "Dark fantasy" just doesn't entail the Gothic/medieval nature of games like Bloodborne and Dark Souls."

Just bad writing on the writer's part.


Wait. wasn't the Definitive edition of Dark Souls 3 announced recently?
The fire fades edition or something.

That could be their cop out answer for one of the 3 games.

it will have patches and le prasing

That'd be a real kick in the nads.

Dark Souls 2 and 3 showed their true colors. Fuck this retarded jew-developer.

Anything that isn't souls hopefully. Leave that to all the western devs with an uninspired "sci fi souls" idea

Metal Wolf Chaos remake

With Dark Souls combat

Just give me a new Armored Core or at the very least 4+For Answer HD with a proper framerate

that image is really well-made, though.

>Dark Souls 2 and 3 showed their true colors
...Bamco fucking with 2's, and no doubt 3's development cycles showed their true colors?

I don't care about their VR shit or Armored Core or Dark Fantasy fucking SHIT

How has no one in this thread mentioned Code Vein?

Also, hopefully there will be a new armored core.

Because its the fucking God Eater devs making it

Bloodborne 2. This will end the age long console war in one fell swoop.

We already know it's not From Software.

I hope not. It will be endlessly compared to BB, which is already a masterpiece of the medium.

Miyazaki himself said that there is no sequel for Bloodborne in the works.

Welp, one quick google search and I feel like a dumbass.

I agree, outside of the buttons. Throw another 3 on the bottom of the first row and it'd be perfect.

Don't user, we all make mistakes sometimes.
you fucking FAG


Armored Core 6

Not announced, it's out as of yesterday.

probably the end of the NEXT saga with Armored Core 6. Or a remake of the 1st game. Who knows.