Type "Why is [your favourite game] so "

>Type "Why is [your favourite game] so "
>Post suggested results


Actually now I wanna know what is up with God's right hand


This is dumb.

>tfw 3D Ninja Gaiden went out with a whimper and not a bang

Im okay with these results





never ever

>Diablo 2
My nigger.


We're not even that racist though.

The idea of people being afraid of this site amuses me.









Same happened to me with Darkwatch, so I just put down


>why is bloodborne still so expensive
>why is bloodborne so cheap
Ya got a laugh and a clap out of me user



About what I expected


I thought f2nd was the expensive one.


alright now for a new one

>google images
>type [favorite game] rage comic
>post results

favorite game got no answers
tried several others and this is by far the most accurate

>Why is Donkey Kong 64 so hard

It's not

>Why is Donkey Kong 64 so bad

Listen here you little shit

second result is probably salty smash players

good question

Probably means cheap as in unfair. The game is easy to find at a low price though.


>>Why is Donkey Kong 64 so hard
>It's not


Jesus fucking christ

>being so contrarian your obscure favorite game has no suggested results



This upsets me greatly. Nier is a beautiful dog faced man.

Fuck I actually kekked

Why the fuck is skyrim your favorite game? Your taste is more cringeworthy than that comic.


modded skyrim acceptable?

vanilla is horseshit

Exactly what you'd expect.

>why diablo 2

His face is fine, but his hair is all sorts of fucked

I appreciate this.





Something doesn't add up here...

>why diablo 2
getting downright philosophical


why NOT diablo 2

Why people always reply to those? I have not replied to like 200 of those chain mails and posts and nothing ever happens. I don't get what you faggots prove actually falling for stupid memes.

based jewgle

>having trouble playing the Arcade DK

Atleast post the rare ware coin for jet pack



>Why is Ace Attorney Rated M

Literally because of loli Athena staring in a pool of blood

That's literally it

someone was really upset

as a kid I had no trouble getting the rare ware coin

The fucking n64 coin was bullshit though.

He shouldn't have been there desu.


Considering what happens it's not really all that canon

I appreciate that too, much better than mine autocompleting to solo remix when I tried it despite me never having gooled solo remix in any way

>search Quake rage comics
>it actually has no rage comics

Feels good man

Found this tho

This is exactly what I expected.

It's so weird to me how from some angles, his hair look decent, and then the camera rotates just a bit and it's just like, god is dead.




>Why is Bayonetta so hard
It's like I'm really on Sup Forums

Fuck it hurts


>why does bayonetta make me so hard

>my favorite game is too obscure for any results
Well fuck.



>why is Super Paper Mario so bad

Papa Nier can go from anime dad to "JUST" with a 15 degree turn

That pic looks like a nu male not a hipster

>playing around the time Jedi first appeared and everyone was trying to figure out what they needed to do to unlock it

It was the only time in an MMO I felt like I was actually trying to accomplish something instead of simply looking at numbers. I was the 2nd Jedi on my server.

You forgot the "SO" you faggots

I just Googled hipster after my search failed and downloaded the first image.

There are no results if I add a so, you mong.

I didn't expect anything else really

All nu-males are hipsters though.

This entire planet doesn't deserve to live for allowing this to happen.

>why is Ninja Gaiden 3 so bad

I ask myself this and how it could've been handled differently every day

>Why is Yume Nikki so scary
>Why is Yume Nikki so popular
Nothing else , sadly.