Why are there no games set in Maryland?


Other urls found in this thread:


>What is Fallout 3

>everyone isn't named mary

i want my fucking money back

Nigger I live in West Virginia, don't talk to me about having no games set in your state

i wish it was a game that didnt suck ass

Literally any hunting game.

>having a game set in Baltimurder

>someone asks about games in texas a few weeks ago
>massive success
>texan anons come out of the woodwork
>good fun
>maryland user wants the same experience
>just not the same thing


Maryland fag here.

It's obvious battlefield 1 is in Maryland because 95% of them are black.

Fallout 3 is set in Washington DC, which is not in Maryland.

Living in Baltimore is the ULTIMATE FPS.

Maryland would be a great game for a zombie apocolypse game.
It's equal parts suburbs, city and country side. Unfortunately 60% of the pop here are niggers

It hurts

It includes the DC metropolitan area.

Bethesda, Maryland, for example.

Marylander here, because maryland sucks dick

PA here

why's everyone hate Maryland so bad? I always enjoy visiting there. I couldn't live there with the gun laws, but it didn't seem that bad.

Which county you in? Cecil reporting in along with a majority of the white trash found in Maryland.

How can other state flags even compete?

Besides gun laws which aren't so bad in comparison to our neighbor new Jersey. However the state is now only 50 percent white with an increasing amount of spics and chinks coming in. Plus we pay a tax based on the amount of rain falling in our property


>Plus we pay a tax based on the amount of rain falling in our property


Thought Hogan got rid of that tax or at least lessened the impact of that tax?


This state fucking sucks is why.

Jefferson best state flag

Anne Arundel County reporting in.

Wasn't The Suffering supposed to be set in Maryland?

Maybe I'm not certain because it looks like they are trying to

Doesn't one of the DLCs head down towards Southern MD?

Texans have a sense of community and civic pride.

that is the most batshit tax I've ever heard of in my life.

a bachelor's tax is even more sensible than that.

Ex-harford county here, managed to escape to a less shit part of the country.

Kill yourself Maryfag.

Yep point lookout

Hey when it rains it pours tax dollars into maryland :)

The Suffering: Ties That Bind takes place in Baltimore, pretty accurate depiction of it too

t. Batimorefag

university of maryland here

so many fucking dindus. chesapeake bay and eastern shore are the only neat parts of this mini africa

>tfw I'm the only fucking person in this state who doesn't like crabs or football

Old Olney, Olney is a city in Maryland.

Georgetown Police Station, named after Georgetown, Maryland.

Mt. Vernon...

Need I continue?

Spics and chinks aren't even the worst. The trickle down effect of black people is fucking real.

>Baltimore and DC are shit
>White people move southward to get away from it all
>Black people follow suit
>Things go to shit

It's not based on the amount of rain falling on the property, it's based on the square footage of impervious surfaces.

Stormwater runoff is the fastest growing polluter of the Chesapeake Bay, which is responsible for thousands of jobs. Maryland is the only state that actually makes an effort to protect it, despite five other states and DC being in the watershed.

Maryland jobs are at risk thanks to runoff from PA and others but they refuse to take any responsibility.

i love our flag

p.s. nuke baltimore and pg county, thank you god bless

>doesn't like crabs

Neck yourself.

Georgetown is in DC, but yes, there are numerous Maryland locations in the game, as well as Virginia.

>Not liking Maryland crab

We're spoiled rotten with delicious crab.

lobster > crabs

because your rathole state is 33% DC suburban hellscape 33% baltimore metropolitan shithole and 33% rural fucknothing

shit state

dont ruin it for people, it sounds more stupid when they don't have to clarify anything.

fucker maryland blue crabs are the best kind of crabs. fuck snow crab legs.

Thank God I at least live far away from most cities please my neighborhood is upper class. So at least for me I can relax I guess


Golly gee anons, what will I do with all this [ MISCELLANEOUS WASTE ], there's so dang much! Oh that's right, the Chesapeake Bay!

kill me

Pretty sure it's adjacent to Frederick, Maryland

I live in Dundalk, Maryland, also known as white trash central. Heroine addicts run amok here like no where else

alright fellow maryland anons, here's a hot take for a game

>set in baltimore
>the baltimore docks specifically
>the only type of enemy you fight are rats
>rats of various shapes, not rat men, or rat wizards or anything like that
>just giant boon rats
>co op
>4 player

thank u, i take money in the form of kickstarter please buy my game, thanks Todd Howard.

Wtf don't nuke my homes

Can I pay in crabs though

hey I live in Frederick
first time I've seen my town mentioned on Sup Forums

>that feel when I made the mistake of living in silver spring for a year

how the fuck does a young adult with less than 10k taxable income wind up owing 500 dollars in taxes to a state/county he lived in for less than 6 months

that's a given!

It's right in DC, Google it.

I've lived in the DMV my whole life you're not gonna school me on this.

Where my Montgomery county anons at?

Make the Chesapeake an instant death if you fall in and im on board

I understand your pain. Also old bay seasoning is fucking gross.

me a year ago
it was expensive as shit
the cheap ethnic food was lit though

Over here. Any news from our county lately. I've been busy at work and not bothering catching up on the news

Wheaton is a fucking Mecca of cheap ethnic food

Maryland crabs are a meme

>Brother lives in PG
>Every time I housesit for him he makes sure I know where his gun and bullets are, gives me a quick rundown on how to load it quickly, tells me to always lock the doors even while home

Good times

I don't pay attention to it all either desu

You're right. My bad, I was thinking of Germantown, MD.

>Wasn't The Suffering supposed to be set in Maryland?
it is, on a fictional Alcatraz-like island-prison just off the coast. The second game is set in Baltimore

>Old Bay
Seems like a white person thing really. Old Bay is hot garb

Op's pic of the flag stopped me in my tracks.

Fuck yeah Dirty D

Love crab cakes and crab dip but I've never cared for opening them up myself. Just a ton of pointless hassle.

you're a GENIUS

Damascus, MD? More like Dumbasscus, MD

That's actually pretty sensible. Thanks for the clarification.

It is a lot of work for not a ton of food, but good crabs are just so tasty.

Crab dip on a burger is my shit.

Stop being poor
Take it back! !!

You know if there's one thing I'm glad about maryland is that you can still own and carry a rifle/shotgun without a license. Plus castles doctrine still exists so if someone comes up to you with a knife, boom dead

Glad to see other MDfags here. I grew up in bel air and now live with my gf in Hamilton. I hate the fucking city and we can't wait to move back to harco

>not eating your french fries with a shitton of vinegar and old bay
fucking plebs

The Hitman Blood Money tutorial level was


Also The Wire game

Opening up crabs is great if you're lucky to get really meaty ones. Otherwise yea its a hassle.

pg county is wat i imagine living in syria or pakistan is like you know? except with super white trash and various animals that get into your garbage at night

there was this place nestled about ten minutes from the wheaton mall, with a cricket mobile on one side of it and a checks cashed pawn shop on the other

it was sketchy as shit but I could load the fuck up on food for like seven bucks and it was amazing

No problem.

Protecting the Bay is something we take pretty seriously here. Federal funding is set to be cut by 90% so it's more important than ever now.

Old bay I can respect, but do people actually dump vinegar on their fries? Don't they get soggy?

Old bay on french fries fucking owns, little malt vinegar ain't too bad either. Jonesing for some thrashers now, fuck.

they can't.

Is it still around? Do you remember the name? That's like 5 minutes from my house.

Who /pgcounty/ here?

Name your high school

Annapolis fags report in

>bel air

I grew up there too, probably one of the few bastions of civilization in MD.

Our harbor is pretty /comfy/ i must say minus all the beggers

>not eating your crab cakes with old bay and chipotle mayo

>have the best flag

mmm, feels good.

You sprinkle it on.