Has a non-porn game ever allowed the protag to have an incest relationship?

Has a non-porn game ever allowed the protag to have an incest relationship?

Disregard the fps counter, I'm running my PC on integrated graphics which struggles with this game[/spoiler[

The Witcher 3

i wish ;_;

I think one of the Fire Emblem games let you marry the lord of that game to his sister.

Trails in the Sky features nonblood related
incest between the two MCs

If you mean 8/Sacred Stones, it's not actually true. This has been a running joke for about 15 years.

Infinite Space sortakinda.

I think he's talking about Genealogy, Seliph and Julia are siblings.
Also, there are plenty of cases of cousin incest throughout the series.

fe4 has a fuck ton of incest.

>Has a non-porn game ever allowed the protag to have an incest relationship?

Source now or I fuck my little sister.

>it's okay to have babies with your little sister
t. French royalty

FE Fates lets you marry your non-blood siblings, and your blood-related cousin.

Whelp, im going to hell for this

NBR is garbage that isn't even worth mentioning. Tell me more about this cousin thing, though.

their's two routes, one has you fuck your non-blood siblings (conquest), the other has you fuck your ACTUAL siblings (birthright) and you can fuck the cousin on both

You're only related to Aqua/Azura

yeah well that explanation was a fucking asspull only revealed if you specifically s supported sakura so it barely excuses the fact that for most of the game's romance content your MC is consciously fucking their siblings.

Friendly reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with incest as long as you don't have kids together.

I thought it was revealed in Revalations and that they knew the entire time. I've only played Conquest.

Takei Ooki - Watashi No, Onii-chan I think

>not wanting to make babies with your imouto and create the perfect family

Crusader Kings 2

It's revealed in the s support with sakura that she had some sort of letter from her mom she's kept all these years with instructions to "open it in case you fall in love with your sibling", and that pretty much explains the whole "im not your mother, some other queen".

thats pretty much it.

Same thing happens with Hinoka.

But for reals though, so long as the both of them are consenting adults and they don't have any children, what's so bad about it. I wouldn't do any incesty bullshit ever myself, but why would anyone else give a shit, so long as those two requirements are met?

Yandere little sister who cucks her onii-chan's gf in front of him while she's asleep

Oh well. I love Camilla!

thank you, user.

There's a very small chance of having deformities if it is only the first level on incest.

>the only sexual fantasies ive ever had in my dreams have all involved my little sister
>this has been the case ever since I hit puberty

help, i try fapping to as much older women as I can during the day but that little loli succubus fucks me over every night

Drakengard. In western release it's implied, in Japanese it's rather clear that Caim and his sister have a thing. He basically cucks her husband.

>first level incest
There are levels? I was unaware of this. Has anyone ever reached a level thirty incest?

Ok but is this translated?

First level meaning it's the first time two blood related people have a child, second level would be like if their children had a child together. Level thirty would probably end up as horrifying mole people or something like that.

I don't know if that's really true at all, considering Caim pretty much tells her to fuck off about it later on.

Good taste, user. Hinoka will always be my favourite, but I respect your choice. We're truly blessed to have a game with so
many good sisters

No problem, user.

No but you can play it without learning jap

Did you miss the

>don't have any children


I don't understand why people ship these two. They both have a burning hatred for each other. Camilla threatens Hinoka with death every time they meet. It makes no sense.

>Has anyone ever reached a level thirty incest
The Habsburg dynasty

This thread got a little weird

Oh, I don't ship them, I just enjoy them both equally as the Avatar's older sister-figures, and it's hard to find good artwork of them both that isn't shipping.
Especially since Camilla appreciates tough girls.
>shipping HinokaxCamilla instead of an OT3 with the Avatar

Ass Affect Androgyny

There's nothing wrong with incest bro.

There's nothing deeper than the bond between a pair of siblings in love.

Bleh. She appreciates having them as body guards but nothing romantically. Also, I like to think Camilla is blind in one eye and that's why she has her hair over it.
Whoever Camilla marries, she wants all to herself. (She'll be real eventually, right?)

Has anyone with an incest fetish actually been attracted to their sibling? I've heard of people here being attracted to cousins, but never their brother or sister.

I love the idea of it, but the thought of being with my sister just feels fucking weird and I've never felt anything like that about her.

Yeah, Owain and Lucina can marry in Awakening if I remember, but they aren't the protags.

Reporting in.

Used to steal her panties

Nah. While incest porn and greentexts get me rock hard, I would never even think of doing anything with anybody in my family.

Most people with incest fetish don't have any siblings.

However I probably feel attracted to my sister since she never really grew up with me and we rarely met, but when we did she was always cuddling me and stuff like that. It also helps that I like women older than me too.

I was when I was a kid, now I don't.

did you fug?

Nah, the furthest I tried to go was looking down her pants while she was sleeping.

I don't find my sister attractive, but I would still fuck her if she offered.

Some games with a generation system allow you to create an incest relationship with a bit of planning, but this is rarely closer than cousins and is almost never commented on.

Ordinarily you can't in the Sims games but there are mods to allows for incest relationships, including between teens and adults

True, but since she does appreciate them I imagine once Camilla and Hinoka had a chance to work out their differences - after the Avatar got married, for example, or with a fight for dominance - they would find some common ground and start warming up to each other.
Of course she would, but that's what would make it so good. Two strong, completely devoted girls constantly struggling over who gets to be /the/ Onee-chan and who has to be the secondary one. O-one day, user, we're almost at the dawn of the waifu age!
Cute idea about her eyes, too.

I can see them possibly becoming friends at best.
It must be soon. I must claim my wife.

That's only through a glitch in relatonship mechanics. The game still has plenty of incest. The plot hinges on Deirdre and Alvis, two cousins, bearing a child who will become a vessel for a dark god. There are incestuous couples you can setup, too. Ayra and Holyn are related; likely cousins. Claude is implied to be Sylvia's older brother and they can fall in love. In one of the first drafts for the game, Eldigan and Raquesis, brother and sister, were meant to bear children together. And as in pic related, Shanan can fall in love with his cousin, Larcei.

I think they'd make pretty good friends once they got over their initial issues, since their only main point of contention is that they each want the Avatar all to themself. I guess it would be harder if the Avatar married one of them, since that jealousy would be there. Which is why I like the OT3 solution.
It's going to be soon user, don't give up hope! Actually viable AR soon, and soon after we'll finally be able to enjoy our waifus. I wish you and Camilla many happy years together when it happens!

I don't think Hinoka is that attached, really, but you can imagine what you want I guess.
Thank you. I'll find a way for it to happen. I hope you marry your waifu as well.

None that I know of.
The closest I can think of is Fire Emblem.
If you try to romance hinoka there is heavy incest vibes, up until they pull the "we're not really related my mother is a prophet and predicted this." right out of their fucking asses.
They could have just left it the way it was WITHOUT the asspull, and it would have been perfectly fine.

I also wish there was more of "love blossoming between mortal enemies."
Kind of like pic related, but with real people.

I faped whit my onee-san pantsu once

Yeah, I haven't told anyone because it still confuses me and it's dismissed as pasta on here.
I think it was when my older sister "molested me" when I was like 4
She'd use to say "Do you want to pretend that we're in college." and lay me down on the couch. She'd get on top of me and kiss me and all I could think was "why does her breath stink"
This happened for a few years until it stopped.
More than a decade later she had asked me out of the blue if I remembered pretending to be in college. I said no.
I wonder what would have happened if I said yes?
Should I confront her?

Thanks user! Take care.

>I also wish there was more of "love blossoming between mortal enemies."
I agree, there should be more games where you can romance your enemies. I honestly can't think of any that do it, instead of it being planned but cut.

yeah there was one user from Sup Forums and his sister dunno if it was true

You too.

>I wonder what would have happened if I said yes?
Lewdness, probably. You missed your chance, user.
Or possibly an apology. Depends on if she's cute, user. How long ago did she ask You could bring it up again to gauge her reaction, and if she gets all worried/apologetic just feign ignorance and ask what she meant by it because it sounded weird

You mean Ziplock-kun? I have the whole set of images if anyone wants me to dump it.

while not specific to that question, i think caim and his sister had a round with each other in drakengarde, its either implied or stated

go for it user.

Ok, I hope you like happy(?) endings.


That was a wild ride. Did he ever update again after the happy ending with best girl?


That depends on how you define best girl.

I forgot how much there was to this.

That game is fucking boring as shit
Overwatch has better waifus and gameplay.

And last part.

Sorry, here it is.


There is literally nothing wrong with incest in this current age.
Back then people worried about gene degradation, but we have so many ways to prevent pregnacy and millions of other ways to flush an accident that it becomes a non-issue.

Thanks user, you're the best!

>There is literally nothing wrong with incest in this current age.
Sure if you're Japanese or White American

I can't think of a race outside of Koreans that actively avoid fucking their own siblings.

>tfw Korean
>cousin incest is also looked down upon
It's not fair

>even if it did it would be fake

Yeah. Don't think I could pull the trigger if it came down to it, but I definitely find her physically attractive.
Well, I did before she went to college and got fat and dumb, anyway. Makes my life easier, at any rate.

I actually developed the fetish because I acted on them first with my nieces.
Granted, they were a few years older than me so I didn't know it was considered taboo, but by then I was hooked.
It's also well-known within my family that a few of our cousins did things together due to how many times they got caught.

I really like mom/son play, but I have zero interest in fucking my actual mom.

I like every form of incest.but I'm not attracted to my mother or sister. Partially because I'm black.

Meh. I'm not really attracted to anyone in my family but still get a hard on from both Mother/son and Brother/sister porn. Normal porn doesn't really do it for me anymore though, so when I specifically want to think about it I go to either /d/ or /tg/'s CYOA threads and search, upload one of the like 3 incest cyoas I have downloaded on my computer, and imagine myself in a new life with DTF family.