Devil survivor 3

what does Sup Forums want from devil survivor 3

To exist and be on anything but the 3DS.

>wanting it to be on the switch

what are you a bitch

Because I'd have a bunch of manchildren calling me a sonybro if I said no switch and I didn't want to kill the thread so early.

More tits, ass and pussy.

for the story to not be as ultra fucking weeb as 2 cause god damn could i not stand that shit past the faggy intro with how fucking anime they decided to fucking.

Why was this series abandoned so early.
Atlus needs to keep all the branches of SMT alive
And bring back demikids too

More 3D effects

>Why was this series abandoned so early.
don't give me this bullshit record breaker was Released two years ago



Hopefully it's more DeSu1 than DeSu2. It was much more analytically thorough in discussing what goes on within a catastrophe, and you dealt with the issues like food/energy shortages and crime surges. Oddly enough DeSu2 is on a much larger scale but doesn't really, like, care, and felt way too light in tone most of the time.

Also needs a major focus on demons again, surviving against them and using old mythology stories in interesting ways. Whoever thought the giant talking abstract furniture in 2 was a good idea needs to be kicked in the dick.

Anything but fucking japan/toyko.

china/russia/usa/mexico, anything but toyko pls.

that's literally just a port

You are idiots that need to stop playing japanese games

Theoretically they could do it on a space station that gets invaded by demons. No chance of other countries though unless it's worldwide with a focus on Japan.

they added a second campaign which is more content try again, nigger

>space station
we already have strange journey which is currently getting a remake

More Yasuda

I don't think they abbandoned it, the whole thing with Index delayed DeSu 2 for too long and the 3DS is too old for a proper sequel.

2nd one actually utilized demons often and according to myth, like using shiki ouji to absorb attacks and shit for you. It was always neat seeing what demons they'd pull out and for what purpose.

That said the thing about 1 is that it was primarily about surviving, while two was dealing with the epidemic. You had more power in two, which made the entire situation less dire. Sleeping in a park and wondering if the solider over there is going to shoot you is a much graver situation than sleeping in an air conditioned room and accusing the soldier of being a pervert. I also hope it has a similar feeling to the first game.

I want it to not happen and instead they make a good game.

What will be the main color this time?

Put it on consoles, the Digimon games have pretty good models that really bring out Yasuda's work.

For it to be on Switch.
It'll probably be a thing by 2019 honestly.

How well does it run on Citra?

Overclocked is almost perfect on my shit comp

it should be on pc, swtich in ps4

how likely is it that it will be on each of those platforms

-50%, 40% and 0% respectively.

what makes you say it won't be on ps4 the're putting smt hd on the ps4 even though the've dumped a whole lot of smt games on the ds/3ds

>smt hd on the ps4
That was never confirmed.

Make it even harder. Or have bosses as interesting as the Septentriones. Either works.

More like 1 than 2, but I love the direction the story of 2 went with the whole evil genius setting. More games need that sort of cosmology.

So if there was a way to play through the plot of 2 in the style of 1, that would be great.
Also, a true independent route would be interesting.

Also this. Will never happen, especially after how triggered japs were that the Strange Journey protag was an American (which did not matter in the slightest), but it's on my wishlist.

I want to have a foursome with Otome Fumi and Makoto

So Fumi would tie you down, Otome would bully Makoto into raping you, and Otome would run back-up getting all of your places stimulated while Fumi stuck things in places to get data while Airi schlicks furiously outside the door.

And Joe is there, but nobody notices him.

Holy shit, if 2 had let you travel to other cities across the world to see how they're fighting back the void with their own anti-void structures that would have been amazing.

Space Marine is japanese in the ip version of the game.

pls nerf multi strike and pierce combo

>And Joe is there, but nobody notices him.