I only upgrade parts when they break.
When they circle back around to 9800 -series cards then I'll buy one.
What do you do? Hoard all of your perfectly functional electronics and never use them again?
i have a console
What brand of GTX 1080 should I waste money on?
Of course and with pride
When the 1070 drops to $200ish I'll buy one or a 1080 at $300 if I'm feeling extra saucy.
why not the Ti? You do know Volta is coming out this year, right?
>theyre still upgrading
just buy a cheap 380 and stop giving those jews money
I mean, I have considered it since the "fixed" EVGA cards are still like $550 and the SC2 1080ti is only like, 160 more
But I have a 1080p lol60hz monitor and can't replace it any time soon
And halt R&D?
how do I play at 1440 144hz then
Then don't upgrade at all until you can get both atst
$300 1070.
Semi poorfag, thinking about getting a 1050 ti at somepoint.
Yeah I should probably just get a 1070 and save the $300 for a new monitor, but those 1080's tempt me
470 is better and cheaper tho
Really? I'll look into it.
like this
I have one are really like it. But a 470 is probably better value if your power supply can handle it.
Advantage to the 1050ti is that it doesn't need a power cable
Advantage to the 470 is that it crushes the 1050ti price/perf wise but uses more power.
I just returned my GTX 1080 ftw 2.
I had that, an nvidia shield TV, and an Acer Predator X34.
I'm glad I got rid of that bullshit. I never could get games to run right on the shield when my PC was hooked up to that X34. Everything wanted to stay at 21:9.
I wanted the best of both worlds. Play 21:9 games at my desk and stream at 4K to my 4K tv. Well, it's a pain in the ass when you try to do that.
Waiting on Newegg to get another batch of EVGA 1080Ti SC2's in. Hopefully the gods will smile on me and the preorder will land me a card.
Pray for me boys...
This is my first current gen card, and I'm so happy.
Own a 1060 for now but eventually will upgrade to a 1080 in the fall, got bills to pay for now.
Probably whatever Nvidia wants to sell me in couple of years. I'm really disappointed in AMD and their empty promises.
Good to know, I've meaning to upgrade my PSU anyway.
This is the only answer as I don't think anything from nvidia is supposed to come out anytime soon.
>1440p 144hz
Sure thing, senpai
preferably vega but will settle with a $250 1070 or fury if my 290 shits itself
should have given it to me senpai 8)
What's a good 4TB HDD to stick all my /m/ BD rips on?
Can someone post the image of 2b hitting a chest and 9s saying he wishes the chest was him?
use it well
on a 390X waiting for Volta/Navi
Look at this fag, he thinks he knows what hes talking about.
I'm broke as fuck right now.
>not hometown mommy
New PC shipping with a 1070 8gb OC. It's not the best but got a pretty good deal on it. Think it'll be overkill for non 4k shit for a while
save up senpai
>328 lbs
>in that frame
>buying anything from chinkegg
I will, my lord.
Good luck to you in your ventures as well.
They've been good to me so far. Though I'd love an absolute guarantee that I'd get a card, so there's that.
Any of you guys know if HDMI 1.4 transmits HDR at 4K? I only get 1080p HDR on TW3
When is volta anyway, I want $400 1080ti performance
Is Automata ever getting cracked?!
Q3 this year
Just buy it, publishers will start putting efforts into ports if we support them; within reason of course
Just upgraded to a 1080, paid 400 for it and sold my 970 for 200.
Looking like I'm going to have to throw another hundred bucks at it though because the stock founders edition coolers are hot garbage.
>Just buy it, publishers will start putting efforts into ports if we support them; within reason of course
no they won't you moron. it's just business.
Please someone help me
I built a PC close to 2 years ago, sold an XB1 and PS4 to help fund it. I've spent less than 5% of my total time on it playing games. Around a $1000 PC and I just browse the internet on it. I spend far more time looking at gaming news than I spend playing games. I have no desire to upgrade my PC because I know it'd be a waste of money.
I bought a Nintendo Switch as well and I don't use it, maybe I'll play it more often when Mario Kart is out. I like discussing games, but I just don't enjoy playing them much anymore.
retard alert; doesn't know what customer expectations are
an irrelevant subject
I save them until I can use them to upgrade my younger brothers computer.
I think Volta comes out sometime next year but Vega needs to get out the god damned door quick, I really don't want to buy an Nvidia GPU
I don't upgrade my PC.
Had to google what a video card even is.
I just sold my RX480 I might go pick up a 1080ti if there's no info on Vega by the end of may.
I'm waiting for the RX 580's power draw issues to get sorted out
>480 at launch ran better with an underclock
>580 at launch ran better with an underclock
I don't know why people buy AMD hardware on day 1.
>Upgraded from 770 I'd been stuck with for years to a fresh build with a 1080
>Even more annoying when issues crop up
yeah for a complete fool, no doubt that would be irrelevant.
Watch as you tank stock at a company as you fuck them over because good management was irrelevant to you
Did you get flickering every 2 seconds and snow like artifacts all over your screen?
I had to return the card for those reasons
Not that guy but I had that issue replaced 3 cards with asus and then they said it was my fault and just wouldn't accept my return anymore.
this is why i lift
So far the card itself is working fine, I just keep coming up with things that it has issues running.
what in the fuck... you had to settle for a DOA card?
I wonder if this is a new memory issue with GDDR5X, I heard they were using bad yields