Do you go to video game bars?

Do you go to video game bars?


What the fuck is a videogame bar?

Is that a bar where you play videogames alone but in the middle of other people and all of you pretend to not be desperately lonely faggots while you drink yourself into a coma?

Why would I go to a video game bar when I have everything I want to play at home, can buy my own beer for much cheaper and play with others online?


No they're all multiplayer games


fucking cringe.

look up ignite chicago. not the same one i went to, but smae thing

t. lonefag


t. op

hang yourself idiot.

>being a reddit normie

I have a baby, I'm not going to a bar again in a long ass time. Looking at that picture, I think I'll take shit diapers and spit up and being too tired to do anything but shitpost in my little bits of free time to going to that place.

Lol sure buddy.

>Not normalfag

Do you eat shit?

There's your answer

No, but the bar I go to plays Rick and Morty

It's not that hard to do, most Sup Forumsirgins are just self-defeating faggots who've fallen for the feminine penis meme.

Sounds like a gay bar


inb4 assmad christfags

Fuck, I'm feeling claustrophobic just looking at that.

Why would shit tier nihilism ass ravage anybody in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Seventeen?

Went to one in LA. Rather go to my local LAN center with an ice chest in the jeep.

I'm not talking about the baby having and wife. I'm talking about that sounding better

I dunno man, you tell me.

A lan part in 2011+6?