>Final boss is the tutorial guy
Final boss is the tutorial guy
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Name one game that isn't Bomberman 64 that does this
dragons dogma
gta 5
>final level starts you with a leg in one hand and a brerb in the other
>Final boss is a couple of Ganondorfs
>the Japanese ending hints at a sequel when the US version doesn't
>the final boss wears a mask
Arguably Bravely Default/Second.
>final boss won't make you a sandwich
NInja Gaiden
>Don't get elected captain in Blackwake
>Final boss says no more hugs
>final boss thinks you're a big boy
He can drop dead
>Tutorial guy kills you at the end of the game. Sue me I was curious what was inside.
Pokemon Sun and Moon
Hey Sup Forums, Will you make me a sandwich?
Warioland 3
Magicka, though not final boss.
>That isnt Bomberman
My nigga
Really most pokemon games. Gen 1 also did this. Unless you count Prof. Oak as the tutorial guy, but you really learn how to fight against Dicks.
>boss begins the fight sitting in a wheelchair then stands up when he decides to not hold back any longer
>Betrayed by literally the most obvious person in the cast
The Legendary Starfy
tales of the abyss
Not the tutorial guy exactly, but Ninja Gaiden Black.
Why Sigma isn't a good version again?. It looks the same to me.
thanks for spoiling you fucking faggot
>Not healing right before a boss
> Final boss is the soul that was designated to fuse into the shell which you control
> Fighting the final boss twice i different forms.
Viewtiful Joe
Final Fantasy 1 kinda
>removing the mask results in extreme pain
> for you
>Boss battle is guy in your party
>final boss sits in the court and is his own star witness
>Boss is someone you know but with amnesia turned against you
>The tutorial section is part of the final boss
> game makes you turn in weapons to progress the story and never get them back
Never forget
>Party Member betray's you
>He takes all the equipment and items you attached on him with him
Fuck you Sacred Stones
Toriel was the tutorial though
Bully sorta
>You were dreaming.
>The boss is your waifu turned evil giant and you have to climb her
>there's another boss after the final boss
>Final boss was impersonating one of the characters, who was actually dead the whole time so you can't even tell if thats their actual personality or the imposter's
Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt.
How come he don't want me man?
>Final boss is god but then you become godder
>tutorial guy is you in the future
Thats why you take all his stuff and use him as a meat shield for that mission
I am pretty sure Breath of Fire 2 did this.
modern warfare 2
Super Paper Mario?
Technically both Mario and Luigi Partner's in Time, and Bowser's Inside Story
Stick RPG 2
But only the Director's Cut
>music changes based how fight is going
Bravely Default
Bully... Check your privileges Faggot
>Boss tells you to kill her
Kamidori Alchemy Meister
Was thinking more of Masked Man from Mother 3
Jade empire
>Final Boss just stands their bitching after you fucked his power over
>If you let him ramble on his bitch fit the cocky gunslinger will kill him instead
I'm sorry Klaus
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
I can't believe no one said this yet. You guys disappoint me.
It's just Red / Blue and Sun / Moon
In all of the other games, the Champion comes in later
Reaver was the best
>You are the final boss
Dunn is the tutorial guy.
Sigma is the better version, don't believe the hype.
Sigma 2 sucks though. Avoid at all costs.
>Guy walks you through a separated tutorial mode and acts as its boss
>Don't meet him again in the main game until partway through
>By the time you reach him he's dead
Love this when it's done right.
how is that even a spoiler
>game is named DRAGON'S dogma
>dragon shows up and literally says you are destined to kill him
MGS on the PSone
Grigori is not the final boss
Megaman Zero 3
Can we talk about this god tier game?
literally the meta of Project M 3.5
Who else was gonna teach you that it was kill or be killed? Technically still part of the tutorial.
Grigori isn't the final boss, user.
>beat final boss
>new game+ gives you a pizza hut in the garage
man, Dragon Quest 8 was such a great DQ game
>ywn lick the vein of Dhoulmagus!Jessica's breast
>Boss is also optional and is stronger than the final boss who is literally God.
Holy shit one of my favorite parts of that game. Mostly unexpected and really threw you for a loop only having 3 of your usual 4 to work with.
>Party member dies
>Check his room
>All of his equipment is in a box for you to pick up again.
Bomberman 64
Now you're a sandwich.
>Comic relief character is actually one of the best and well written