>Dad walks in
Dad walks in
Other urls found in this thread:
>not fapping with your dad
are you gay, son?
your dad is pretty hot OP
>Dad walks out
hey dad, time for another blowie?
*shove dads fat cock into mouth*
>Dad asks for modlist
that's hot that's a hot way to live
>dad says your waifu is nexus trash
>dad walks out
>You walk in
>Dad walks in
got a giggle out of me
>*sigh of relief* I was beginning to think you were gay user
>Are you winning?
>tab the game asap
>a Sup Forums trap thread was underneath it
skyrim character thread?
>Your mother and I are getting a divorce.
Uncensored pics where?
>dad walks in
>playing seran kagura
>shit dad you scared me! wanna play together?
>mom walks in
>fondled my big fat man boobs
Katsuragi is my mom btw
Could be worse, you could have been caught using loverslab
>Implying that's worse then getting caught using plebnexus
it's my character so i gottem just don't wanna get banned by gay mods
Are ya winning, son?
>"When are you going to get a fucking job and move out? Your mother wants you to start a family, but we all know that shit isn't going to happen unless you can afford to buy one of those Asian brides."
>Dad doesn't walk in because he thinks your hobbies are stupid and a waste of money but he won't say it to your face but you've heard it from your mom when you visited her and she was in the mood to shit on him.
Some people should simply not be parents.
i just have the face save and im too lazy to do a montage
not bad man. if you used an ENB she'd look even better.
>Dad died some years ago
i use one but with low settings. I play the game on legendary with a shitload of difficulty enhancing mods, i need my 60fps
Underrated posts
can only polish a turd so much, user.
>dick unzips
do they fug?
My dad left us
>user: dad it's not w-what it looks like, it's n-not
>Dad: ...
>user: d-dad I -
>Dad: your mother used to look like that
>Dad: before she got you
>Dad: everything, you ruined everything in my life
>user: ...
you can make it pretty decent believe it or not
Children in this game look like sentient potatoes.
>nobody walks in because I live a maddening solitary existence
post an imgur album link of this hot purple bitch now
rate my loli
>dad dies
>life gets unilaterally better
>Playing Skyrim
>Choose a female character
>Make a cute nord barbarian loli
>Dad walks in and says "Why are you playing as a little girl?"
>Think of a lie and say "I'm forced to play as one"
>He says "No you're not, your uncle has this game and he's able to play as a man"
>"Well, I thought it would be fun to play as a little girl killing stuff"
>Dad gives me a funny look, "You ain't getting fruity on me, are you?"
>I start to laugh and say "No, sir."
>He decides to just leave
>Make the decision to never tell him I'm bisexual
do you guys actually play the game ?
>dad dies
>become homeless
What else is there to do?
I just became a dad and this post makes me sad
I don't get it. I've played Fallout 4 for around 40 hours, finished the main story once, and I've not seen any cats yet.
thanks user
got any more of her to share?
>dad walk out
>he never comes back
not so much anymore because it's boring. play oblivion now, much more fun.
masturbate ?
Quite a bit actually, character looks like normal (albeit huge) with armor on
I just strip her when I want to beat off and then go back to adventuring when I'm done
good taste user, she is top tier
He walked out a long time ago
i played skyrim first and cant fucking enjoy oblivion. believe me i tried
Sorry user, it wasn't my intent. There are a lot of great dads out there
not ones worth posting. i was pretty drunk when i took those screenshots, the ones i posted are the best ones.
where did the tits go ?
mat_fullbright 1/10
let it inspire you to do your best, user
>tfw cloak hovers above my shoulders
enchanted armor or something. Real answer is I'm too lazy to figure out how outfit studio works and make custom big titty armor
Post 'em on Imgur and put a link here
>trying to into enb
>some presets are either too dark, too eye wrenching bright, or doesn't change anything
Can someone recommend some nice enb?
Currently using opethfeldt but it's not really working out.
right here user
wish he had more
i'm glad you think so. i'm pretty bad at making skyrim waifu's and it took me awhile to even to this point. could be a lot better but i have at least some semblance of a life so not much time to autistically make 3d titty monsters all day.
bodyslide that shit mang
you have a mental illness
Don't feel bad, user, Oblivion is not good and it IS worse than Skyrim. The quests are nowhere near good enough to redeem how mechanically dull it is to play. I find it far, far easier to replay Morrowind than Oblivion and Oblivion was the first TES game I played, not even nostalgia googles can save it for me.
a little bit probably
Yes, dad
I am winning
>He didn't download Rs children or any mods that change the kids
there was a bandit who literally followed me over half the map lol. and yeah the battle are shit
ive heard the guild quest were good but the battle system turned me off before i could try those
everytime i try those mod they either dont work, work poorly or fuck my game. and when a literally-who-care mod dont work instantly i dont waste my time with it
So this is the power of PC gaming....
More purple tits
Are skyrim mods that hard to install?
Can I do anime-ish characters well?
I just want to make my waifu and live with her
cmon the quest's are way more interesting then skyrim's
Is this an IT AINT ME reference?
All it means is you guys are absolute fucking plebs who prefer muh epik dragons and muh epik kewl armor and weapons over Oblivion, which is an light action RPG, and Morrowind which is a bona fide RPG. Literally only thing Skyrim does better is graphics, everything else is simplified from previous games or streamlined for modern gamers. So many mechanics were removed that shouldn't have been like actual classes and perks, and things like spell crafting.
Who is your waifu?
For the record opethfeldt isn't bad, it's just that the fucking sky is fucking blinding and fire and magic effects are hard to look at while it's dark as shit at night.
I know nothing about configuring enb settings, but if someone can point to what values i can fuck with, that would probably be better than trying different enb presets.
Also amateur cap.
Is there a mod that adds a loli race?
mod list, now
Modding is easy as fuck, it's just time-consuming as fuck due to the sheer volume of near essential mods. And the more you install, the higher the chance that you'll get random crashes that are a bitch to troubleshoot. Overall, I wouldn't recommend it unless you're extremely autistic.
well my dumbass forgot the cap
It's a cat in a cradle with a silver spoon reference.
>tfw your dad can't walk in because of his bad knees
>tfw he was an army man and mechanic all of his life
>tfw his knees gave out on him, he has arthritis and can't lift weights, and his back got messed up
>tfw he went from 5'3" 190 pounds, mostly muscle, to 5'3" 460 pounds
>tfw all he does is play video games and eat now, knowing full well that he's going to die from his destructive habbits
Don't let your body give out on you, Sup Forums. Stay skinny, not /fit/.
inverted titties
But that's not really saying much and compared to other RPGs they aren't all that interesting at all. And Oblivion does have the single worst quest in the entire franchise in it, Paranoia. That one is just so fucking obnoxious.